In order to prevent the default exchange 2010 throttling policy from impacting UC Analytics ability to connect to Exchange 2010, and properly collect information, it is recommended to create an unrestricted throttling policy and apply that policy to the UC Analytics Service account.
In order to prevent the default Exchange 2013 throttling policy from impacting UC Analytics ability to connect to Exchange 2013, and properly collect information. ... It is recommended to create an unrestricted throttling policy, and apply that policy to the UC Analytics Service account.
Please verify if the specified user account has sufficient rights to retrieve Exchange configuration from Active Directory. ... Make sure that the account that is configured to run the Data Engine Service is a member of the Domain Users and the Exchange Organizational Management Group.
You can choose Basic authentication or Modern authentication (OAuth 2.0) as the authentication method when configuring the Exchange Online data sources. ... In the above data sources, you can choose the version (V1 or V2) of Exchange Online PowerShell Module that you would like to use, if you have selected Modern authentication (OAuth 2.0) as the authentication method.
Need data on when users last logged into Skype for Business/Lync. ... Currently, UC Analytics does not gather the last time users logged into Skype for Business/Lync or the last session time. ... The Skype for Business/Lync - Inactive Users insight may be used to show the list of users who have not participated in a peer-to-peer session or conference during the insight date range.
Need an UC Analytics insight that provides data on the sizes of files getting transferred via Skype for Business. ... Currently unsupported. ... None ... STATUS ... Enhancement request number VSTS129127 has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of Unified Communications Analytics (UC Analytics).
Is it possible to set the Charge Type other than per minute? ... 452795 ... Customization needed. ... None ... STATUS ... Enhancement request 452795 has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of UCCS - Analytics
Is the maximum number of insight items 1000? ... If the table is showing aggregated data, it is likely only showing the top 1000 items. ... If the table is showing detailed data, it should show all the data.
Is Skype for Business a supported Data collection type? <div>No, at this time Skype for Business is not a support Data Collection type.</div><div></div><div>STATUS</div><div></div><div>Unified Communications Command Suite-Analytics is planning to support Skype for Business in either version 8.1, or later. </div><div></div><div>When version 8.1 is released, check the release notes under "New Features" to see if Skype for Business support has been added. </div>
When specifing the "Domain Users" group as the target users for a collection does not work. ... </div><div>As a workaround, create a dynamic distribution group which includes all users with Exchange mailboxes and resource mailboxes.
When using Unified Communications - Analytics (UCA), it is highly recommended that you have the latest Maintenance Release installed to either resolve a current issue you have encountered, or prevent future issues that were addressed in the latest Maintenance Release.
You are seeing the following errors in the Exchange Configuration Collection and or the Mailbox Content Collection . ... Error: Unable to write to the Insight data storage engine service. ... Details: Error decompressing input (malformed?)
Administrator opens Admin Settings - Security and applies full permission on Target Environment to user for Insights wanted. ... User is unable to open Insights, message on try to open Insight says "You do not have the required access rights to view this Insight.
During the Exchange Configuration Collection when UC Analytics skips mail contacts in the Exchange Configuration collection, they are reported as "skipped x number of mailboxes" instead of contacts <p>Workaround </p><p></p><p>None</p><p></p><p>STATUS</p><p></p><p>Waiting for fix in a future release of Unified Communications Analytics. </p> TF00123848
Unified Communications Analytics 8.5.1 is available for download, what's are the new features in this release? <p><strong>What's new:</strong></p><ul><li>Performance improvements for key data source collections.</li><li>A new option allows you to set an explicit schedule for a data source.</li><li>Global setting for time zones used by insights for all users.</li><li>New insight for Skype for Business / Lync.</li><li>New insight for Exchange mailbox activity.</li><li>New Exchange Online PowerShell connection methods. </li></ul><p></p><p>For a full detailed list of all of the Resolved and Known issues, please see the <a href="" target="_blank">Unified Communications 8.5.1 - Release notes. </a></p><div></div><div></div>
Does UCA Support the collection of Exchange Online Public Folders from Office 365? <p>Yes, upgrade to version 8.6 or later and create a new Exchange Online Public Folder Datasource</p> TF00124580
When accessing the UCA website, there error "The application failed to start" is seen. ... This issue can be seen when the UCA services are not running.
I would like to understand the commitlog more. ... When the services were restarted, the commitlog count went from 63 down to 2 (numbers can vary). ... It is now up to 52. ... What are these logs, when are they processed, and is this normal behavior?
None ... STATUS ... Enhancement request number VSTS181192 has been tested and completed successfully. ... The request shall be implemented in a future release of Unified Communications Analytics (UC Analytics).
We are unable to access UCAnalytics console inside the server - correct credential is being rejected. ... But outside the server, we are able to access the console website - using the same credential.
How can I move the Database (Data and Configuration Settings) from an old UCCS-A server to a new UCCS-A server with an identical installation. ... Install another data center, ideally with identical configurations as DC1.</div><div></div><div>2.
None ... STATUS ... Enhancement Request 445816 has been submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of UCCS - Analytics ... Quest customers will be notified when a new release of Unified Communications Command Suite - Analytics is available.
How can I find inactive mailboxes in UCCS Analytic's? <div>With in the Insights library you can go to the MessageStats insights then “Inventory / Inactive Mailboxes” shows all users (not just enabled users). </div>
Subscription emails are coming from UCCS with an email address of ... Is this a configurable item in the software? ... It does not seem so currently. ... Change request number# TFS438801 has been created to address this issue and will be potentially implemented in the next version of the UCCS product.
Error: Unable to query messages from the mailbox: Unable to an account or mailbox ... Error" Unable to get the mailbox syncronization Token. ... Details: The request failed. ... The operation timed oujt.
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