
NetVault Plug-in for SQL Server 12.2 - User Guide

Introducing NetVault Backup Plug-in for SQL Server Planning your SQL Server deployment Installing and removing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Backing up data
Defining a backup strategy Understanding snapshot-based backups Reviewing the compression features Performing Online VDI backups Performing VSS backups in SQL Server Example of creating a full VDI backup of an AlwaysOn Availability Group on Windows
Restoring data Using the CLI with the plug-in Troubleshooting

Restoring databases involved in replication for Online VDI restore

You can restore all databases in a replication topology if recent backups are available and the proper steps are followed. The restore steps for the publication database depend on the type of replication and options used, but the steps for all other databases are independent of the type and options.

Replication supports restoring replicated databases to the same SQL Server Instance and database from which the backup was created. If you restore a replicated database from a backup to a different instance, replication settings cannot be preserved. In this case, re-create all publications and subscriptions after backups are restored.

For more information, see Strategies for Backing Up and Restoring Snapshot and Transactional Replication and Strategies for Backing Up and Restoring Merge Replication sections in the SQL Server Books Online.

Restoring data from Online VDI backups

A standard restore with Plug‑in for SQL Server in SQL Server includes the steps outlined in the following topics:

Selecting Online VDI data for restore

On the Create Restore Job — Choose Saveset page, select Plug‑in for SQL Server from the Plugin Type list.
When you select a saveset, the following details are displayed in the Saveset Information area: Job ID, job title, server name, client name, plug-in name, saveset date and time, retirement setting, Incremental Backup or not, Archive or not, saveset size, and snapshot-based backup or not.
Click Next.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the data that you want to restore.
The database name is displayed when you open this node. For the Full File and Filegroup, Differential File and Filegroup, Partial Database, and Differential Partial Database backup types on Windows, you can open the database node and select the individual files or filegroups. For other backup types, further drill-down shows items but you cannot select them.
RESTORE DATABASE <DatabaseName> <ReadWriteFilegroupOptions>

Setting Online VDI restore options

IMPORTANT: After you have created a restore job, you cannot update the restore options located in the Create Restore Job — Choose Saveset page until you select the Modify check box. Also, you cannot view the Transaction Log Options tab until you select Modify.
On the Create Selection Set page, click Edit Plugin Options.
Backup Method: This field displays the backup method used for the selected saveset.
Backup Type: This field displays the type of backup used for the selected saveset.
Restore Type: This section lets you specify the action that must be performed after the restore operation. You can select from the following options:
With RECOVERY: Select this option if no further Transaction Log or Differential Database backups are to be applied after the restore of the selected data has completed.
With NO RECOVERY: Select this option if you intend to apply a different Transaction Log or Differential Database backup after this restore has completed.
With STANDBY: Select this option when applying an Incremental Transaction Log backup from the primary server in a warm standby server scenario.
Verify-only: Select this option if you want to perform a verification check on a backup to determine if a backup set is complete and the entire backup is readable. The data is not restored.
VDI Options: The VDI restore method lets you take advantage of Microsoft’s VDI API, which provides the maximum reliability and flexibility. You can set the following options for this method:
Block Size (Bytes): This field lets you specify the device block size, in bytes. The default value is 64KB, that is, 65536 bytes.
Transfer Multiple: The value specified in this field is used as a multiplier for the value specified in the Block Size field. The overall value of the two serves as the maximum allowable data transfer size. That is, the Block Size default of 65536 bytes multiplied by the default Transfer Multiple of 24, results in a maximum allowable transfer size of 1.6MB.
Restore Options: This section contains the following options:
Target Instance: This field lets you restore the database to a different SQL Server Instance. The procedure for this type of restore is outlined in Restoring a database to an alternate instance. Leave this option blank for a standard restore of the database to the same SQL Server Instance and for AlwaysOn Availability Group restores to the primary node.
Undo File for Standby Restores: For performing Standby Restores, the plug-in requires a temporary Undo File. It is required only when the Restore Type is set to With STANDBY. By default, the path is blank. Specify the directory path for the temporary UNDO.DAT file in this field. You can set a default path for field in the Configurator. For more information, see Configuring plug-in options.
Enable Restore Checksum: Specifies that backup checksums must be verified and, if the backup lacks backup checksums, causes the restore operation to fail with a message indicating that checksums are not present. Select this check box to enable restore checksum.
Error Encountered During Checksum: If checksum is enabled, that is, the Enable Restore Checksum check box is selected, indicate what the plug-in should do if it encounters a checksum error. Select one of the following options from the list:
Continue After Error: This option is the default action set during the plug-in installation. With this value selected, the restore job will proceed, if the corruption permits, after returning a checksum error with the number of the page containing the invalid checksum.
Stop on Error: With this value selected, the restore job reports a checksum error and stops if it encounters errors.
Restore as compressed, read-only database (Windows only): If you are using an NTFS-based system and the backup was created using NetVault Backup-based compression or no compression, select this option to restore a user database or Tail-Log as a compressed, read-only database. This option is dimmed if the backup was created using the SQL Server Backup Compression feature.
Restore Location: Enter the path to a compressed folder where the data files and log files should be restored to. If the folder does not exist, NetVault Backup creates the folder as an NTFS-compressed folder. If the specified folder exists and is not an NTFS-compressed folder, the job fails and displays this message: “Database cannot be restored as compressed in this folder, specify a new folder or select an existing compressed folder.”
If you are restoring an Incremental Transaction Log or Tail-Log backup, click the Transaction Log Options tab, and configure the following parameters to set the recovery point:
Enable Point-in-Time Restore: Select this check box to enable PIT recovery of the log backup.
Point-In-Time Options: You can perform PIT recovery with either the timestamp of the transaction or the named mark for the transaction.
Date and Time: To perform recovery up to a specific point within the log backup, select this option and set the Time — using hours:minutes:seconds — and Date in the respective fields.
Marked Transaction: To perform recovery up to a mark within the Transaction Log backup, select this option. In the Mark field, enter the string to identify the transaction mark. Select Stop At from the list to perform recovery up through this transaction — the marked transaction is included. Select Stop Before to recover all transactions before this mark.
NetVault Plug-in for SQL Server - 12.2
Release Notes
User Guide
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