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Installing script ORAv610-2 for Stat 6.1 then got compilation error in table views (4321234)

Installing script ORAv610-2 for Stat 6.1 then got compilation error for 'CSR_HISTORY_VW1' The installation script ORAv610-2 cannot proceed with the installation because the DBMS_LOB package does not have enough privileges.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2025/2/4
NA rating | 查看541次
Knowledge Article
How to configure Generic Type for Oracle APPS File Objects? (4267618)

Click on the OraApps Base Directories tab and choose New ... Type in the Base Directory cd and the server environment variable (you can define any name you like). ... In this example, I am using the XXQ_TOP base directory with the XXQUEST_TOP variable

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2025/1/31
NA rating | 查看209次
Knowledge Article
Migration of any oracle apps file objects ended up with 0 byte and not compiling the object to db (4251539)

When migrating a sql file to the target db, the migration show successful, but the file contain 0 byte. ... Update by the back-end is not recommended by Support.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2025/1/20
NA rating | 查看888次
Knowledge Article
Error "Server Error Returned: -1" after trying accessing Stat Windows Client (4360481)

Login error for LDAP user when base_dn is null In LDAP Connection entry, your Base DN is most likely blank. ... Add a single space and click on Apply button. ... Then run Test Connect. ... If successfull then you should be able to access the Stat Client with any issues after that.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2025/1/15
NA rating | 查看184次
Knowledge Article
Tips to troubleshoot GIT VCM connection with Stat (4244364)

Received the following error when trying to connect to GIT repository: ... 1. Put the stat central agent in debug mode and try to do test connect to GIT VCM ... 2. Make sure the stat central agent machine have GIT client install

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2025/1/15
NA rating | 查看1533次
Knowledge Article
Database Test Connect result For input string: "o". (4374892)

When doing a Database Test Connect has a result message: <strong><span style="color: #e74c3c;">For input string: &quot;o&quot;.</span></strong><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000HiAt&amp;feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&amp;refid=0EM6R000005XpAl"></img> <ul><li>Wrong hotfix application.</li><li>Missing some <strong>dbscripts</strong> that were included in the hotfix.</li></ul> <ul><li><strong>Review</strong> the <strong>SCA </strong>version via server.log or About Stat from Web Client.</li><li><strong>Review</strong> the <strong>dbscripts</strong>

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2025/1/15
NA rating | 查看229次
Knowledge Article
Unable to assign active user to a work queue (4251365)

The account is assigned to a work queue in another domain, but is not available on the membership assignment list for this domain&#39;s queue. ... The user was not assigned to the new service domain <p>1.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2025/1/13
NA rating | 查看503次
Knowledge Article
Workflows remain grayed out when creating CSRs for a new service domain (4292834)

When creating a new CSR in PA, Stat is not associating the CSR type with the corresponding workflow therefore the workflows field remains grayed out. ... Confirmed that the default option is checked for the workflows.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/12/23
NA rating | 查看470次
Knowledge Article
Stat approval emails showing old data in the email footer (4377483)

After migrating the Stat Windows client and Central Agent to a new server, the approval emails still have the old server name in the email footer. ... How can this be changed? ... Please check the footer in the configuration of the Approval Email, as the email footers are a manual entry and not dynamic.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/11/1
NA rating | 查看396次
Knowledge Article
Caused by: java.net.BindException: Address already in use (4256199)

I am trying to start a second Central Agent on the same server and below is the error message that I am getting with Stat 5.8.0 agent: ... Http port 8080 has been taken by the first agent. ... The above message indicates that you are trying to use a default port that is already in-use.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/10/31
NA rating | 查看822次
Knowledge Article
OA Generation error while migrating an .rdf file (4321953)

OA Generation error while migrating an rdf file. ... In your stat.conf, let's try to add the following parameter: ... This will tell Stat to skip RDF generation at the end of the migration and thus allow a successful migration.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/10/27
NA rating | 查看414次
Knowledge Article
Missing data from 'Users with Queue Membership report (4376967)

When running the report 'Users with Queue Membership', there is a discrepancy between the users listed in the report and the actual list on the system. ... For a user that is missing from the report output, in Stat please double-click that user with a ticked row in the Stat User Maintenance screen and then check the Queue Membership for that particular user.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/9/11
NA rating | 查看427次
Knowledge Article
CSRF constraints violated (4376961)

Error seen in server.log ... ERROR [org.owasp.csrfguard.action.Log] (default task-47) Potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack thwarted (user:<anonymous>, ip:, method:POST, uri:/stat/newCsr, error:Request Token does not match the Master Token) WARN [org.owasp.csrfguard.CsrfGuardFilter] (default task-47) Invalid request: URI: '/stat/newCsr' | Remote Address: ''

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/9/10
NA rating | 查看959次
Knowledge Article
Stat 6.3 HF-q (4376291)

Copy Workflow Template does not function properly for Archive DBs and Patch DBs (STAT-6059) Apache Struts vulnerability list reported by customer. ... eComp project crashed with STAT migration but works fine with App Designer migration (STAT-6085) Update Copyright year to 2024 (STAT-6119)

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/8/15
NA rating | 查看889次
Knowledge Article
Event Type of Past Due Business Rules do not Appear to be Triggering (4283739)

When trying to create Business Rules that will trigger for &quot;Past Due&quot; type Events e.g. Past Due CSR Escalation or Past Due Task Escalation, the Rules do not seem to trigger. ... Other Business Rules are working correctly e.g. CSR Update is triggering as expected.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/8/14
NA rating | 查看1406次
Knowledge Article
Where I can find the latest version of Stat? (4335770)

Where I can find the latest version of Stat including Hot Fixes?

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/19
NA rating | 查看567次
Knowledge Article
Is Stat certified on Cloud platforms? (4298197)

We are planning to migrate and upgrade our STAT application. ... As an option, we are looking for a Cloud platform. ... Is STAT certified on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, AWS, Azure, etc? ... Stat is a software application that can be installed on top of an Operating System.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/17
NA rating | 查看858次
Knowledge Article
Is it possible to define a custom Transfer or Status rule? (4376068)

Is it possible to define certain conditions, so that if a CSR is changed from one status to other, you can apply certain restrictions to a certain group of people? ... The existing Transfer or Approval or Business rules does not make this possible.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/17
NA rating | 查看572次
Knowledge Article
'An application error has occurred' error appears when running Stat reports (4375440)

When running reports from the Report Wizard in the Stat client, the following error appears:<br><br>&#39;An application error has occurred. ... Please not the followoing information and notify the System Administrator.<br>Error (-388) No key or invalid one for the GetItemfunction at line 15; It has been identified as a defect STAT-6136.<br>The issue doesn&#39;t happen on all reports.<br>It happens only for those reports that have the &#39;Workflow&#39; field in the Report Criteria.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/27
NA rating | 查看834次
Knowledge Article
Test Connect 'error: null' when setting up OAuth2.0 (4376167)

<p>The auth tokens are cached in an encrypted manner in /home/&lt;user&gt;/.store directory.<br><br>1. ... Rename the /home/&lt;user&gt;/.store directory. ... Note that this directory is hidden by default.<br>2.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/25
NA rating | 查看658次
Knowledge Article
Cannot migrate to both editions for schema and file objects (4255243)

Stat archiving and migration would comp/err right away as soon as user drag and drop an archive set that contain schema object or oracle apps file object to both edition. ... Run edition appear to be working fine.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/19
NA rating | 查看1162次
Knowledge Article
Migration fails with Transaction roll back error for PS large object. (4303926)

While migrating large object like peopleSoft page the migration fails with Transaction Roll back error in the server.log ... ERROR [org.jboss.as.ejb3.invocation] (QuartzWorkerThread-9) JBAS014134: EJB Invocation failed on component ProcessMigrationHelperBean for method public abstract int

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/17
NA rating | 查看1367次
Knowledge Article
Does the Oracle version of Stat database has to match Oracle version of Peoplesoft databases?< (4284096)

<p>I am upgrading the Oracle version of Peoplesoft databases to Oracle 19C but the Stat database Oracle version is at 12.2. ... Does the Oracle version of Stat DB have to match the Oracle version of Peoplesoft databases?</p> <p>The Oracle version of the Stat database does not have to match the Oracle version of the Peoplesoft databases.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/6/11
NA rating | 查看702次
Knowledge Article
Error while trying to migrate OAF page or XDO object (4370538)

When we tried to migrate certain objects like: OAF page, XML OAF component and the connection string is not proper set , due to additional spaces between &quot;&quot; on the command used by STAT, that cause an inappropriate behavior and not recognize the connection string for the Target environment where the object will be migrated.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/5/27
NA rating | 查看255次
Knowledge Article
How to add a FILE to a CSR’s description field? (4341267)

How to add a FILE to a CSR’s description field? ... Before Stat 6.1.0, the Description/Resolution tab was Text Control artifacts. ... Protocol: select other ... URL: enter CSR: CHG-1042 ... Make sure there are no spaces in the URL section.

产品: Stat
上次更新时间: 2024/5/27
NA rating | 查看517次
Knowledge Article
没有找到与 undefined 相关的结果