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ReACL error : "Result code: 0 Unable to process Print Server System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005)" (4331885)

While doing a ReACL of a server or workstation you encounter an error: ... The ReACL process tries to enumerate all the printers configured on the machine. ... It is not able to as the Print Spooler service is disabled.

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 17.02.2025
NA rating | 3099 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Reacl Errors "Error,FolderUpdater,Unable to update item security for 'C:\ProgramData\Sentinel': CreateFile: Access is denied" (4328740)

How do we fix and avoid these errors? ... Antivirus application has locked this folder from use, or user does not have permissions to access the folder ... The following link to online help explains the process, and lists the default folders excluded from ReACL

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory, Migrator...
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 13.02.2025
NA rating | 6258 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
DirSync for AD: A value in the request does not comply with certain constraints. The attribute was: (userPrincipalName) Error during CreateObject (4314878)

A number of users objects were not able to sync to the Target AD. ... The bellow error was received in the Sync Log. ... More details in the attached Message file. ... A value in the request does not comply with certain constraints.

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.01.2025
NA rating | 1872 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Azure Server Cutover | Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ComputerName'. The argument is null or empty. (4232642)

The argument is null or empty. ... Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try command again. ... Property SearchList does not exist at path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 01.01.2025
NA rating | 2756 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Migrating BitLocker Keys (4369429)

Devices can be successfully migrated from the source Active Directory to the Target Active Directory with BitLocker installed. ... However, the BitLocker keys themselves do not sync from source to target.

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 03.01.2025
5 rating | 3658 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
An account with the same name exists in Active Directory. Re-using the account was blocked by security policy. (4373025)

When attempting to perform a domain join where you have pre-created the computer accounts in the target domain, or when a computer tries to rejoin the source domain during a rollback event, the following error is encountered: An account with the same name exists in Active Directory.

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Migrator Pro for Active Directory, Migration...
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 02.01.2025
3 rating | 39688 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
ODMAD | After Applying AD Filter it is not Reading any Object (4372776)

ODM AD read workflow does not read AD Object from the source and target tenant if LDAP filter been added into the environment. ... Possible typo or LDAP query is not valid. ... Double-confirm by running the LDAP query on a domain to confirm the Query output the value as expected before applying the LDAP query on the filter<br><br>One of the troubleshooting steps is to Utilize ADUC to verify by creating an LDAP query test <br>1) Right-click on Saved Queries &gt; New &gt; Query ( <em>Sample screenshot below</em>)

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Directory Sync Pro for Active Directory, Migrator...
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 03.01.2025
NA rating | 1336 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
MPAD | How to validate and what is difference of 'Windows Services' and 'Windows Service Accounts' in device REACL Profile (4378003)

Windows Services: Selected by default. ... The Windows Services option will ensure that any source domain accounts that were given permission to a service will include the corresponding matched target domain account after a ReACL process.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 20.12.2024
NA rating | 426 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
MPAD | During Setup Error 27502. could not connect to Microsoft SQL server. Client unable to establish connection (10054) (4377365)

Error 27502. could not connect to Microsoft SQL server. ... Client unable to establise connection (10054) ... Possible cause ... Environment chiper encryption setting from server to SQL server is not met.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Exchange, Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 23.10.2024
NA rating | 1651 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
ERROR: Unable to update Registry key (4374858)

Getting the following error during a ReACL ERROR: Unable to update Registry key Admin account does not have permissions to the registry key. ... In this case, the recommendation is to add an exclusion in the device reacl profiles.<br><br>1.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 18.09.2024
NA rating | 690 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Results code: 128. The upload failed to contact the server. Please verify the URL is correct and BITS is enabled." (4370261)

The upload failed to contact the server. ... Please verify the URL is correct and BITS is enabled.&quot; The error message &quot;Results code: 128. ... Upload failed to contact the server. ... Please verify the URL is correct and BITS is enabled.&quot; typically indicates that there is an issue with the URL or the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) on your computer or the IIS configuration <h4 id="TOPIC-1707957">In this case, the issue is related to the initial installation of the product since the upload folder is missing on the default website.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 18.09.2024
NA rating | 644 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Unable to register device (4376817)

Error: Unable to register device &quot;computer&quot; on domain &quot;domain.local&quot;<br>Error thrown from the server: &lt;!-- In this case only one site can have https not both i.e.<br><br>If DirSync is using HTTPS, Default website cannot use https and registration has to be done over port 80.<br><br>If Default website is using HTTPS i.e. for device registration then DirSync dashboard cannot use 443https. 1. Default Website – Bind the SSL Certificate<br>2. DirSync – Bindings – No SSL<br>Restart IIS

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 28.08.2024
NA rating | 562 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Group Membership not syncing (4376595)

Group membership is syncing for the majority of groups for a user but one group is not syncing membership for that user - there is no errors Is a user object has their primary group set to a specific group rather than domain users we cannot sync that users membership of that specific group.<br><br>This is due to the fact that an ldap query cannot find this users membership of that group.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 05.08.2024
NA rating | 654 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Mapped Field Migrate Multi Value Attributes (4376512)

BinaryTree Directory Sync and perform the sync again.<br><br>This only works with the GA version which is 20.11.1

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 25.07.2024
NA rating | 350 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
is DFS share is supported on BT Migrator Pro? (4376546)

DFS is not directly supported - there are complexities about DFS in this case the user needs to determine/work out. ... We speak to the system over CIFS/SMB protocols. ... This need to be tested in a lab.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 30.07.2024
NA rating | 617 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Where to download the Migrator Pro for Active Directory Software (4376383)

You do not know where to download the Migrator Pro for Active Directory You are unaware of how to download the software You can browse all software via this link<br><br><br><br>You can download the latest version of Migrator Pro for Active Directory directly using<br><br>

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 16.07.2024
NA rating | 550 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Error During ReACL: Result code: 0 Unable to update Registry key: "The data area passed to a system call is too small" (4324938)

<div>This indicates we are not able to access the registry key. ... This can be worked around by excluding this registry key so it will not be processed during ReACL. ... This can be done from Device ReACL Profile.</div>

Produkt(e): On Demand Migration, Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 28.06.2024
1 rating | 8556 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
CUTOVER Result code: 262144 Target Domain Name could not be resolved via existing DNS, and new DNS (4376238)

CUTOVER Result code: 262144 Target Domain Name could not be resolved via existing DNS, and new DNS ... This issue is related to the DNS resolution is case-sensitive. ... The NSlookup results in an all caps, it gets compared to the Credentials target domain name ( FQDN of Domain) which may be in lower case, so the comparison results in a negative, so it fails.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 28.06.2024
2 rating | 1278 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined. (4375810)

Try to get agent communication working on a new deployment. ... Test agents deployed are not registering with the console, event logs shows unable to register. ... Error seems to be about invalid permissions, possibly on the url (ie. IIS).

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 22.05.2024
NA rating | 984 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Device cutover without domain join (4375230)

When the client devices already are joined to the target domain.<br>In the situation when clients are pushed into BT to have them in the database. ... Then re-acl just works fine.<br><br>In this situation you cannot do a cutover for the client without configuring/executing domain re-join.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 02.04.2024
NA rating | 506 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
High memory usage (4375132)

High memory usage specially after running group sync switch is to prevent BTServer from loading up the reports into memory. ... <h2>Disable the initialization of the sync report</h2> ... <p>A configuration option can be used in the appSettings section of the config file to disable the initialization of the sync report.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 15.03.2024
NA rating | 850 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
ADPro: How to run a manual ReACL through the command line (4316911)

ADPro: How to run a manual ReACL through the command line <p>If a device is unable to be picked up by the AD Pro console or if there are environmental settings, you do not wish to change to allow it to be picked up by the console.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 25.03.2024
NA rating | 2705 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
Cannot save the profile when changing service account passwords. (4374813)

A change in the password to the target or source service account connection on the profile will not allow the save button on the top right corner to save the changes to the service account password.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 12.02.2024
NA rating | 663 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
ReACL failed System.FormatException: SID map file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Binary Tree\ADPro Agent\map.usr' must contain at least one entry (4374921)

(BT-ReACL) Result code: 2 ReACL failed System.FormatException: SID map file &#39;C:\Program Files (x86)\Binary Tree\ADPro Agent\map.usr&#39; must contain at least one entry The source dc needs to resolve the target dc via reverse dns lookup #02341154

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 23.02.2024
1 rating | 1000 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
SQL deadlock Exception in ProcessUsers on user (SQL ID: (4374771)

While running profiles logs in sync show the following detail in log files shows when performing a profile run over user objects on table bt_person: <br><br>Error Exception in ProcessUsers on user (SQL ID: 65705)<br>Transaction (Process ID 70) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.

Produkt(e): Migrator Pro for Active Directory
Letzte Aktualisierung am: 07.02.2024
NA rating | 906 Aufrufe
Knowledge Article
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