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Account Expiration Date
Shows the account expiration date for the selected accounts. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Account Operators
Shows the members of the account operators group for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Accounts that can change any property of any user in the selected domains
Shows accounts that can change any property of any user in the selected domains. Includes any accounts that are permissioned through group membership. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report. You may also set the maximum recursion depth for this report.
The folder level value will start from zero.Examining the path of C:\FolderA\FolderB,C:\ is 0 levels deep.FolderA is 1 level deep.FolderB is 2 levels deep.
Accounts that can change group membership of any group in the selected domains
Show accounts that can change group membership of any group in the selected domains. Includes accounts that are permissioned through group membership. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report. You may also set the maximum recursion depth for this report.
Active Directory Permissions
Shows all Active Directory permissions for the selected domains and Active Directory objects. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, object types, objects, and accounts to be included in the report. Also includes the option to filter inherited or explicit permissions.
Active Directory Permissions for Account
Shows the Active Directory permissions for an account, including permissions derived through group membership. Contains parameters to select the account, domains, organizational units, object types, and objects to be included in the report. Also includes the option to filter inherited or explicit permissions.
Active Directory Permissions for Account with Membership
Shows the Active Directory permissions for an account, including permissions derived through group membership. If you choose to include nested groups, membership of the groups is displayed. Contains parameters to select the account, domains, organizational units, object types, and objects to be included in the report. Also includes the option to filter inherited or explicit permissions.
All Accounts
Shows accounts of all types including trust accounts and InetOrgPerson accounts. Contains parameters to select the domains and account type to be included in this report.
All Names for Active Directory Users
Shows all the Active Directory names for the selected user accounts. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units and accounts to be included in the report.
Circular Nested Domain Groups
Shows information about groups which recursively contain themselves for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Disabled Accounts
Shows all the disabled accounts for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Accounts
Shows all the domain accounts for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, accounts, and account scopes to be included in the report.
Domain Computer Information
Shows the domain computer information in selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and computers to be included in the report.
Domain Controller Information
Shows domain controller information for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, domain controllers, and organizational units to be included in the report.
Domain Groups
Shows all the domain groups for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, domain groups, and group scopes to be included in the report. Also contains the option to include only security enabled groups.
Domain Groups and Members
Shows the group membership for the selected domains and groups. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and domain groups to be included in the report. Contains a parameter to include nested group memberships and options on how they are displayed in the report. For more information, see the Expand Nested Groups Parameter topic in the Quest Enterprise Reporter Report Manager User Guide in the Technical Documentation.
Foreign groups only appear if they were included in the applicable discovery. For more information, see the Quest Enterprise Reporter Configuration Manager User Guide in the Technical Documentation.
Domain Groups with Probable Owners
Shows the domain groups for the selected domains and suggests the account that manages the highest percentage of members of each group as the probable group owner. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Groups without Members
Shows all the domain groups which do not have any members. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and domain groups to be included in the report.
Domain Service Accounts
Shows all the service accounts for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and domain service accounts to be included in the report.
Domain Sites
Shows all the sites for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and sites to be included in the report.
Domain Summary
Shows a domain summary for the selected domains. Summary information is only available if Active Direct discovery collections that include object counts for the selected domains have been completed. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report.
Domain Trusts
Shows all the trust relationships for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and trusts to be included in the report.
Domain Users
Shows all the domain users for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report. Also contains the options to include only disabled or only locked domain user accounts.
Domain Users at Risk
Shows the users who match one or more of the selected risk factors and therefore may pose a security risk in the selected domains. Includes a summary of risk factors used as criteria for this report. Contains parameters to select the domains to be included in the report. Also contains the option to include users that:
Domain Users with Recent Logons
Shows users in the selected domains who have logged on in the selected time frame. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and users to be included in the report. Also contains the option to include users that have logged on in the past _ days.
Domain Users without Recent Logons
Shows users in the selected domains who have not logged on in the selected time frame. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and users to be included in the report. Also contains the option to include users that have not logged on in the past _ days.
Group Managed Service Accounts and Members
Shows all the group managed service accounts and their members for the selected domains. If you choose to include nested groups, membership of the group members is displayed. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and group managed service accounts to be included in the report.
Group Member Comparison
Shows the direct and indirect users that are members of the selected groups. Contains parameters to select up to 5 groups.
Group Membership by Domain Account
Shows all groups to which the selected domain accounts belong. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Group Membership Comparison
Compares the direct and indirect group memberships of the selected accounts. Contains parameters to select up to 5 accounts.
Locked Out Accounts
Shows all the locked out accounts for the selected domains.Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Managed Service Accounts
Shows all the managed service accounts for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and managed service accounts to be included in this report.
Managed Service Accounts and Members
Shows all the managed service accounts and their members for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and managed service accounts to be included in this report.
Member Servers
Shows the member server information for the selected domains.Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report.
Published Printer Information
Shows published printer information for the selected domains.Contains parameters to select the domains and printers to be included in the report.
Published Share Information
Shows published share information for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and shares to be included in the report.
Recursive Group Membership by Domain Account
Shows recursive group membership for the selected domain accounts. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Remote Access Profile (RAS) Information
Shows RAS information for the selected user accounts. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Remote Control Settings Information
Shows terminal services remote control settings of the users for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Terminal Services Profile Information
Shows terminal services profile information of the users for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Users At Risk Of Token Bloat
Shows the users who are at risk of token bloat in the selected domains. You can select the number of security groups permitted for users in these domains. This report will only include groups from your selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Users Not Logged On In The Past 30 Days
Shows users in the selected domains who have not logged on in the past 30 days. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
User That Have Never Logged On
Shows users in the selected domains who have never logged on. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Users with An Exchange Mailbox
Shows Active Directory Users that have an Exchange mailbox as set by the Active Directory Connector. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Health Check | Active Directory
Active Directory Summary
Shows the summary of Active Directory Users and Groups for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Controllers by Site Name
Shows the domain controller per site for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and sites to be included in the report.
Domain Controllers with Global Catalog by Site Name
Shows the domain controller with global catalog per site for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and sites to be included in the report.
Domain Functional Level
Shows the domain functional level for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain NetBIOS Name
Shows domain NetBIOS name for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Sites without a Domain Controller
Shows domain sites that do not contain a domain controller for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Sites without a Global Catalog
Shows domain sites that do not contain a global catalog for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
FSMO Role Holders by Forest
Shows flexible single main operation (FSMO) role holders for the selected forests. Contains parameters to select the forests and domains to be included in the report.
Number of Domain Controllers
Shows the number of domain controllers for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Number of Domains per Forest
Shows the number of domains for the selected forests. Contains a parameter to select the forests to be included in the report.
OU Structure
Shows the OU structure for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Read Only Domain Controllers
Shows read-only domain controllers for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Size of Active Directory Database
Shows the size of the Active Directory database for the selected computers. Contains parameters to select the domain and organizational units to be included in the report.
Health Check | Computer
Disabled Computer Accounts
Shows disabled computer accounts for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report.
Domain Computers by Operating System
Shows domain computers per operating system for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and operating systems to be included in the report.
Health Check | Group
Domain Groups with Duplicate Display Names
Shows domain groups with duplicate display names in the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Groups with Only One Member
Shows domain groups with only one member for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Groups without a Display Name
Shows domain groups without a display name for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Health Check | User
Shows disabled accounts for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report.
Domain Users that will Expire in Next (N) Days
Shows domain users that will expire in next N days for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and the number of days to be included in the report.
Domain Users with Duplicate Display Names
Shows domain users with duplicate display names in the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Users with Duplicate Email Addresses
Shows domain users with duplicate email addresses in the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Domain Users without a Display Name
Shows domain users without a display name for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report. Also contains the options to include only disabled or only locked domain user accounts.
Domain Users without a First Name
Shows domain users without a first name for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report. Also contains the options to include only disabled or only locked domain user accounts.
Domain Users without a Last Name
Shows domain users without a last name for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report. Also contains the options to include only disabled or only locked domain user accounts.
Exchange Mailbox Users with Duplicate Display Names
Shows exchange mailbox users with duplicate display names in at least two selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Exchange Mailbox Users without a Display Name
Shows Active Directory users without a display name that have an Exchange mailbox. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and accounts to be included in the report.
Expired Accounts
Shows expired accounts for the selected domains. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Users That Cannot Change the Set Password
Shows users that cannot change the set password for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report.
Users with Password Set to Never Expire
Shows users with password set to never expire for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains and organizational units to be included in the report.
Migration Assessment
Detailed Computer Information for Migration
Shows detailed information for the selected computers. The report includes the following sections to assist with migration efforts: for Local Groups, Local Administrators, Installed Software, Services, User Profiles, Shares and IP Addresses.
Note: Computer detail information is only available if Computer and Active Directory collections that include the selected computers have been completed.
Contains parameters to select the domains and computers to be included in the report.
Duplicate Domain Computers
Shows duplicate computers in the selected domains. Two or more domains must be specified. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Duplicate Domain Groups
Shows duplicate groups in the selected domains. Two or more domains must be specified. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
Duplicate Domain Users
Shows duplicate users in the selected domains. Two or more domains must be specified. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report.
QMM Matching Computers
Shows computers that have been migrated (using Quest Migration Manager) from the selected source domain into the selected target domain by comparing the Object GUID of the source computer to the Extension Attribute 15 of the target computer. Contains parameters to select the source domain and the target domain for this report.
QMM Matching Groups
Shows groups that have been migrated (using Quest Migration Manager) from the selected source domain into the selected target domain by comparing the Object GUID of the source group to the Extension Attribute 15 of the target group. Contains parameters to select the source domain and the target domain for this report.
QMM Matching Users
Shows users that have been migrated (using Quest Migration Manager) from the selected source domain into the selected target domain by comparing the Object GUID of the source user to the Extension Attribute 15 of the target user. Contains parameters to select the source domain and the target domain for this report.
Accounts that can change or reset password for any user in the selected domains
Shows accounts that can change or reset the password of any user in the selected domains. Includes any accounts that are permissioned through group membership. Contains a parameter to select the domains to be included in the report. You may also set the maximum recursion depth for this report.
Domain Users with Changed Passwords
Shows all domain users who have changed their password in the selected time frame for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and users to be included in the report. Also contains the option to include users with passwords that have changed in the past _ days.
Domain Users with Expired Passwords
Shows all users with expired passwords for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and users to be included in the report.
Domain Users with Older Passwords
Shows all the users who have not changed their password in the selected time frame for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and users to be included in the report. Also contains the option to include users with passwords older than _ days.
Last Password Change and Logon for Domain Computers
Shows the last password change and last logon for computers in the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, and computers to be included in the report.
User Password Information
Shows user password information for the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, domain users, and accounts to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory Application Information
Shows all the applications for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants and applications to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include only original applications.
Azure Active Directory Application Permissions
Shows the application permissions for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to include tenants and applications to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include only original applications.
Azure Active Directory Application Service Principals
Shows all the applications for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to include the tenants, applications, and service principals to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Contact Information
Shows all the contacts for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and contacts to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include only contacts connected with on-premises Active Directory.
Azure Active Directory Device Information
Shows all devices for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and devices to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include only devices connected with on-premises Active Directory.
Azure Active Directory Domain Information
Shows all the domains for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and domains to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include only verified domains.
Azure Active Directory Group Information
Shows all the groups for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and groups to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include only groups connected with on-premises Active Directory.
Azure Active Directory Group Membership for Identity
Shows all groups to which the selected entities belong. Contains parameters to select the tenants and identities to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Groups and Members
Shows the group memberships for the selected tenants. If you choose to include nested groups, membership of the groups is displayed. Contains parameters to select the tenants and groups to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Groups Connected with On-Premises Active Directory
Shows all the Azure Active Directory groups whose identity information is synchronized with on-premises directories for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and groups to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Groups with Dynamic Membership
Shows all the groups with dynamic memberships for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and groups to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Identities
Shows all the Azure identities for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and identity types to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Identities with Connected On-Premises Status
Shows the on-premises connection status for the selected identities, identity types, and tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants, identities, and identity types to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Office 365 Groups
Shows all the Office 365 groups for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and groups to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Orphaned Groups
Shows groups without owners for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and groups to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Privileged Roles for User
Shows the assigned roles for the selected users. Contains parameters to select tenants and users to be included in the report.
This report displays role names that differ from those displayed in the Azure portal.
Azure Active Directory Roles and Members
Shows all the roles and their members for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and roles to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Security Groups
Shows all the security groups for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and groups to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Service Principal Assignments with Members
Shows the service principal assignments for the selected tenants. If you choose to include nested groups, membership of the assignment is displayed. Contains parameters to select the tenants and service principals to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include nested group memberships and options for how they are displayed in the report.
Azure Active Directory Service Principals
Shows all the service principals for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants and service principals to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include service principals with a registered application on the tenant.
Azure Active Directory Summary
Shows a summary information with statistics for the selected tenants. Contains a parameter to select the tenants to be included in the report. Each tenant includes a table summarizing the number of users, groups, contacts, and service principals as well as statistics for Azure, users, groups, roles, and application service principals.
Azure Active Directory User Devices
Shows all the users and their devices for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and users to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory User Information
Shows all the users for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and users to be included in the report. Also contains parameters to include only enabled users or only users connected with on-premises Active Directory.
Azure Active Directory Users Connected with On-Premises Active Directory
Shows all Azure Active Directory users whose identity information is synchronized with on-premises directories for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and users to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Users Flagged for Risk
Shows all the users for the selected tenants that are flagged as at risk. Contains parameters to select the tenants, risks updated within the past (N) days, and risk levels to be included in the report.
Azure Active Directory Users with Multi-Factor Authentication Information
Shows users with multi-factor authentication information for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, users, and multi-factor authentication statuses to be included in the report.
Azure Global Administrators with Multi-Factor Authentication Disabled
Shows global administrators that do not have multi-factor authentication enabled or enforced on the selected tenants. Contains a parameter to select the tenants to be included in the report. Contains hidden parameters to include, by default, company administrators and users with multi-factor authentication status set to disabled.
Azure Tenant Information
Shows general information for the selected tenants. Contains a parameter to select tenants to be included in the report.
Azure Tenant Password Reset Policies
Shows password reset policy information for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants to be included in the report.
Azure Tenant User Settings
Shows Azure tenant level user settings for selected tenants. Contains a parameter to select tenants to be included in the report.
Circular Nested Azure Active Directory Groups
Shows information about groups which recursively contain themselves for the selected Azure tenants. Contains a parameter to select the tenants to be included in the report.
Azure Classic Disk Information
Shows general information for the classic disks on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, virtual machines, and classic disks to be included in the report.
Azure Classic Storage Account Information
Shows general information for the classic storage accounts on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and storage accounts to be included in the report.
Azure Classic Virtual Machine Information
Shows information for the classic virtual machines on the selected tenant. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and classic virtual machines to be included in the report.
Azure Classic Virtual Machine with Networking Information
Shows classic virtual machines with networking information on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and classic virtual machines to be included in the report.
Azure Disk Information
Shows general information for the disks on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and disks.
Azure IP Configuration Information
Shows IP configuration resources on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and IP configurations to be included in the report.
Azure Network Interface Information
Shows network interfaces on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and network interfaces to be included in the report.
Azure Network Security Group Information
Shows general information for the network security groups on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and network security groups.
Azure Resource Group Information
Shows general information for the resource groups on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and subscriptions to be included in the report.
Azure Resource Information
Shows general information for the resources for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and resource types to be included in the report.
Azure Resource Subscription Information
Shows general information for the resource subscriptions for the selected tenants. Contains a parameter to select tenants to be included in the report.
Azure Resource Summary
Shows a summary of the azure resources on the selected tenants. Contains a parameter to select the tenants to be included in the report.
Azure Storage Account Information
Shows general information for the storage accounts on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and storage accounts to be included in the report.
Azure Virtual Machine Drive Information
Shows information for the virtual machine drives on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and virtual machines to be included in the report.
Azure Virtual Machine Information
Shows information for virtual machines on the selected tenant. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, and resource groups, and virtual machines to be included in the report.
Azure Virtual Machine with Networking Information
Shows virtual machines with networking information on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and virtual machines to be included in the report.
Azure Virtual Machines
Shows all types of virtual machines including classic and standard on the selected tenants. Contains a parameter to select the tenants to be included in the report.
Azure Virtual Network Information
Shows virtual networks on the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and virtual networks to be included in the report.
Resources | Access Control
Azure Resource Access Control for Identity
Shows resource access control, including access derived through group membership, for the selected resources and the selected identity. Contains parameters to select the identity, tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources to be included in the report.
Azure Resource Access Control with Membership
Shows permissions for the resources on the selected tenants. If you choose to include nested groups, membership of the groups is displayed. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, resource, and roles to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include nested group memberships and options for how they are displayed in the report.
Azure Resource Group Access Control for Identity
Shows resource group access control, including access derived through group membership, for the selected resource groups and the selected identity. Contains parameters to select the identity, tenants, subscriptions, and resource groups to be included in the report.
Azure Resource Group Access Control with Membership
Shows permissions for the resource groups on the selected tenants. If you choose to include nested groups, membership of the groups is displayed. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, resource groups, and roles to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include nested group memberships and options for how they are displayed in the report.
Azure Resource Subscription Access Control for Identity
Shows resource subscription access control, including access derived through group membership, for the selected subscriptions and the selected identity. Contains parameters to select the identity, tenants, and subscriptions, to be included in the report.
Azure Resource Subscription Access Control with Membership
Shows permissions for the resource subscriptions on the selected tenants. If you choose to include nested groups, membership of the groups is displayed. Contains parameters to select the tenants, subscriptions, and roles to be included in the report. Also contains a parameter to include nested group memberships and options for how they are displayed in the report.
Subscriptions and Licenses
Azure Licensed Users for Department
Shows licensed users for the selected departments. Contains parameters to select tenants, users, and departments to be included in the report.
Azure Licensed Users with Service Plans
Shows licensed users with service plan information for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and users to be included in the report.
Azure Service Plan Usage
Shows service plan usage information for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and service plans to be included in the report.
Azure Subscription Information
Shows subscription information for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and subscriptions to be included in the report.
Azure Users without a License
Shows all users without a license for the selected tenants. Contains parameters to select tenants and users to be included in the report.
Active Directory Change History
Shows the changes made over time to the selected domains. Contains parameters to select the domains, changes, and date range to be included in the report.
Computer Change History
Shows the changes made over time to the selected computers. Contains parameters to select the domains, computers, changes, and date range to be included in the report.
Database Change History
Shows the changes made over time to the selected databases. Contains parameters to select the SQL Servers, instances, databases, changes, and date range to be included in the report.
Domain Group Membership Change History
Shows the changes made over time to domain group memberships. Contains parameters to select the domains, organizational units, groups, and date range to be included in the report.
Group Membership Change History
Shows the changes over time to group memberships. Contains parameters to select the group and date range to be included in the report. You must have group membership collection enabled in your discovery in order to have data for this report.
NTFS Change History
Shows the changes made over time to the selected NTFS objects (files, folders, and shares). Contains parameters to select the domains, computers, and date range to be included in the report.
Registry Change History
Shows the changes made over time to registry keys and values. Contains parameters to select the computers, changes, and date range to be included in the report.
SQL Server Change History
Shows the changes made over time to the selected SQL servers. Contains parameters to select the SQL Servers, instances, changes, and date range to be included in the report.
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