
PST Flight Deck 9.1.3 - Requirements Guide

Additional Module or Ingestion Nodes

PST Flight Deck is able to be expanded to include additional Nodes for scalability or to otherwise accommodate the needs of a project. The following hardware requirements are for additional Modules or Ingestion Nodes. These may be physical or virtual machines.

CPU Cores




8 Gb



12 Gb


It is also possible to expand an environment onto Azure instances. Minimum instance types are D2 for Module Nodes and DS2 for Nodes containing an upload location and Extraction module. Migrations for over 1000 users should consult a PST Flight Deck architect to design a solution that best suits their needs.

Under most circumstances, it is advised to run Extraction and Repair modules local to the Upload directory for a given location to ensure sufficient IOPS are available to facilitate and optimal processing time of a PST file.

Requirements for Additional Server Components

PST Flight Deck is a scalable and flexible product that supports a number of configurations to suit the needs of any PST file elimination or migration initiative. There are several components that could be installed on separate hardware to support the needs of a migration project. Examples of these components are:

· Active Directory Scanner

· Share Scanner

· Central Upload Agent


Generally speaking, a minimal system is required to support these components. They can, and frequently are installed on the same machine. In environments where a modest use of these components is needed, the following specifications are recommended:

·4 Core CPU


·10 GB of dedicated disk space

The Active Directory Scanner (AD Scanner) is a very lightweight component that, under normal conditions, does not require many resources. A single core machine with 4 GB or RAM is typically sufficient for a production AD Scanner.

Project requirements or constraints could result in an increase in hardware requirements.

Requirements for Consoles

Consoles are typically run from the Core server, but can be installed on any supported operating system. Any system running a console requires the following:


·Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

·Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

·Display resolution of 1440 x 900 or higher

·Low-latency connection to the Microsoft SQL Server hosting the system database

·Consoles are used to manage, configure, monitor, and administer PST Flight Deck PST file elimination and migration projects. A minimum supported display resolution is 1440 x 900, but it is recommended that machines used to manage projects have a resolution of 1920 x 1080 or higher.

·The console must be run by an account with read/write access to the system database.


Storage is based on the PST volume and processing rate. The following table outlines general considerations. Storage is required for the upload directory per location and several modules prospectively running on any number of nodes configured in the environment.


Recommended size

Recommended speed


3-5 times the daily ingest volume

Fast disks with high IOPS is required, preferably SSD


Daily upload volume multiplied by the number of days to keep the data

Standard disk speed requirements


Usually more than 1% of the total data. Volume may change dependent on filter configuration

Standard disk speed requirements

Hash Tables

Hash data is usually about 0.2% of total space in scope

Mid-range disks required due to frequent reads


Volume of storage is dependent on the target and data quality. Office 365 and Exchange migrations are usually 2-6% and other targets are less.

Standard disk speed requirements


If managed, the size of the Park Area can be small since it is only used as a waiting area while PST file ownership is determined.

Standard disk speed requirements

If you’re only estimates of the volume of data are available, make sure to re-evaluate the total volume after the discovery process of the project takes place.



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