
NetVault Plug-in for NDMP 11.4.5 - Application Notes for Mirapoint Message Server

Restoring data using the plug-in

On the Create Restore Job — Choose Saveset page, the saveset table provides a list of available savesets.
When you select a saveset, the following details are displayed in the Saveset Information area: job ID number, job title, tag, server name, client name, plug-in name, saveset date and time, retirement setting, Incremental Backup or not, archive or not, and saveset size.
On the Create Selection Set page, select the data that you want to restore:
Entire backup: To restore the entire saveset, select the root node (/usr/store).
All mailboxes: To restore all mailboxes, select /usr/store/spool/user.
Individual mailbox: To restore an individual mailbox, select /usr/store/spool/user/<mailboxName>.
NOTE: If the Save File Information option was not selected during backup, then you cannot perform granular restores. For such savesets, select the root item and restore the entire saveset.
Click Edit Plugin Options, and configure the following settings.
To save the settings, click OK, and then click Next.
In Job Name, specify a name for the job.
In the Target Client list, the client from which data was backed up is selected by default. Do not change this setting.
For more information about these sets, see the Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.
You can monitor the job progress from the Job Status page and view the logs from the View Logs page. For more information about these functions, see the Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.

Post-restore procedures

On completion of the restore procedure, perform the following steps:

If you selected /usr/store to restore the entire saveset, reboot the server.

Restoring Incremental Backups

The incremental restores build on each other. To restore an Incremental Backup, you must have all the backups from Level-0 through the last backup in the backup sequence that you want to restore.

Searching for files in savesets

The Search option on the Create Restore Job — Choose Saveset page allows you to find specific files or data items without opening any savesets or browsing through their contents. You can use filenames or regular expressions to find the data items that you want to restore.

On the Create Restore Job — Choose Saveset page, click Search.
In the Search for files in savesets dialog box, configure the following options:
Search String: Type the search string.
Regular expression search: To use POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for Unix) regular expressions in the Search String box, select this check box.
Case sensitive: To perform a case-sensitive search, select this check box.
Click Search. On the Search Results page, you can view the savesets that contain the specified files or data items.

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