
Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

Viewing all machines in a custom group on one page

Clicking the name of a custom group takes you to a Machines page that lists all the machines in that custom group. You can then perform some functions on all machines from the Actions menu, or you can perform functions individually by selecting commands from each individual machine.

Snapshots and recovery points

This section describes how to use and manage the snapshots and recovery points generated by Rapid Recovery. It includes information about mounting, viewing, and forcing, as well as migrating and deleting recovery points.

Topics include:

Managing snapshots and recovery points

A recovery point is a collection of snapshots taken of individual disk volumes and stored in the repository. Snapshots capture and store the state of a disk volume at a given point in time while the applications that generate the data are still in use. In Rapid Recovery, you can force a snapshot, temporarily pause snapshots, and view lists of current recovery points in the repository as well as delete them if needed. Recovery points are used to restore protected machines or to mount to a local file system.

The snapshots that are captured by Rapid Recovery are done so at the block level and are application aware. This means that all open transactions and rolling transaction logs are completed and caches are flushed to disk before creating the snapshot.

Rapid Recovery uses a low-level volume filter driver, which attaches to the mounted volumes and then tracks all block-level changes for the next impending snapshot. Microsoft Volume Shadow Services (VSS) is used to facilitate application crash consistent snapshots.

Viewing the recovery points page of a protected machine

Complete the steps in the following procedure to view the full list of recovery points for a protected machine. For more information on viewing specific recovery points, see Viewing recovery points for a machine.

NOTE: If you are protecting data from a DAG or CCR server cluster, the associated recovery points do not appear at the cluster level. They are only visible at the node or machine level.

  1. In the Rapid Recovery Core Console, navigate to the protected machine for which you want to view recovery points.
  2. From the menu at the top of the page, click Recovery Points.

    The Recovery Points page appears, showing a Recovery Points Summary pane and a Recovery Points pane.

    You can view summary information about the recovery points for the machine as described in the following table.

    Table 76: Recovery point summary information
    Info Description
    Total recovery points Lists the total number of recovery points saved to the repository for this machine.
    Total protected data Indicates the amount of storage space used in the repository for these recovery points.
    Repository Lists the name of the repository in which these recovery points are stored.
    Repository status Graphically displays the amount of space consumed by the recovery points. Shows percentage of the repository used, the amount of space, and the total space of the repository. Click on the graph to see the amount of space remaining.

    You can view information about the recovery points for the machine as described in the following table.

    Table 77: Recovery point information
    Info Description
    Icon Graphic depiction of either a recovery point [Recovery Point or, if expanded, a volume [Volume] within the recovery point. Recovery points show an arrow [Expand arrow] indicating that detail can be expanded (or, if expanded, an arrow [Contract arrow] showing that the menu can be contracted).
    Encrypted Indicates if the recovery point is encrypted.
    Status Indicates current status of the recovery point.
    Contents and More Information

    Lists the volumes included in the recovery point. For Exchange servers, click [Information]
        to display information about the server.
    Hover over the [More Info] More Information icon to see the space usage and the file system in the recovery point or volume displayed.

    Type Defines a recovery point as either a base image or an incremental (differential) snapshot.
    Creation Date Displays the date when the recovery point was created.
    Size Displays the amount of space that the recovery point consumes in the repository.
        The [More] drop-down menu lets you perform certain functions for the selected recovery point.
  3. Optionally, expand a recovery point to view the protected volumes.

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