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This collection allows creating SQL statements. Statements created using this collection should return only one value, the data type of which is numeric.
SQL Server.
It collects Virtualization metrics from the ESX host.
CPU Ready Time
The amount of CPU time (in seconds), since the last measurement, that is unavailable to this virtual machine, because it is being utilized by either other virtual machines or the VMware itself.
CPU % Overhead
The percentage of CPU that is unavailable to this virtual machine because it is being utilized by either other virtual machines or VMware itself.
The amount of CPU actively used on the host, as a percentage of the host’s total available CPU.
Active CPU is approximately equal to the ratio between used and available CPU.
This metric is calculated as follows:
Available CPU = # of physical CPUs x clock rate.
ESX Machine Memory Size
The total amount of physical memory (in GB) on the ESX host machine.
ESX Memory Active
The amount of memory that is being actively used, as estimated by VMkernel based on recently accessed memory pages. This metric is calculated by summing all of the active metrics for all running (powered-on) virtual machines on the host, in addition to vSphere services.
ESX Memory Usage
The amount of memory used by the ESX host, as a percentage of the total amount of configured or available memory.
ESX Memory Balloon
The amount of memory allocated by the virtual machine memory control driver (vmmemctl), that is, the amount of guest physical memory currently reclaimed from the virtual machine through ballooning.
ESX Memory Shared
The total sum of guest memory that is shared between all powered-on virtual machines on a host. Shared memory, which refers to multiple references to a specific page held in memory, may be allocated to the virtual machine on top of the physical memory allocation (overcommitment). This metric’s value reflects the efficiency of page sharing and overcommitment in utilizing machine memory.
ESX Memory Swap In
The amount of guest physical memory that was swapped-in to memory from disk via the Vmkernel, since the virtual machine was powered on. This metric is calculated as the sum of swapin values for all powered-on virtual machines on the host.
ESX Memory Swap Out
The amount of guest physical memory that was swapped out from memory to disk via the Vmkernel, since the virtual machine was powered on. This metric is calculated as the sum of swapout values for all powered-on virtual machines on the host.
ESX Memory Swapped
The total amount of guest physical memory that was swapped via the VMkernel, since the virtual machine was powered on, both to memory from disk (swapped in) and from memory to disk (swapped out). This figure, which refers to VMkernel swapping and not to guest OS swapping, is calculated as follows: esx_memory_swapin + esx_memory_swapout.
ESX Memory Swap Used
The total amount of swapped memory of all powered-on VMs and vSphere services on the ESX host.
VM Connect Availability
This is an indication of the virtualization collection connectivity.
0 - connection failed
100 - connection valid
VM Error Message
The error message indicating the reason for the collection failure to retrieve the data from the vSphere Services
Summary information from XTP Transaction statistics.
XTP Transactions
The total number of transactions that have run in the In-Memory OLTP database engine.
XTP Transactions Rate
The total number of transactions that have run in the In-Memory OLTP database engine per second.
XTP Read Only Transactions
The number of read-only transactions.
XTP Aborted Transactions
The total number of transactions that were aborted, either through user or system abort.
XTP Failed due to Validation
The number of times a transaction has aborted due to a validation failure.
XTP Failed due to Dependencies
The number of times a transaction aborts because of a transaction on which it was dependent aborts.
XTP Failed due to Unique Constraint
The total number of unique constraint violations.
XTP Failed due to Write Conflicts
The number of conflicts between transactions while writing a row which led to aborts.
XTP Writes (MB)
The total number of mega-bytes written to the In-Memory OLTP log records.
XTP Transactions on Durable Tables
The total number of transactions that require log I/O. Only considers transactions on durable tables.
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