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Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) is a webmail service for Microsoft Exchange Server that provides remote access to emails that are stored in an Exchange server and accessed through a web browser. In Exchange 2010 and later, the service is called Outlook Web App (OWA).
The MessageStats Report Pack for OWA provides OWA-specific reports that are integrated into the core MessageStats reports interface. The report pack allows you to gather information about OWA logon information in large-scale Exchange organizations. The core MessageStats database is extended to include OWA information that has been gathered. The installer also installs the Report Pack Task Processor and the OWA reports.
MessageStats Report Pack for OWA 7.8 is a minor release.
The following new features are available in this release:
For some browsers, when you refresh the web page, the report pack will count the refresh as one logon.
Exchange Outlook Web Access (OWA) can be configured to use either forms-based authentication or Integrated Windows authentication. Unfortunately, MessageStats cannot reliably detect Exchange 2013 OWA logons that use Integrated Windows authentication from a web browser that supports HTML5 application caching. Such web browsers include Chrome and Internet Explorer version 10 or later.
When you log onto a mailbox for the first time, OWA will redirect you to a property page in which you are asked to confirm settings such as time zone and language. The redirect can cause the first OWA logon to be ignored by the report pack. Subsequent logons are identified correctly by the report pack.
The OWA report pack does not support the OWA "Mini” feature, a lean version of OWA designed for low-resolution mobile browsing, that is new with Exchange 2010 SP2.
If you uninstall the Report Pack for OWA on a MessageStats system that also has the Report Pack for Exchange ActiveSync installed, the IIS Log Files gathering will fail until it is manually refreshed. To manually refresh the gathering, do the following steps:
OWA Reports only display the unsuccessful OWA logons that are detected by the CAS server. If you use a component in your environment that performs authentication before logons reach the CAS server (e.g. ISA servers or the Forefront Threat Management Gateway), unsuccessful logons are not reported.
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