For details on removing the Plug‑in for Exchange in a DAG, SCC, or CCR deployment, see the applicable topic on working with client clusters in the Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s Guide.
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In the Navigation pane, click Manage Clients. |
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In the Installed Software table on the View Client page, select Plug‑in for Exchange, and click the Remove Plugin button ( |
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For a user to back up Exchange, the Windows user account used must:
To perform a restore of Exchange, the Windows user account must be a member of the Administrators group on the machine that Exchange is running on.
NOTE: The NetVault Process Manager Service Log on as account must be a Local System or an Exchange Administrator Account. |
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If you are using a Virtual Client for a DAG that does not use a CNO or IP address, do the following: |
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Select the Edit DAG name check box. |
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In the Database Availability Group Name field, enter the name of the DAG. |
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From the Server Role list, select the applicable role: |
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In the Default Backup Method section, select the method to use for this server: |
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In the Authentication Details section, edit the following fields: |
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Exchange Administrator User Name: Enter either a local or domain Windows account that meets the criteria specified in Reviewing Authentication Details: Windows user account permissions. When the Exchange Server Configuration dialog box is opened, this account is displayed by default in the Exchange Administrator User Name field. |
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Password: Enter the password associated with the specified user name. For security reasons, this field is displayed blank by default. |
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Windows Domain: If a domain account is specified in the Exchange Administrator User Name field, enter the name of the domain. The field can be left blank if a local system account is specified. When the Exchange Server Configuration dialog box is opened, this domain is displayed by default in the Windows Domain field. |
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In the Additional Options section, select the default action for Incomplete Backup of All Items Selected. |
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Complete with Warnings — Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Completed with warnings” and a backup saveset is created that includes the items that were successfully backed up. |
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Complete without Warnings — Saveset Retained: The job completes and returns a status of “Backup Completed.” The errors are logged in the NetVault Backup binary logs and ignored on the Job Status page. A backup saveset is created that includes the items that were backed up. |
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Fail — Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Failed.” However, a backup saveset is generated that includes the items that were successfully backed up. |
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Fail — No Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Failed” and no saveset of backed-up objects is kept. That is, even if some of the objects were successfully backed up, the saveset is discarded. |
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To specify how frequently the nodes in a DAG or cluster send updates to the plug-in, enter the applicable number in the Monitor Progress Update Interval (in seconds, 0 = continuous) field. |
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If you must instruct the plug-in to ignore warnings resulting from the Exchange integrity check, select the Ignore Warning when Consistency Check does not Return Operation Results (Not Recommended) check box. |
CAUTION: By default, the plug-in returns a warning if results to the consistency check of the Exchange database are not returned. This issue causes backup jobs to Complete with Warnings. If you know that the consistency check cannot return results because of how your Exchange environment is configured, this option lets you instruct the plug-in to ignore the warning. Quest discourages use of this option. |
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