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'Device is not ready' error message appears when trying to use the search function.
When users try to use the search function in the Archive Manager WebUI, a "Device is not ready" error message is returned.
Environment Details: Archive Manager 4.7.1 Windows 2008 R2 Virtual 4 vCPUs and 16Gb RAM. SQL 2008 Windows 2008 R2 Virtual 4 vCPUs and 16Gb RAM. Web Server Windows 2008 R2 Virtual 4vCPUs and 4Gb RAM. Exchange Server Exchange 2010 SP1 RU5 Windows 2008 R2 Virtual 4 vCPUs and 16Gb RAM. All Exchange servers are virtual with NetApp disks attached via SnapDrive. Moderate to high usage for 1000 users.
There is a possibility that the hard drives from Archive Manager and SQL Servers were very busy at that point in time and/or Archive Manager and SQL Servers are under spec’d for the amount of work that needed to be carried out. Rebooting the Archive Manager in a quiet time to refresh connectivity and any memory leaks does help, but not in this instance.
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