First, make sure the new servers meet the minimum requirements
The basic upgrade steps are:
- Backup the CA database
- Export the configuration to XML (From Administration tasks go-to action menu > export > tick coordinator and Ok)
- Export your private searches and alerts (from search tab > right-click the folder or search and choose export)
- Stop the Coordinators in case you have multiple
- Take note of the installation name (can check it from the coordinator system tray icon, right-click > coordinator status)
- Upgrade the Coordinator(s) or install the new coordinator(s) (Make sure to use the same installation name)
(When the Coordinator starts and initializes after the upgrade, it will start the DB upgrade process. Note: Any Coordinator
that has not been upgraded, will not be able to connect to the upgraded DB.)
- Upgrade the Client(s) or install the new Client(s)
- Make sure the coordinator is up and running (on the system tray coordinator icon > right-click > choose coordinator status)
- Connect with a client and verify the agents connecting with the new coordinator.
- Upgrade the Agents (can be done via deployment tab or locally using the MSI)
(Make sure the minimum requirements are met for the agent servers/workstations, if you running some old servers that
are not compatible with the newer agent you can leave them with the old agent as it will still connect and collect events).
Note: The user account that you are logged on with while running the upgrade needs to have local Administrator rights on the Coordinator(s) and be a member of the Domain Admins group in the domain where the Coordinator(s) reside.
It is strongly recommended to read the installation guide for more details on the upgrade section before start the upgrade process.