Moving data between HSM Stores
Prerequisite: The destination store should already be created and tested before starting this process
To move data between HSM stores you can use an HSM task.
Note: If you are looking to moving the store itself to a new location this can be accomplished easier by performing the steps in this KB:
1. Open the Archive Manager Configuration Utility on your HSM server and select the HSM tab on the left. Select the Tasks tab at the top.
2. Click the Create button and select Advanced...
3. Select the source store and give this task a name and click next
4. In the Task Operations window select Create... and choose Store Operation
5. Select Move for the operation type and select the target store. After selecting the target store click the Generate button to automatically generate the appropriate name for the operation and click OK
6. After creating the operation click the arrow to add it to the selected operations for the task and click Next
7. The next screen will allow you to setup specific filters to determine what files will be moved
HSM tasks can be used to transfer files between HSM stores based on any of the following criteria:
Note: Files cannot be moved based on message properties such as sender, recipient, etc as this data is not stored in the HSM. The HSM contains the raw data about all archived files from all sources but does not track message information
Filter based on schema - If you use multiple schemas for archiving, you can select all files archived with a specific schema to be moved
Filter based on expired files - Select files which are past the retention period but still exist in the archive
Filter based on FileID number - Every file stored in the HSM is given a unique File ID and these are assigned in order beginning with 1. Files can be selected based on their File ID number in the archive
Filter based on creation date - Filter files based on the date they were stored in the archive
Note: Don't forget to factor in deduplication! A message archived today that contains an attachment that was archived previously will not create a new file in the HSM for today
Filter based on file size - Allows you to specific files larger than, smaller than, or within a size range you specify
8. After setting up the desired filter click Next to proceed to the scheduling page
9. Select the option for Active and specify the schedule you would like to use for the task. By default the task will be configured to run anytime. Click Finish to complete the creation of the task
10. After creating the task it needs to be started. Start the task by clicking the Action menu and choose the option for Start
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