When using the profiling option with a select query, the following error appears: ... Specified cast is not valid. ... Stack Trace: ... at Quest.FastData.FastBooleanSerialize.Serialize(BinaryWriter outStream, Object obj) at Quest.FastData.FastTable.SerializeRow(Object[] data, BinaryWriter writer, FastSerialize[] serializer) at Quest.FastData.FastTable.RowCollection.SaveToStream(BinaryWriter writer, FastTable owningTable, Boolean readOnly, IFastProgress progress)
Showing the GRANTs for a role (or extract DDL) DATA ACCESS right is shown as CREATETAB right. ... so the CREATAB right might be duplicated and the DATA ACCESS is missing. ... Use the following commands to replicate the issue:
Cannot run Explain Plan in Toad for DB2 with DB2 11.5 <br><br>Error message: System.InvalidCastException error in Execute Explain Plan, Specified Cast is not valid <p>WORKAROUND</p> ... <p>Issue fixed in Toad for DB2 8.0</p>
When trying to save the output from the grid window, the Save As... dialog freezes. ... This issue started in Toad for DB2 v7.1. ... WORKAROUND ... None
When creating a database using the database script in Toad for DB2 version 7.4, it removes part of the path thus creating in the wrong storage group. ... for DB2 7.4 we are missing part of the path for the storage group</p> <p>WORKAROUND</p> <p>Change the path manually.</p> <p>STATUS</p> <p>Issue fixed in Toad for DB2 8.0</p> <p>The latest version of Toad for DB2 can be downloaded <a href="https://support.quest.com/toad-for-db2/download-new-releases" target="_self">here</a></p>
Toad doesn't support the full range of schema level permissions on the new version of database 11.5 Defect ID: TDB-4010 <p>WORKAROUND</p> ... <p>Issue fixed in Toad for DB2 8.0</p> ... <p>The latest version of Toad for DB2 can be downloaded <a href="https://support.quest.com/toad-for-db2/download-new-releases" target="_self">here</a></p>
When connecting to DB2 using the v11.5 DB2 ODBC driver using a Direct connection in Toad, the following error appears: 'error 1114: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. ... Also if attempting to connect with a Catalog connection using the DB2 client, it does connection, but no database objects are shown in the Object Explorer.
When I attempt to generate the script to execute REORG INDEX errors are returned indicating missing work template. ... 1. Select the Indexes node in the Object or Database Explorer. ... 2. Right-click one or more indexes and select Utilities | Reorg Index.
Administrators or automated systems may need to verify the presence and validity of Toad product licenses without requiring user intervention. ... Manually checking each user's license information can be time-consuming and inefficient, especially in large deployments.
Toad for DB2 or Toad Data Point suddenly quits without sending any error message when connecting to the database or changing parameters in Toad options. ... When reviewing the Windows Event Viewer Application log, multiple entries with this text are found.
Incorrect values or format found for the below numbers from the registry editor against the IBM data server client. ... Below are parts of DB2 product standard signature format (VV.RR.MM.FF): ... VV Is the Version number.
When using Object Compare, the comparison results shows 900+ entries for one type of object. ... Is there a way to uncheck all of these, so they do not have to be manually unchecked one at a time?
Getting error "Object does not match Target type. Export is cancelled" when running Quick Export | Excel Instance |Excel instance.<br>this was working before and started happening after changing to Office 365 Repair the MS 365 installation:<br>Open the Programs and Features part of the Control Panel , select MS 365 and perform a repair (select "change" option).
The "Check for updates on startup" activates automatic update notifications for new software releases. ... Even though the option is checked, it does not activate notifications of new available Toad versions.
When running a query on a table that has a text data type column, the records for the text column show as "excluded" in the data grid. ... Clicking on the cell prompts that I must resubmit query to see the information.
Cannot export to excel instance "Object does not match target type. ... Close all the Microsoft applications (Outlook, Excel, Word, Etc) and also Toad Application</div>
Is there a way to show additional information for the Objects on Toad for DB2 like table, tablespace, rows etc? ... 2. Then choose the columns you want to display
What registry path does Toad reads to load the DB2 Client ? ... If Toad is unable to identify the DB2 client, then the registry of your environment might be missing an entry. ... Toad looks in both 64bits and 32bits registry location.
How to merge script results into a single output using group execute. ... <p>1. ... Click Group Execute.<br>2. ... Click Enable.<br>3. ... Click Merge results into a single set icon.<br>4.
Getting "SQLSTATE 01003 message" for each row if max/min generate NULL values This message is a warning message (not error) that occurs when a column function is used in an expression.
When trying to export a result set or a query with an "WITH" statement the error SQL0199N is returned (see Attachment). ... When using the Import Wizard to import from a query to a new table, the "WITH" statement works.
Steps to reproduce the issue: ... 2) Execute a sql statement that returns more than a 1000 rows in the editor using F9. ... 3) The query will pause and you will see a pop-up that says your query is paused and do you want to cancel.
When changing a column of a Table, which needs drop Recreate, the wrong DDL is generated and the Rows of the Second Partition can not be reloaded. ... Maxvalue of the Partition is a Keyword and may not be in Quotes in the script generated by Toad for DB2
<p>I am trying to insert a value into a table that has a generated default column in it. ... In Quest Central for DB2, I could type in the word default and it would take the next number. ... If I try to do that same thing in Toad for DB2 it wont work.
Standalone PL/SQL statements don't seem to be supported by the syntax checker. ... It flags them as errors which go away if you add a "CREATE PROCEDURE" statement in front of them <div>PL/SQL Statements are flagged as errors if not preceded by a CREATE PROCEDURE statement This is Product Defect</div>
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