
NetVault Plug-in for SQL Server 12.2 - User Guide

Introducing NetVault Backup Plug-in for SQL Server Planning your SQL Server deployment Installing and removing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Backing up data
Defining a backup strategy Understanding snapshot-based backups Reviewing the compression features Performing Online VDI backups Performing VSS backups in SQL Server Example of creating a full VDI backup of an AlwaysOn Availability Group on Windows
Restoring data Using the CLI with the plug-in Troubleshooting

Partial Database backup for Online VDI

Partial Database backups are supported by:

SQL Server versions: Windows - 2008 and later

Designed to create flexibility for Simple Recovery Model databases, a Partial Database backup is similar to a Full Database backup except that a Partial does not contain all the database’s filegroups. A Partial Database backup contains all the data in the primary filegroup and every read/write filegroup. Optionally, specified read-only files can also be included. However, a partial backup of a read-only database contains only the primary filegroup.

A Partial Database backup is useful when a database contains read-only files that you do not need to include in every database backup. A Partial Database backup can also be used as a basis for a piecemeal restore scenario, which the plug-in does not support.

Differential Partial Database Backup for Online VDI

Differential Partial Database backups are supported by:

SQL Server versions: Windows - 2008 and later

Used only with Partial Database backups, a Differential Partial backup contains only those extents changed in the primary filegroup and read/write filegroups since the previous partial backup. If only some of the data captured by a partial backup has changed, using a Differential Partial backup lets you back up frequently without the overhead of Full Database backups.

For more information on the effect of adding, deleting, or modifying Filegroups on Partial Differential backups, see Differential Partial Backups in the SQL Server Books Online.

Examples of VDI online backup sequences

Following are a few examples of backup sequences that support multiple restore scenarios and that you can implement to meet your SQL Server data protection requirements.

Full Database backups only: When requirements guarantee data protection up to the previous day, performing Full Database backups nightly should be sufficient when one or more of the following conditions exist:
Full Database and Differential Database backups: When requirements guarantee data protection up to the previous day and backups must be completed quickly, Full Database backups coupled with Differential Database backups is a valid strategy. For example, Full Database backups are performed every Sunday night at 11:00 P.M. while Differential Database backups are performed Monday through Saturday at 11:00 P.M. Each Differential Database backup includes all the changes since the last Full Database backup, which is known as the differential base.
Full File and Filegroup backups and Partial Database backups: When a Simple Recovery Model database includes secondary read-only filegroups, a valid strategy includes Partial Database backups for the primary and read/write filegroups and Full File and Filegroup backups for read-only secondary filegroups. This strategy ensures recoverability of the entire database without requiring backup of the read-only filegroups every time the read/write filegroups are backed up.
Full File and Filegroup backups and Partial Database and Differential Partial Database backups: When requirements guarantee data protection for read/write data up to the previous day and backups must be completed quickly, Partial Database backups coupled with Differential Database Backups for the read/write data and Full File and Filegroup backup for the secondary read-only filegroups is a valid strategy.

Full recovery model backup sequences

Full Database and Incremental Transaction Log backups: When requirements mandate PIT data protection, performing Full Database backup nightly plus Incremental Transaction Log backups every four to eight hours should be sufficient when one or more of the following conditions exist:
Full Database and Differential Database and Incremental Transaction Log backups: When requirements mandate PIT data protection and restores of the complete database must be completed quickly, Full Database plus Differential Database plus Incremental Transaction Log backups is an ideal strategy.
Full File and Filegroup and Differential File and Filegroup and Incremental Transaction Log backups (Windows only): When requirements mandate PIT data protection and restores must be completed quickly, Full File and Filegroup plus Differential File and Filegroup plus Incremental Transaction Log backups is an ideal strategy. This strategy lets you restore a complete database or the files or filegroups that are damaged. By being able to restore only what is needed, restores are faster and data loss is minimized.
NetVault Plug-in for SQL Server - 12.2
Release Notes
User Guide
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