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Change Service Account Password (4376701)

Customers need to renew flightdeck account (root account) password Service Account password is encrypted and stored on install in a few places by default.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2024/8/15
NA rating | 查看627次
Knowledge Article
PST Flight Deck Server Logs (4376514)

Server logs are used to log all routine work and errors conditions.<br>They are extremely important for troubleshooting problems that occur with modules, consoles, the portal, and all client/server interactions.<br>There is a log for every running PST Flight Deck service, the Admin console on the core server, and the web interface.<br>Each log has a maximum size of 100MB, at which point the new log is created and the original one renamed to include “archive” and a number in its name.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2024/7/25
NA rating | 查看602次
Knowledge Article
Migration Agent log file (4376507)

Sometimes it might be necessary to investigate the Migration Agent log files. ... e.g.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2024/7/25
NA rating | 查看626次
Knowledge Article
Creating the App registration for Modern Auth (4336951)

This page has been moved to the technical documentation <a href="http://support.quest.com/technical-documents/pst-flight-deck/requirements-guide/additional-requirements/using-oauth-authentication/creating-the-app-registration-for-oauth" target="_blank">here</a>. <div class="pf-content">

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2024/4/15
NA rating | 查看775次
Knowledge Article
Using Modern Authentication (OAuth) with PST Flight Deck (4307083)

This page has been moved to the technical documentation <a href="http://support.quest.com/technical-documents/pst-flight-deck/requirements-guide/additional-requirements/using-oauth-authentication" target="_blank">here</a>. <div class="pf-content">

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2024/4/15
4 rating | 查看1345次
Knowledge Article
Error to retrieve users in PST Flight Deck, Azure AD Sync module (4375383)

Due to recent changes in the Microsoft Remote PowerShell in Exchange Online<br><br>Deprecation of Remote PowerShell in Exchange Online – Re-enabling or Extending RPS support<br><br><a href="https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/deprecation-of-remote-powershell-in-exchange-online-re-enabling/ba-p/3779692" target="_blank">https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/deprecation-of-remote-powershell-in-exchange-online-re-enabling/ba-p/3779692</a><br><br>Error can be visible in PST Flight Deck, Azure AD Sync module.<br><br>Error to retrieve users<br>EXCEPTION: System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: UnAuthorized ---&gt; System.UnauthorizedAccessException: UnAuthorized<br>at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ExoPowershellSnapin.NewEXOModule.CheckResponseHeadersAndGetNewTokenIfNeeded(ITokenProvider tokenProvider, HttpResponseHeaders responseHeaders, String errorMessage, String cmdletId, AuthHeader&amp; authHeader, Boolean&amp; isRetryHappening, String connectionUri)<br>at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ExoPowershellSnapin.NewEXOModule.ProcessRecord()<br>at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()<br>--- End of inner exception stack trace ---<br>at QUADROtech.PowerShell.PowerShellWrapperModern.CreateAndOpenRunspacePool()<br>at QUADROtech.PowerShell.PowerShellWrapperModern.get_RunspacePool()<br>at QUADROtech.PowerShell.PowerShellWrapperModern.ExecutePsCommand(PSCommandBase command, Boolean throwExceptionOnError, Int32 retryCount)<br>at QUADROtech.FlightDeck.AzureADService.Office365ADCollectorV2.GetMailboxes()<br>at QUADROtech.FlightDeck.AzureADService.Office365ADCollectorV2.Execute()<br>at QUADROtech.FlightDeck.AzureADService.SyncAzureADTask.Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Configuration of the modern authentication for PowerShell is required per article.<br><a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/app-only-auth-powershell-v2?view=exchange-ps" target="_blank">https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/app-only-auth-powershell-v2?view=exchange-ps</a>

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2024/4/16
NA rating | 查看972次
Knowledge Article
HOWTO: By-pass "Last Scan" delay for an agent's discovery run (4339142)

These settings can cause delays when testing or troubleshooting specific FlightDeck Migration Agent’s (Agent) issues. ... This knowledge based article is authored to provide steps to bypass the “Last Scan” built into an Agent’s discovery process.</p>

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2024/3/11
NA rating | 查看1211次
Knowledge Article
Windows Migration Agent Minimum Requirements (4301183)

The Migration Agent is rolled out to the end-user clients in scope for migration. ... The rollout can be done with deployment tools normally used within the company; software is delivered as an MSI Package.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看435次
Knowledge Article
Troubleshooting IIS (Internet Information Services) (4272542)

Each site needs to have a physical path set in the Basic settings. ... Physical path is the path to the PST Flight Deck directories. ... For example, PSTFlightDeckHelpdesk is connected to the Helpdesk WebUI.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看460次
Knowledge Article
HowTo: Set up PST Flight Deck helpdesk portal (4339162)

The PST Flight Deck Helpdesk portal is a simple web interface for managing PST Flight Deck migrations. ... It has limited functionality compared to the PST Flight Deck console, which makes it useful for operators.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看556次
Knowledge Article
HowTo: Set up Shared Scanner to get config from PST Flight Deck (4294145)

<p>The configuration needs to be done on Shared Scanner and the PST Flight Deck side.<br>First, configure the Shared Scanner. ... Here’s how:</p> <ol><li>Log in to the server on which Shared Scanner is installed.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看445次
Knowledge Article
Changing the location where Migration agent creates snapshot (4341122)

And, then open Edit XML.<br>2. ... Add to the bottom: <strong>%Temp%</strong><br>3. %Temp% is default location on C: drive where snapshot is created.<br>4. ... Change it to different location where you want snapshot to be created.<br>5.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看356次
Knowledge Article
PST Flight Deck License and domain relation (4339176)

This article explains the relationship between the license and the domain in PST Flight Deck. ... The license contains domain information. ... The domain information in the license is important for the PST Flight Deck Core server location.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看216次
Knowledge Article
Duplicate files processing by Migration Agent (4339146)

The Migration Agent is able to identify and process duplicate PST files found on the user’s workstations. ... An operator has several options for handling duplicate files. ... The settings can be changed through the PST Flight Deck console.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看454次
Knowledge Article
Extraction threshold explained (4341133)

This article provides details related to the Extraction Threshold setting in PST Flight Deck. ... Note You can set a threshold warning for the handling of corrupted PST files in PST Flight Deck. ... To do this, go to Settings > Environment > Advanced.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看345次
Knowledge Article
Syntax for the XLSX "Import User" function in Scheduled groups (4301433)

Syntax for the XLSX &quot;Import User&quot; function in Scheduled groups <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>There is a functionality in PST Flight Deck to import users in XLSX file for schedule groups function (Manage -&gt; Schedule groups -&gt; Import users).<br><img class="alignnone wp-image-2813" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2018/06/Import-user-syntax-300x287.png" alt=""></img><br>This gives us the possibility to add the batch of the users specified in the XLSX file to created a scheduled group (e.g. schedule batch of the users for migration).<br><strong>Solution</strong><br>The XLSX file needs to have a proper syntax that contains three columns:</p>

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看293次
Knowledge Article
PST files are not being deleted by Source File Remover (4334250)

Please make sure you check the right workstation in case the user has more workstations and the affected PST file is located on one of them.<br>You may also check the last discovery date of the affected PST file:<br><img class="alignnone wp-image-2158" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/12/filestatus-300x14.png" alt=""></img><br>This information gives you the date when particular PST file was discovered by the FileScanner last time.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看507次
Knowledge Article
Increasing the default timeout for Repair Module (4307203)

From PST Flight Deck version 6.2 the default timeout for the Repair module is set to 240 minutes. ... Some larger files might require more than 240 minutes. ... You can find the failed repair module with the following exception:

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看608次
Knowledge Article
How to disable rules in Outlook to move message to the PST file (4336939)

This may be because some emails are missing in PST files during migration, as PST files are locked by the Migration agent when the migration starts.<br><strong>Prerequisites</strong><br>PST Flight Deck version 6.2 and higher.<br><strong>Steps</strong></p> <ol><li>In the PST Flight Deck admin console, go to Settings &gt; Windows Migration Agent &gt; Agent.</li><li>Select Edit XML.</li><li>Add to the bottom: <strong>true</strong></li><li>Click Save.<img class="alignnone wp-image-2594" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2018/05/DisableRules-300x170.png"

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看279次
Knowledge Article
Local Upload (4339152)

This module checks if the PST file is present on the “main” BITS uploads location or not. ... When the local upload module processes a particular PST file: ... There is implemented an automatic retry mechanism for the post-process module in PST Flight Deck.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看454次
Knowledge Article
Manage files in Ingest Blocked status (4299623)

If the file doesn’t meet the ownership threshold, it ends up in Ingest Blocked status. ... A user must address any files with this status. ... By default, the ownership threshold is set to 90%. ... There are two ways to address the Ingest Blocked status.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看487次
Knowledge Article
How to check if a user has Outlook rules set (4336854)

Sometimes it may be necessary to see if a user has Outlook rules set. ... Prerequisites PST Flight Deck 6.2 or higher ... Steps 1. ... Go to the PST Flight Deck admin console > Settings > Windows Migration Agent > Agent.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看293次
Knowledge Article
Issue: Migration Agent crashes (4341173)

Migration Agent crashes without any obvious reason. ... Migration Agent logs do not contain any errors. ... Details ... Solution ... This issue is caused by using the incorrect .NET framework version.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看348次
Knowledge Article
How PST Flight Deck manages the upload queue (Concurrent Uploads / Maximum Upload Size) (4306904)

size-medium wp-image-2153" src="/kbarticleimages/QT/2017/12/Location-settings-300x253.png" alt=""></img><br>Each time Migration Agent asks for new work items PST Flight Deck Core Server runs a query against PST Flight Deck database to check the current amount of concurrent running uploads (Concurrent Uploads) and the current total size of PST files queued for the upload (Maximum Upload Size).

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看448次
Knowledge Article
Configure Central Upload Agent in Azure (4336890)

Due to the security related issues, SMB protocol would not be allowed on Azure public facing interfaces. ... Therefore CUA can’t utilize SMB for uploading files to Core in Azure. ... For this purpose it’s possible to use the Migration Agent and configure it as the Central Upload Agent in Flight Deck console.

产品: PST Flight Deck
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看441次
Knowledge Article
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