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OWA Reports display successful and unsuccessful OWA logons. However, MessageStats can only report unsuccessful OWA logons that are detected by the Exchange CAS or Mailbox server.
If you use a component in your environment that performs authentication before logons reach the Exchange server, unsuccessful logons will not be reported. Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) servers and the Forefront Threat Management Gateway are examples of such components.
The following table describes the reports found in MessageStats Report Pack for OWA:
Logons by User Account
Lists the user accounts that performed OWA logons and shows the number of successful or unsuccessful logons performed.
Why unsuccessful logons may not be reported
Logons by Mailbox
Lists the mailboxes that were accessed using OWA and the number of times they were accessed, successfully or unsuccessfully.
Logons by Source IP
Displays the IP addresses of hosts from which users performed OWA logons and the number of successful or unsuccessful logons performed.
Logons by Server
Lists the number of times users have logged onto their mailboxes using OWA during the time period specified in the report filter,.
Logons by Department
Lists the departments of mailboxes that were accessed using OWA and the number of times those mailboxes were accessed.
Logons by Virtual Directory/Web Site
Lists the virtual directories and web sites that handled OWA logons.
Logons by Internet Browser and Version
Lists the names and versions of internet browsers that were used to perform OWA logons.
Server Uptime
Identifies which Exchange servers and associated services were available and running on the network for a full day, and also identifies the ones that were not available. For each date, the report lists the specific server, and whether the server was available for the duration of that day.
By default, this report includes only Exchange servers that have been assigned the OWA server role.
OWA Reports display successful and unsuccessful OWA logons. However, MessageStats can only report unsuccessful OWA logons that are detected by the CAS server.
If you use a component in your environment that performs authentication before logons reach the CAS server, unsuccessful logons will not be reported. Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) servers and the Forefront Threat Management Gateway are examples of such components.
In a typical environment, all of the MessageStats components (or features) are installed on the same physical server using a complete installation. This type of installation is recommended for small enterprises.
Before installing the MessageStats Report Pack for OWA components, ensure that the review the minimum requirements and ensure they are met:
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