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Error when connecting: "Cannot load OCI DLL: C:\app\<user>\product\11.2.0\client_1\oci.dll". (4225502)

Able to connect outside of Toad using existing Oracle Client, but when trying to connect within Toad, the following error is received: ... 1) 64-bit Oracle Client is being used with Toad for Oracle 32-bit.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2025/1/3
NA rating | 查看3823次
Knowledge Article
TYPES do not show up in Schema Browser (4363604)

TYPES and declarations do not show up in Schema Browser&#39;s package source. ... Open an Editor window.<br>2. ... Enable the Navigator panel (if it&#39;s not already enabled). ... To do this, right click in Editor | Desktop | Navigator.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2025/1/3
NA rating | 查看137次
Knowledge Article
How to silently deploy additional products license key after Toad for Oracle is already installed? (4285484)

How to perform a silent deploy of additional products license key to all users after Toad for Oracle is already installed and already activated? ... To silently apply a license key for additional products to all users follow the steps below:

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle, SQL Optimizer for Oracle, Toad...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/20
NA rating | 查看2764次
Knowledge Article
It is possible to drop a database object without logging in VCS (Git) in Toad v24 (4378018)

When using a drop statement with enabled team coding option, it is possible to drop a database object without logging in VCS. ... With the latest version of Toad configured with team coding and GIT , you cannot alter an object if not logged in VCS (as expected) but can drop a table.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/12/20
NA rating | 查看174次
Knowledge Article
What's New in Toad for Oracle 17.1? (4375923)

Use AI to explain SQL and PL/SQL with the new AIExplain preview feature. ... Learn more about AI and Toad at Toad World and Knowledge Base. ... Expanded IPv6 support ... Enable/Disable Automation Designer apps and actions

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/9
NA rating | 查看3466次
Knowledge Article
Get the error "ORA-00600 [Internal Error Codes]". (4336954)

It indicates the process has encountered a low-level unexpected condition, which typically means you’ve encountered an Oracle Database bug.<br><br>The impact can vary from just being an annoyance that shows up in your logs once in a while, to something major that brings the database down.<br><br>When an ORA-00600 error is logged it includes a list of arguments in square brackets.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad Data...
上次更新时间: 2024/12/9
NA rating | 查看1732次
Knowledge Article
Debugging on RAC raising error 'Unable RAC connection for database name, (used id=1)' (4367307)

While debugging on RAC an error is raised prompting "Unable to find RAC connection information for the database name, (used ID=1)" ... When debugging on RAC, Toad needs to make a 2nd connection to the same instance on the RAC cluster.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/12/12
NA rating | 查看305次
Knowledge Article
Toad For Oracle does Not close (4377825)

Toad cannot be closed. ... Something is blocking Toad to access to file online_resources.xml as the logs show: ... Info: Sending Request: GET (HTTP 1.1) to https://community-downloads.quest.com/toadsoft/ORACLE/VERSION/online_resources.xml

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/12/3
NA rating | 查看526次
Knowledge Article
Unable to configure JDWP debugger - Error: “USER. does not exist or you do not have the necessary privileges…” (4375736)

The following error appears when attempting to step into Java Source while debugging (JDWP). &#39;Execution stopped&#39; message followed by an access violation.<br><br>Bug: Error: “USER. does not exist or you do not have the necessary privileges…”<br><br>Toad for Oracle seems to be unable to resolve the java source specified.<br> Product Defect - TOR-8187 <p>WORKAROUND<br>NA<br><br>STATUS</p>

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看426次
Knowledge Article
Export DDL option does not include the clause 'NOT SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS', when it was included in the create script (4375698)

The Export DDL option does not include the clause &#39;NOT SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS&#39; for a table, when it was included in its create script originally.<br><br>For example, exporting an object table defined as:<br><br>CREATE TABLE TEST.test_T<br>NOT SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS<br>OBJECT ID PRIMARY KEY<br>/<br><br>Produces the following DDL script:<br><br>CREATE TABLE TEST.test_T<br>OBJECT ID PRIMARY KEY<br>/ <p>WORKAROUND:<br>None.<br><br>STATUS:</p>

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看311次
Knowledge Article
Getting "ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression" when selecting unified audit policies in tree mode (4376766)

ORA-01791 &quot;Not a SELECTed expression&quot; error when selecting unified audit polices in schema browser when in tree mode<br><br>Steps to reproduce the error: ... <ol><li>Connect to 19c or newer</li><li>Open Schema Browser and change to treeview mode</li><li>Expand Unified Audit Polices</li></ol>

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看1036次
Knowledge Article
NOT NULL constraints are not visible for object tables (4375908)

NOT NULL constraints excluded from object table scripts.<br>Steps to reproduce the issue:<br><br>Run the script below:<br>CREATE TYPE test_object_t AS OBJECT<br>(<br>id NUMBER,<br>hiredate DATE,<br>desc_t VARCHAR2 (255),<br>MEMBER FUNCTION f_test<br>RETURN VARCHAR2<br>) NOT FINAL<br>/<br><br>CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY test_object_t<br>IS<br>MEMBER FUNCTION f_test<br>RETURN VARCHAR2<br>AS<br>BEGIN<br>RETURN &#39;V1.0.0&#39;;<br>END;<br>END;<br>/<br><br>CREATE TABLE test_objects OF test_object_t<br>NOT SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS<br>(<br>CONSTRAINT test_objects_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)<br>)<br>OBJECT ID PRIMARY KEY<br>/<br><br>ALTER TABLE test_objects<br>MODIFY (hiredate CONSTRAINT hiredate_nn NOT NULL)<br>/<br><br>ALTER TABLE test_objects<br>MODIFY (desc_t CONSTRAINT desc_nn NOT NULL)<br>/<br><br>If you run describe test_objects; you see<br><br>TABLE test_objects<br> Name Null? Type <br> ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------<br> ID NOT NULL NUMBER <br> HIREDATE NOT NULL DATE <br> DESC_T NOT NULL VARCHAR2(255) <br><br>notice the not nulls created before with the alter statements for HIREDATE and DESC_T.<br><br>The not nulls can be seen in the constrains and column tabs in schema browser.<br>The problem is that Toad does not show this information(not null) in any script anywhere (f4 , schema browser, schema compare or extract dll.)<br> <p>This is a bug.</p>

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看664次
Knowledge Article
Multiple user script missing synonyms (4375738)

When a script is created for a user creation from an existing database, when selecting a single user, the script contains the synonyms creation statements but if you select multiple users (with the same options), the script generated does not contain the synonyms creation part.<br><br>Steps to replicate:<br><br>1.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看356次
Knowledge Article
- c command line option does not work when “Allow multiple copies of Toad” unchecked (4376049)

Steps to reproduce the issue: ... Uncheck “Allow multiple copies of Toad” Close and Restart Toad ... Start a 2nd copy of Toad with a -c user/password@db to make a connection ... Bug: The 2nd copy of Toad does not start, which is expected, but it also does not tell the first copy to make the connection

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看472次
Knowledge Article
Getting error "ORA-00900" when clicking SYSTEM Tablespace (4375831)

Steps to reproduce the issue: ... Open Schema Browser ... Go to Tablespaces ... STATUS ... Issue fixed in Toad for Oracle 2024 R2 - v24.2.275.4664 (Released on Nov 4th 2024). ... The latest version of Toad can be downloaded here:

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看888次
Knowledge Article
Files with special characters in the filename are not shown in Team Coding Manager when using Git (4376560)

When using a Git repository with Toad, if you have a file with a certain special character in it, such as ' ä ' in the file name, the file is not shown in the VCS list in the Team Coding Manager, even though it is in the git repository successfully.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看257次
Knowledge Article
Toad using LDAP connection: dropdown field does not populate with database aliases. (4376283)

Before the LDAP server required TLS, it was possible to use the LDAP tab, and the database aliases were populated in the LDAP tab field. ... If &quot;Connect using Oracle Client&quot; is checked, uncheck it<br>- Click the LDAP dropdown arrow.<br>- LDAP dropdown is loaded<br><br><br>STATUS:</p> <p>Issue fixed in Toad for Oracle 2024 R2 - v24.2.275.4664 (Released on Nov 4th 2024).</p> <p>The latest version of Toad can be downloaded here:</p>

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/21
NA rating | 查看379次
Knowledge Article
Error: "Net: Invalid input arguments" after upgrading database from 19c to 23c (4374481)

When the database was on 19c, it was possible to connect using Toad ("No-client mode"). ... Then if the database is upgraded to 23c, now the above error happens. ... You can successfully connect to the 23c database if you use an Oracle client, but not in DIRECT mode, and can still connect to other databases in DIRECT mode, just not the upgraded one.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/5
1 rating | 查看3739次
Knowledge Article
How to use Kerberos authentication in Toad for Oracle? (4272906)

When oranet is configured to authenticate through Active Directory Kerberos mechanism, how can you make Toad for Oracle use Kerberos authentication? ... Please put EXTERNAL in the username field and leave the password field blank.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
1 rating | 查看4210次
Knowledge Article
How to receive email notifications, security alerts and important information about my product? (4329947)

I would like to receive email Notifications, Support Status &amp; Security Alerts <p>Go to the following <a href="https://support.quest.com/manageprofile" target="_blank">link</a><br>Then select &quot;My Subscriptions&quot; tab</p>

产品: Toad for Oracle, SQL Navigator for Oracle, Spotlight on SQL Server...
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
NA rating | 查看2684次
Knowledge Article
How to obtain license key and site message for Toad for Oracle (4377278)

You will receive the license key and site message via mail. ... You can apply the license by navigating to Help | Licensing and enter the details to activate the product.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
NA rating | 查看474次
Knowledge Article
What is erwin DM Lite for Oracle and who is entitled to use it? (4375804)

What is erwin DM Lite for Oracle and who is entitled to use it? ... Is erwin a different product or is it automatically integrated with Toad for Oracle installation? ... erwin DM Lite for Oracle is an edition of erwin Data Modeler Standard, designed with limited functionality and connectivity specific to Oracle databases.

产品: Toad for Oracle, Toad for Oracle Subscription
上次更新时间: 2024/11/4
NA rating | 查看1592次
Knowledge Article
Which Oracle DBs and clients are supported in Toad for Oracle? (4377176)

NA Please check the below support matrix for Toad for Oracle 17.1.

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/10/31
NA rating | 查看311次
Knowledge Article
How to download Toad for Oracle offline trial version? (4377209)

Quest offers a subscription edition trial installer which can be downloaded from here. ... Also there is an offline / non-subscription trial installer which can be found here

产品: Toad for Oracle
上次更新时间: 2024/10/31
NA rating | 查看286次
Knowledge Article
Does Toad for Oracle support NetSuite DB? (4377426)

NetSuite itself is an Oracle product, so its database infrastructure is typically built on Oracle's cloud platform and technologies. ... However, NetSuite abstracts the database layer, meaning users and developers interact with NetSuite's APIs, SuiteScript, SuiteAnalytics, and saved searches rather than directly accessing the underlying database.

产品: Toad for Oracle on Mac, Toad for Oracle on Mac Subscription, Toad for...
上次更新时间: 2024/10/29
NA rating | 查看863次
Knowledge Article
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