
Foglight Evolve 6.3.0 - Upgrade Guide

Understand product versions Best practices Upgrade the Foglight Management Server Upgrade the Foglight Agent Manager Upgrade the Database cartridges Upgrading the Infrastructure Management cartridges Upgrade the Integration cartridges Upgrade the cartridges in a federated or High Availability (HA) environment Appendix: Deploying an agent package using the browser interface

Scenario 2 — New Management Server features or defect fixes

A new release of Foglight typically delivers new features and defect fixes. See the Foglight Release Notes for information about new features and defect fixes. We recommend the Management Server upgrade to customers who want one or more of the features or defect fixes in a new release.

Customers who want to take advantage of new features and defect fixes can do so with a simple upgrade to the Management Server. This upgrade is expected to take 15 minutes or less. An upgrade to the server does not introduce any incompatibilities with earlier versions of other Foglight core components; therefore, with the Management Server 6.1.0 upgrade, you should not have to upgrade any other components in your environment.

Scenario 3 — Agent Manager client-side feature dependency or defect fix

A new release of the Agent Manager typically delivers new features and defect fixes. For information about new features and defect fixes, see the Foglight Agent Manager Release Notes. Customers who want to take advantage of a new feature or defect fix may consider a move to the latest Agent Manager client.

The 6.0.0 Agent Manager Adapter is updated as part of the Management Server 6.1.0 upgrade, and the new adapter is backward compatible with all earlier versions of the Agent Manager.

Generally, there is no need to upgrade the client side of the Agent Manager. An Agent Manager client-side upgrade is required only in the following situations:

You do not need to upgrade all Agent Manager clients to the latest version. You only need to upgrade the ones that meet one or more of the conditions specified above.

Dependency and compatibility matrices

This section provides information on upgrade version compatibility.

The following table presents the upgrade matrix for the key components of Foglight 6.1.0.

The matrix below lists the new components and cartridges and their main features and indicates whether or not upgrade to a component for a particular feature requires the upgrade of one or more core components.


If it is indicated that a Management Server upgrade is not required, please ensure that your current Management Server version is compatible. The matrix above only covers potential upgrades from the previous version of Foglight.

The matrix below outlines the compatibility of the latest cartridges and core components with earlier versions of the Management Server and with the current Management Server. This matrix will assist you in determining whether you need to upgrade your Management Server, if you are presently running an older version.

Prepare for an upgrade

Preparing for a Foglight upgrade is straightforward, but may be time-consuming. Before upgrading you should:

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