
Toad for DB2 8.0 - Release Notes

Third Party Known Issues

The following is a list of third party issues known to exist at the time of release of Toad for IBM DB2 8.0.

Feature Description Support Case/Defect ID
DB2 Client In case Toad and a 9.5, 9.7 or 10.1 DB2 client is installed on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 IBM setup recommendation #1618434 has to be applied. N\A
Data Server Driver Installer of Data Server Driver 10.5.4 and newer may need to be run with Administrator permissions. TDB-2306
LUW Procedure Script Tab

After installing DB2 LUW v10.1.3, the script tab for LUW procedures is empty. This is due to an issue introduced by IBM in fixpack 3 regarding the NULLIF SQL function.

IBM APAR IC96725 addresses this issue.

DB2 z/OS invalid Timestamp values returned

When the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator is used in conjunction with DB2 z/OS, along with an IBM DB2 .Net Data Provider v10.1.3, timestamp values returned from queries are invalid. Since Toad DB2 v5.6 uses the IBM DB2 v10.1.3 .Net Data provider, invalid timestamp values can be returned within Toad 5.6. IBM PMR 8862756 has been opened on this topic.

Please consult that PMR for a work-around.

LUW Procedure Debugging

When the user is running DB2 Server 10.1.3 with a database that has been migrated from a previous release, the debugger will fail with a reference to SYSDEBUGPRIVATE. This occurs from an IBM bug in the db2updv10 update utility.

IBM APAR IC96837 addresses this issue. This has been resolved in IBM DB2 10.1 FixPack 4.


The Debugger may not advance to the next line under certain circumstances. Those circumstances include DECLARE statements with multiple variables defined on a single line and IF statements with multiple conditions defined on a single line.


In procedures that are to be debugged: The procedure text should be modified to separate DECLARE variables onto different lines and IF statements separated to have conditions on separate lines.


LUW: The following error message is displayed when you attempt to modify a watch value during a Debug session on a DB2 for LUW 9 database: "ERROR [57011] [IBM][DB2/NT] SQL0954C Not enough storage is available in the application heap to process the statement. SQLSTATE=57011" The call to modify the watch value fails on DB2, and the server runs out of heap memory.

Workaround: To avoid the heap memory issue, increase the application heap size on the server.

Export Wizard/ One Click Export

To export to an Office 2003 or 2007 Excel instance, the Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) must be installed. You can install the PIAs from one of the following locations:


Date formatting issues occur when exporting table data to an Excel file or instance. These issues seem to occur especially when exporting dates previous to 1900.

Workaround: For better results, try exporting the data to a CSV file.

Object Editor (DOE)

z/OS: Executing a procedure causes "Invalid SQL syntax" message when parameter listing has a new line character separating parameters. IBM has opened PMR 80539,756 to investigate this issue.

Workaround: Remove the new line character and separate the parameters by the spaces.


Getting Started

Contents of the Release Package

The Toad release package contains the following products:

  1. Toad for IBM DB2 8.0
  2. Product Documentation, including:
    • Installation Guide
    • Online Help
    • Release Notes

Installation Instructions

See the Toad for IBM DB2 Installation Guide for more information.

Toad for IBM DB2 Editions

Toad for DB2 Editions

Each Toad for DB2 is packaged with additional Quest products to expand your experience. The following products may be part of your Toad for DB2 Edition:

Toad for DB2 8.0

Benchmark Factory

SQL Optimizer for IBM DB2 LUW

SQL Optimizer for IBM DB2 z/OS

Spotlight on IBM DB2 for LUW

Toad Data Modeler

Toad for IBM DB2 Subscription Editions

Toad for IBM DB2 is now available with subscription licensing. It offers the following editions based on the enabled license in the About, Licenses and Launch Splash windows.

Edition Licensed
Toad for DB2 Base Subscription Edition

Toad for DB2 LUW Base Subscription

Toad for DB2 z/OS Base Subscription

Base features

Toad for DB2 Professional Subscription Edition

Toad for DB2 LUW Professional Subscription

Toad for DB2 z/OS Professional Subscription

Pro Features

Toad for DB2 Pro DB Admin Subscription Edition

Toad for DB2 LUW Pro DB Admin Subscription

Toad for DB2 z/OS Pro DB Admin Subscription

Pro Features + DB Admin Add-On Feature

Toad for DB2 Xpert Plus Subscription Edition

Toad for DB2 LUW Xpert Plus Subscription

Toad for DB2 z/OS Xpert Plus Subscription

Optimizer for DB2 for LUW

Optimizer for DB2 for z/OS

Xpert + Pro Features + DB Admin Add-On Feature

Toad for IBM DB2 Non-Subscription Editions

Toad for DB2 offers the following editions for Linux, Unix, and Windows (LUW) and z/OS:

Edition Licensed
Toad for IBM DB2 Base Edition Toad for IBM DB2 Base
Toad for IBM DB2 Professional Edition Toad for IBM DB2 Professional
Toad for IBM DB2 Xpert Edition

Toad for IBM DB2 Professional

SQL Optimizer for IBM® DB2® LUW

SQL Optimizer for IBM® DB2® z/OS

Toad for IBM DB2 Developer Edition

Toad for IBM DB2 Professional

SQL Optimizer for IBM® DB2® LUW

SQL Optimizer for IBM® DB2® z/OS

Benchmark Factory™—IBM DB2 Edition

Toad for IBM DB2 DBA Edition

Toad for IBM DB2 Professional

SQL Optimizer for IBM® DB2® LUW

Benchmark Factory™—IBM DB2 Edition

Spotlight™ on IBM® DB2® LUW

Toad Data Modeler

Toad DB Admin Module Toad DB Admin Module*

NOTE: The DB Admin Module Add-on can be added to any edition of Toad.

IMPORTANT: Your license key determines the edition and will enable Toad for DB2 functionality accordingly. In many cases, if functionality is disabled within Toad, you may not have an appropriate license to use it. When Toad is running, you can see which components are licensed by selecting Help | About.

Product Licensing

Product Licensing


Legacy Toad for IBM DB2 with offline license keys

To activate a purchased commercial license:

  1. In the Licensing dialog, enter your license (Authorization) key.

  2. Enter the site message included with the license key.


Toad for IBM DB2 Subscription with online licensing (including Editions)

Toad for IBM DB2 Subscription requires you to sign in with your Quest.com account.

Licenses are tied to your account giving you the flexibility to use Toad from multiple computers without having to move your license.

Sign in with existing Quest.com account:

  1. Enter your account email address and password when prompted.

  2. If you already have a Toad for IBM DB2 Subscription license, no further action is needed.
  3. If you do not have a Toad for IBM DB2 Subscription license, see Activating a new license below.

Create a new Quest.com account:

  1. Select Sign up for a new account.
  2. Enter your account details and select Sign Up.

  3. A confirmation email is sent containing a verification code.
  4. Enter the code from the email and select Verify.


  • It may take a few minutes for the verification email to arrive

  • Check your spam/junk folders for the email sent from supportadmin@quest.com if you do not receive it

  • For additional assistance, please contact Quest support .

Activating a new license:

  1. Toad for IBM DB2 Subscription automatically provides a fully functioning, 30-day Trial license.
  2. To purchase a new license, click Buy Now from Toad's title bar.

  3. After completing your transaction, restart Toad and your license is automatically detected.

  4. To manage licenses, select Manage licenses online beneath your account shown at the top-right of Toad.

NOTE: You can view your licenses from within Toad by selecting Help | About

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