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This collection provides detailed data regarding all replication agents of the selected distributing SQL Server instance (Distributor).
SQL Server.
Agent Name
The name of the replication agent.
Average commands
Average number of commands per transaction delivered in the session.
Delivery Latency
Latency, in milliseconds, between the transaction entering the distribution database and being applied to the Subscriber.
Delivery Rate
Average number of commands delivered per second.
The elapsed time of the agent's last session.
Publication DB Name
The name of the publication database, whose data is replicated using the selected agent.
Publication Name
The name of the publication replicated using the selected agent.
Publishing Server
The name of the SQL Server instance that hosts the publication database, whose data is replicated using the selected agent.
Start Time
The time when the selected session started.
The selected agent’s current status; for example, Started, Completed, Running, Idle, Retrying, and Error.
Subscribing Server
The name of the SQL Server instance that hosts the Subscription database to which data is replicated using the selected agent.
Subscription DB
The name of the Subscription database to which data is replicated using the selected agent.
Subscription Type
Type of subscription; for example, Push, Pull, and Anonymous.
The type of the selected agent; for example, Distribution, Log Reader, Snapshot, Merge, Miscellaneous.
This collection provides detailed data regarding the actions carried out by the selected session of the replication agent.
All informational messages and error messages that the selected agent has logged during the selected session.
Session Start Time
The time at which the action described in the Message column was performed.
This collection provides a detailed list of all articles replicated by the Merge agent's selected session.
Article Name
The name of a specific article (a table or other object) that is part of the publication.
Counter for Conflicts
The total number of conflicts detected when trying to replicate the selected article.
Counter for Deletes
The total number of Delete operations that were replicated.
Counter for Inserts
The total number of Insert operations that were replicated.
Counter for Retries
The total number of retrial attempts performed when trying to replicate this article.
Counter for Schema Changes
The total number of schema changes detected.
Counter for Updates
The total number of Update operations that were replicated.
The amount of time the article replication took.
Merge Agent Name
The name of the selected Merge agent.
Percent of Total
The currently completed percent of the article replication operation.
The time when the selected Merge session started.
The Status of the Merge agent. The possible values are: Started, Completed, Running, Idle, Retrying, and Error.
This collection provides a detailed list of the selected agent’s closed sessions.
Number of actions (comments) written per session.
The name of the selected agent.
The aggregated number of commands that were processed during the selected session's run.
Amount of time the agent has run in this session. The time represents elapsed time if the agent is currently running and the total time of the session if the agent session has ended.
End Time
The time the selected non-active session ended.
Last Message
All informational and error messages logged by the agent during the selected session.
The time the selected non-active session started.
Status of the agent session; for example, Started, Completed, Running, Idle, Retrying, and Error.
The aggregated number of transactions that were processed during the selected session's run.
The replication agent type.
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