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The Drivers tab displays the driver files for each platform and language targeted by the patch. The Process Order column displays the position of the file in the processing order. The Process Status column shows if AutoPatch encountered an error when processing a driver file. Possible statuses include Completed, Completed with Warnings, and Completed with Errors (Pending requests have a status of Pending/New, Sent to Agent, Received by Agent, or In Process. The status Not Processed means AutoPatch failed the process event before processing the driver).
If patch applications in a target environment require approvals, you can view who approved the patch application request and when.
Tasks detail all of the steps necessary to solve a problem or complete a request. For example, a CSR for the setup of a new employee may include numerous tasks, such as getting a confidentiality agreement signed, creating a user ID, and scheduling computer training. A CSR can contain an unlimited number of tasks, which you can assign to many users. Tasks are associated with activity codes that group related tasks.
Stat groups related tasks into what are called activities. Activities are commonly performed, high-level jobs that consist of several tasks. They are defined by a system administrator and are identified by activity codes.
Activities categorize your tasks for reporting purposes. Examples of activities and associated tasks might be:
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