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In some large enterprises, Database and Web Servers may be managed by a central resource. In order to install MessageStats in these environments, you can distribute the components onto appropriate machines using a Custom Installation. The most common scenario is to use a separate MessageStats Server and additional Task Processor servers.
In this type of deployment, data from the remote Exchange servers is processed by the local task processor. Then the report-ready data is transferred to the MessageStats Server and stored in the database. This minimizes network traffic by eliminating the need to copy all the data from the remote servers.
The MMC Client Console is installed on a MessageStats administrator's workstation or laptop. The administrator can create tasks and view log files, but task scheduling and gathering are carried out at another location with more robust resources.
To install the Report Pack for OWA onto an existing distributed MessageStats environment, use a Custom installation and install according to the following table.
MMC Client Console
OWA MMC Client Console
Adds the OWA components to the existing MessageStats MMC client console
Scheduler Service/Task Processors
OWA Task Processors
Adds the OWA task processor to the existing MessageStats Task Execution Server
OWA Database
Extends the existing MessageStats database schema in order to store OWA Statistics
OWA Reports
Adds the OWA Reports to the existing MessageStats Reports site
To configure MessageStats to gather OWA data from an Exchange server, the console must be able to enumerate the IIS virtual directories on the Exchange server. This is done by making Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) to the IIS Management API on the server.
If your OWA Exchange server is protected by firewall software from the internal network that includes the MessageStats server, you may need to perform some RPC configuration on your Exchange server. You may also need to open certain ports on your firewall to grant MessageStats access to the remote API.
This appendix provides a procedure that you can use to configure your OWA server and firewall. The procedure assumes that you are using a Microsoft ISA Server as your firewall software. If you are using another firewall solution, the concepts behind the procedure are still valid.
Be sure to back up the registry before you modify it. Ensure that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and modify the registry, see the Microsoft knowledgebase..
There are two parts to the process:
In a default Windows installation, RPC is configured to randomly assign server ports to any port above 1024. It is unwise to open every port over 1024.
The recommended procedure is to configure RPC to use a specific range of ports. Microsoft recommends using ports 5000 and up since ports less than 5000 may be reserved.
Microsoft also recommends that a minimum of 100 ports be opened. Therefore this example shows how to configure RPC on the OWA server to use ports 5000 to 5100.
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