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Exchange Online Gathering Tasks The Exchange Online gathering template is a composite template that includes several individual gathering tasks. When you run the Exchange Online composite gathering task, all the individual tasks are run in the appropriate order. The gathering task dependencies are described in the following table: Table 5. Exchange Online gathering task dependencies. Gathering Task Name Description Dependent on Exchange Online This is a composite task that includes the following gatherings: • Exchange Online Azure AD Objects • Exchange Online Users • Exchange Online Contacts • Exchange Online Groups • Exchange Online Mailboxes • Exchange Online Mailbox Statistics • Exchange Online Activity For information about the individual gatherings that comprise the Exchange Online composite gathering, see the descriptions of the individual gatherings. N/A Exchange Online individual gatherings Exchange Online Azure AD Objects The Exchange Online Azure AD Objects gathering task collects data about your Azure Active Directory objects such as users, mailboxes, groups, and public folders. Successful completion of the Exchange Online Mailboxes and the Exchange Online Contacts gathering tasks. Exchange Online Users Gathers the data about your Exchange Online users including user details such as the user email address and account information such as creation date. N/A Exchange Online Contacts Collects data about your Exchange Online mail contacts (user contacts and guest user contacts). N/A Exchange Online Groups Collects data about your Exchange Online groups including Microsoft 365 groups, standard and dynamic distribution groups, and security groups. Successful completion of the Exchange Online Azure AD Objects gathering task. Exchange Online Mailboxes Gathers details about your Office 365 mailboxes such as alias, when the mailbox was created, and the last logon date and time. Successful completion of an Exchange Online Users gathering for the same gathering credentials. Exchange Online Mailbox Statistics Gathers statistical data about your Office 365 mailboxes such as the number of items and the size of the mailboxes. Successful completion of an Exchange Online Mailboxes gathering for the same gathering credentials. Exchange Online Mailbox Security Gathers the mailbox security and permissions information about who has access to Exchange Online mailboxes. This is a stand-alone gathering that is not part of the Exchange Online composite task. Successful completion of an Exchange Online Mailboxes gathering for the same gathering credentials. Exchange Online Activity Gathers message traffic from your Exchange Online mailboxes. Shows internal and external message activity, based on your configured internal domains. Successful completion of an Exchange Online Mailboxes gathering and an Exchange Online Groups gathering for the same gathering credentials.
The Exchange Online gathering template is a composite template that includes several individual gathering tasks. When you run the Exchange Online composite gathering task, all the individual tasks are run in the appropriate order.
The gathering task dependencies are described in the following table:
Table 5. Exchange Online gathering task dependencies.
Gathering Task Name
Dependent on
Exchange Online
This is a composite task that includes the following gatherings:
For information about the individual gatherings that comprise the Exchange Online composite gathering, see the descriptions of the individual gatherings.
Exchange Online individual gatherings
Exchange Online Azure AD Objects
The Exchange Online Azure AD Objects gathering task collects data about your Azure Active Directory objects such as users, mailboxes, groups, and public folders.
Successful completion of the Exchange Online Mailboxes and the Exchange Online Contacts gathering tasks.
Exchange Online Users
Gathers the data about your Exchange Online users including user details such as the user email address and account information such as creation date.
Exchange Online Contacts
Collects data about your Exchange Online mail contacts (user contacts and guest user contacts).
Exchange Online Groups
Collects data about your Exchange Online groups including Microsoft 365 groups, standard and dynamic distribution groups, and security groups.
Successful completion of the Exchange Online Azure AD Objects gathering task.
Exchange Online Mailboxes
Gathers details about your Office 365 mailboxes such as alias, when the mailbox was created, and the last logon date and time.
Successful completion of an Exchange Online Users gathering for the same gathering credentials.
Exchange Online Mailbox Statistics
Gathers statistical data about your Office 365 mailboxes such as the number of items and the size of the mailboxes.
Successful completion of an Exchange Online Mailboxes gathering for the same gathering credentials.
Exchange Online Mailbox Security
Gathers the mailbox security and permissions information about who has access to Exchange Online mailboxes. This is a stand-alone gathering that is not part of the Exchange Online composite task.
Exchange Online Activity
Gathers message traffic from your Exchange Online mailboxes. Shows internal and external message activity, based on your configured internal domains.
Successful completion of an Exchange Online Mailboxes gathering and an Exchange Online Groups gathering for the same gathering credentials.
• Configuring Task Default Properties • Changing Task Credentials • Changing Task Credentials • Changing the Schedule for a Task • Enabling Task Logging • Setting Task Retry Attempts • About the Default Configuration
Configuring Task Default Properties If you right-click the Tasks node in the treeview and select Properties, you can view properties that are used as the default values for all tasks. The following property sheets are available: • Task Credentials (For more information, see Changing Task Credentials.) • Task Schedule (For more information, see Changing the Schedule for a Task.) • Task Logging (For more information, see Enabling Task Logging.) • Task Retry (For more information see Setting Task Retry Attempts.)
If you right-click the Tasks node in the treeview and select Properties, you can view properties that are used as the default values for all tasks.
The following property sheets are available:
Changing Task Credentials The Task Credentials property page allows you to set Windows security credentials under which the gathering process runs. By default, this page displays the credentials that you defined for the Task Scheduler Service during installation. In the MessageStats Exchange Online report pack, these task credentials are used only for running and scheduling the task. The credentials that are used to access and collect the Exchange Online data are the credentials that you specified when you first adding a new connection to Exchange Online report.
The Task Credentials property page allows you to set Windows security credentials under which the gathering process runs. By default, this page displays the credentials that you defined for the Task Scheduler Service during installation.
In the MessageStats Exchange Online report pack, these task credentials are used only for running and scheduling the task. The credentials that are used to access and collect the Exchange Online data are the credentials that you specified when you first adding a new connection to Exchange Online report.
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