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This collection manages SQL Server's use of data within the logical data layer and monitors the server's physical I/O operations.
Buffer Cache Free Size
The total number of free pages on all free lists.
This value is calculated as follows:
<free pages> * 8K / 1024.
When SQL Server needs a free memory page (for example, when reading a database page from disk into the buffer cache), and if no free pages are immediately available, the connection needing the free page will have to wait while SQL Server makes buffers available. This will result in slower performance. In the worst case, the connection will have to wait while SQL Server writes a modified page out to disk in order to make a free buffer.
Buffer Cache Hit Rate
The total number of cache hits.
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio
The ratio of physical reads to logical reads. It indicates the percentage of database page I/O requests that were satisfied from the Buffer Cache and therefore did not have to perform disk reads. This ratio measures how efficiently SQL Server is using the memory allocated to its buffer cache.
Buffer Cache Reads
The total number of cache lookups over the last few thousand page accesses.
Buffer Cache Size
The amount of memory currently allocated to the buffer cache, including database, free, and stolen pages.
This size is calculated as follows:
The Buffer Cache is an in-memory copy of recently used database pages.
Checkpoint Pages
The number of pages flushed by checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed.
Database Pages
The number of pages that constitute the SQL data cache. A large change in this value indicates the database is swapping cache values from the cache.
This database pages value is calculated as follows:
<pages> * 8KB / 1024.
SQL Server keeps a copy of its most recently used database pages in the buffer cache. When a connection needs to reference a database page, SQL Server performs a Logical I/O operation by checking the buffer cache to see if the requested page is already in memory. If the page is found in the buffer cache, a logical I/O read will be carried out; otherwise, the page is read from disk, using a Physical I/O operation.
Free Pages
The Lazy Writer Process periodically scans all SQL Server caches, and maintains a list of such “free” pages.
When SQL Server needs a free memory page (for example, when reading a database page from disk into the buffer cache), and no free pages are immediately available, the connection needing the free page must wait while SQL Server makes buffers available. This results in slower performance. In the worst case, the connection will have to wait while SQL Server writes a modified page out to disk in order to make a free buffer.
Lazy Writes
The number of buffer pages that have been modified in the buffer cache, which the Lazy Writer process is flushing to disk.
A high value of lazy writes may indicate that SQL Server is running out of available space in the buffer pool cache.
Logical Page Reads
The number of logical database page reads issued.
Under optimal work conditions, the SQL Server connections use logical page reads, that is: reference pages from the buffer cache. However, if the required page is not yet in the cache, it is read from disk using physical I/O operations.
A high value of the logical page reads indicates that SQL Server efficiently uses the memory allocated to its buffer cache. A high value of physical page reads, on the other hand, indicates that SQL Server is finding fewer pages already in memory, and therefore has to perform more disk reads.
Page Life Expectancy
The value of page life expectancy, that is: the length of time in seconds that a database page will stay in the buffer cache without being accessed, before it is flushed out. Microsoft recommends keeping this value greater than five minutes (300 seconds).
Values smaller than 300 indicate that pages are being flushed out of the cache within a small period of time. The resulting lack of pages in the buffer cache requires SQL Server to carry out more disk reads, thereby degrading its performance.
Physical Page Reads
The number of physical database page reads issued.
Physical page reads are used when a connection requests a page that is not already in the buffer cache.
Physical Page Writes
The number of physical database page writes issued.
Normally, SQL users do not have to wait for database write operations to complete. Most modifications to database pages are made in the buffer cache.
Read Ahead Pages
The number of pages being read from disk before they are requested, using the Read Ahead process.
Read ahead is the process by which SQL Server anticipates which pages a session will require, and reads them into the Buffer Cache before they are requested by the user connection. This process is used when SQL Server determines that a session is accessing table or index pages in a sequential manner. If the sequential processing does continue, these pages will be in the cache memory when required, thereby avoiding the need to wait for an I/O operation.
Read Ahead can improve queries’ performance when accessing a new table or an existing table with a new filter.
However, a high level of Read Ahead activity may indicate poorly coded SQL statements or inadequate indexes.
Read Ahead Pages Rate
The rate per second at which pages were read from disk before being requested, using the Read Ahead process.
Reserved Pages
The number of buffer pool reserved pages.
The reserved pages value is calculated as follows:
SQL Server Physical I/O Operations
Total number of pages read or written to disk. Even though some of these operations may be satisfied by the file system cache, they usually require physical disk access.
Stolen Pages
Pages “stolen” from the buffer pool to be used for miscellaneous server purposes, when Windows requires memory for another application.
A large number of stolen pages may be normal for a short period (for example: if the system backup begins after a large database batch run completes). However, a constantly high value of this metric may indicate overall system memory shortage.
Target Pages
The ideal number of pages in the buffer pool.
The target pages value is calculated by <pages> * 8KB / 1024.
This collection provides information on the security state of CLR (Common Language Runtime) assemblies.
SQL Server.
The database name
Is Hidden
Indicates whether there is a hidden CLR assemble within the selected database.
Is External
Indicates whether there is an external CLR assemble within the selected database.
Is Unsafe
Indicates whether there is an unsafe CLR assemble within the selected database.
This collection provides information on the state of the currently monitored cluster environment, as shown in the Cluster Administration application.
The unique identifier for the specified resource in the cluster.
Parent ID
The parent ID of the node’s vertical level.
The type of resource (Resource group).
The resource name.
The status of the cluster resource.
A brief description of the specified cluster resource (if available).
Other Data
The group to which the resource belongs.
Icon Flag
A flag indicating whether there is an error.
Take Offline Cmd
A flag indicating the existence of a command that runs when the resource goes offline.
Bring Online Cmd
A flag indicating the existence of a command that runs when the resource goes online.
Move Group Cmd
A flag indicating the existence of a command that runs when the resource is moved to another group.
Stop MSCS Cmd
A flag indicating the existence of a command that runs when the resource is stopped.
Start MSCS Cmd
A flag indicating the existence of a command that runs when the resource is started.
Running On Preferred Server
A flag indicating whether the node is running on a server that appears on the preferences list.
Controls The Current SQL Server
A flag indicating whether the node is currently controlling the SQL Server.
Running On Server
Indicates the host (server) on which the selected node is running.
Non Active Node Available
Indicates which non-active SQL Server nodes are currently not running.
Can Accept Move
A flag indicating whether the resource can accept being moved to another group.
This collection provides a list of the values that are configured and running in the SQL Server instance.
Config Value
The value to which the configuration option is set. This value may not be implemented immediately upon creation. Usually, restarting SQL Server is necessary before any change takes effect.
A description of the specified configuration option.
Last Change
The date when the value was last changed.
Last Run Value
The most recent value, set during the last modification.
The maximum permitted value for the configuration option.
The minimum permitted value for the configuration option.
Indicates when changes to the option take effect.
The following options are possible:
The name of the specified configuration option.
Run Value
The value currently used by the configuration option.
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