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The Server Information panel, located below the toolbar, displays information about the OCS environment you are currently viewing. This information includes:.
OCS Version
Indicates the OCS version to which you are connected - either OCS 2007 or OCS 2007 R2.
Server FQDN
Indicates the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the server being monitored.
Operating System
Indicates the operating system running on the server being monitored.
OCS Pool
Indicates the name of the pool to which the server being monitored belongs.
Back-End Database
Indicates the server (and possible instance) hosting the Back-End database for the pool.
Server Certificate (CRT) Status Ball
Validates the identification of the remote server.
AS Status Ball
Indicates if the Application Sharing (AS) server is present and registered in the environment. Use the drilldown to monitor the performance and requests of the AS Server.
The AS Status Ball is active only if you are connected to an OCS 2007 R2 server.
QMS Status Ball
Indicates that there is a Quality of Monitoring Experience (QMS) server configured in the environment. Use the drilldown to see what server(s) is (are) hosting the role.
CDR Status Ball
Indicates there is a Call Details Report (CDR) Server Role configured in the environment. Use the drilldown to see what server(s) is (are) hosting the role.
CWA Status Ball
Indicates there is a Communicator Web Access (CWA) Server Role configured in the environment. Use the drilldown to see what server(s) is (are) hosting the role
The Clients/Network panel displays information about the connections and messages waiting to be sent from your OCS environment. This panel includes:
Secure Connections
Indicates the number of active secure connections (clients) that have been made to this server. Connections are secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Registered Endpoints
Indicates the number of connected endpoints registered.
AD Search Latency (ms)
Indicates the average latency related to queries (in ms) sent to the Active Directory.
Outstanding RPC Calls
Indicates the number of RPC calls waiting to be sent.
Network Output Queue
Indicates the number of network packets waiting to be sent.
Authentication Queue
Indicates the number of authentication requests waiting to be handled.
Theoretical Bandwidth
Indicates the level of network traffic graphed against a "theoretical" maximum bandwidth. The maximum bandwidth is calculated by totaling the capacity of all network devices reported by the operating system. If you are running on an Ethernet network, the actual maximum is approximately 50% of the theoretical bandwidth because of the methods involved in sending data. Having the actual bandwidth equal the theoretical bandwidth is only possible using full duplex Ethernet. Token passing network topologies, such as Token ring and FDDI, enable a theoretical maximum bandwidth much closer to the actual bandwidth.
Ping Time
Indicates the amount of time it takes the computer running the Diagnostic Console to ping the target server.
The Server Load panel displays information flow controlled connections, SIP and C3P messages, and database. This panel includes:
Flow Controlled Connections
Indicates the number of connections currently operating in a flow-controlled manner. When a connection is flow-controlled, it can only have one outstanding transaction.
Average Holding Time(s)
Indicates the average time an incoming message waits before being processed.
SIP Messages Outstanding
Indicates the total number of SIP Messages currently being processed by the server.
Message Processing Time(s)
Indicates the average amount of time to process incoming messages.
Conf. Allocation Latency (ms)
Indicates the average time to allocate a new conference.
Outstanding C3P Transactions
Indicates the number of outstanding C3P transactions waiting to be processed.
Database Queue Latency (ms)
Indicates the average amount of time a database request waits in the processing queue for the database to become available.
Database Sproc Latency (ms)
Indicates the average amount of time to execute a stored procedure (Sproc) on the Back-End database.
The Server Roles panel displays information about the amount of CPU being used by your Front-End server and conferencing servers. This panel includes:
Front-End (RTCSrv)
Indicates the amount of CPU usage from the OCS Front-End service.
Front-End (RTCHost)
Indicates the amount of CPU usage from the OCS Front-End host process.
IM Conferencing
Indicates the amount of CPU usage from the OCS IM Conferencing server. It also indicates the number of Allocated Conferences.
PSTN Conferencing
Indicates the amount of CPU usage from the OCS PSTN Conferencing server. It also indicates the number of Allocated Conferences.
Web Conferencing
Indicates the amount of CPU usage from the OCS Web Conferencing server. It also indicates the number of Allocated Conferences.
A/V Conferencing
Indicates the amount of CPU usage from the OCS A/V Conferencing server. It also indicates the number of Allocated Conferences.
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