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The content analysis reports provide item count and volume information for the items in public folder databases and mailbox databases. You can audit the information using specific criteria.
These reports are typically used to perform a detailed investigation on a few mailboxes. Due to MAPI limitations, it is not recommended that you include a large volume of mailboxes for Content and Attachment gatherings.
To see data in Content Analysis reports, you must have run a Content and Attachments gathering to collect information about the email or public folder content and attachments. The Content and Attachments gatherings can consume a large amount of processing and memory resources, and can use a large amount of database space to store data, so they are not included in the Default Gathering task.
To create the gatherings required to provide content for these reports, see the MessageStats Administrator Guide.
The Mailbox Content reports provide detailed item count and volume information for items in mailboxes. You can also use the reports to identify message header details including originator, recipients, subject line, and message identifier for mailbox items that meet specified audit criteria.
In the reports, you can right-click on a heading and use the Insert Field option to add additional information. You can insert user details such as mobile telephone number, or mailbox information such as the object GUID in Active Directory.
To see data in Mailbox Content reports, you must have run an Exchange Mailbox Content and Attachments gathering to collect information about the mailbox content.
Mailbox Content - Item Count by Folder
This report provides a detailed item count and volume information for each mailbox folder, broken down by items, deleted items, unread items, and total items.
The mailbox folders include the system-generated or Outlook-generated folders (such as Inbox, Outbox, Deleted Items, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, Journal, Junk mail, Drafts) and user-generated folders (such as Project 1, Project 2, My stuff).
The report provides the actual item count and volume information per mailbox and mailbox folder at the time that the data was gathered, regardless of the content filters that were enabled during the gathering.
Mailbox Content - Item Count by Class
This report provides an item count per mailbox and volume information for each message class (such as IPM.Post, IPM.Task, IPM.Note, and IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request). The report only includes message classes that were found in the mailboxes from which content was gathered.
Mailbox Content - Audit Items by Subject Keyword
This report provides message header details including the originator, recipients, subject line, and message-id for mailbox items that meet the specified subject keyword criteria.
You can specify the words in the message subject to be audited when you create the Content & Attachment gathering, using the Content Filters page.
Mailbox Content - Audit Items by Body Keyword
This report provides message header details including originator, recipients, body context, and message-id for mailbox items that meet the specified body keyword criteria.
You must specify the words in the message body to be audited when you create the Content & Attachment gathering, using the Content Filters page.
Mailbox Content - Audit Items by Size
This report provides message header details, including originator, recipients, size, and message-id, for mailbox items that meet the specified size criteria. You can use this report to find large items in mailbox databases.
Mailbox Content - Audit Items by Number of Recipients
This report provides message header details, including the originator, recipients, and message-id, for mailbox items that meet the specified recipient count criteria. You can use this report to find items sent to a large number of recipients.
Mailbox Content - Audit Items by Date
This report provides message header details, including the originator, recipients, item date, and message-id, for mailbox items that meet the specified date criteria. You can use this report to find items that have been stored for long periods of time.
The Public Folder Content reports provide the item count and volume information for items in public folders and can identify message header details including originator, recipients, subject line, and message identifier for public folder items that meet specified audit criteria.
In the public folder content reports, you can right-click on a heading and use the Insert Field option to add additional information. You can insert information such as the creator of the folder, custom attributes, folder age limits (expiration), and any storage quota limit details.
If a public folder is not mail-enabled, MessageStats cannot collect certain attributes from Active Directory such as custom attributes.
To see data in Public Folder Content reports, you must have run a Exchange Public Folder Content and Attachments gathering to collect information about the public folder content.
Public Folder Content - Item Count by Class
This report provides an item count per public folder and volume information for each message class (such as IPM.Post, IPM.Note, IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request). The report only includes the message classes that are found in the public folders from which content was gathered.
Public Folder Content - Audit Items by Subject Keyword
This report provides message header details including originator, recipients, subject line, and message-id for public folder items that meet the specified subject keyword criteria.
Public Folder Content - Audit Items by Body Keyword
This report provides message header details, including the originator, recipients, body context, and message-id, for items in the public folder that meet the specified body keyword criteria.
Public Folder Content - Audit Items by Size
This report provides message header details, including the originator, recipients, size, and message-id, for the items in public folders that meet the specified size criteria. You can use this report to find large items in public folder databases.
Public Folder Content - Audit Items by Date
This report provides message header details, including originator, recipients, item date, and message-id, for the items in public folders that meet the specified date criteria. You can use this report to find items stored for long periods of time.
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