On Demand Audit provides the following Active Directory Federation Services built in searches:
AD FS All claims provider trust events in the past 30 days
- AD FS All relying party trust events in the past 30 days
- AD FS All endpoint events in the past 30 days
AD FS All authentication method changes in the past 30 days
AD FS All server farm events in the past 30 days
AD FS Authentication method registered and unregistered events in the past 30 days
On Demand Audit provides the following Active Directory Database built in search:
On Demand Audit provides the following anomaly activity built in searches:
- All anomaly detected events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in AD account lockout events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in failed AD change events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in failed AD Federation Services sign-ins in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in failed file access attempts in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in file deletes in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in file renames in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in files shared from OneDrive and SharePoint events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in Office 365 activity by guest user events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in Office 365 activity by anonymous user events in the past 30
- Unusual increase in permission changes to AD object events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in share access permission changes in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in successful AD Federation Services sign-ins in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in successful tenant sign-in events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in tenant sign-in failure events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in Teams guest participant events in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in successful on-premises sign-ins in the past 30 days
- Unusual increase in failed on-premises sign-ins in the past 30 days
On Demand Audit provides the following Audit Health built in searches:
Change Auditor Installation activity changes in the past 30 days
- Change Auditor Installation connectivity events in the past 30 days
Change Auditor Installation setting changes in the past 30 days
- Change Auditor Installation upgrade events in the past 30 days
Service activity changes in the past 30 days
Service auditing enabled or disabled events in the past 30 days
SpecterOps BloodHound Enterprise connectivity events in the past 30 days
SpecterOps BloodHound Enterprise configuration changes in the past 30 days
Subscription expiring events in the past 90 days