Consider whether to protect machines in your Core using Rapid Recovery Agent, agentlessly using Rapid Snap for Virtual, or using dual protection. See the subsection Choosing Rapid Recovery Agent, agentless, or dual protection.
Determine which machines to protect in your Core using each method. See the subsection Install Rapid Recovery Agent on the following machines.
Review the methods to obtain the Rapid Recovery Agent software and determine which method you will use. Then obtain the software, and install on the machines you want to protect on the Rapid Recovery Core. See Obtaining Rapid Recovery software.
NOTE: Quest recommends retaining the binary installer file for any currently installed Rapid Recovery software product. You can use this file in the future to reinstall, repair, or remove the software. |
Finally, add the machines to protection on your Core using the appropriate Protect Machine wizard. For more information, see "Protecting machines" in the Rapid Recovery 6.4 User Guide.
Agentless protection offers several advantages to Agent-based protection, and some restrictions. These are described in the Rapid Recovery 6.4 User Guide topic "Understanding Rapid Snap for Virtual." If interested in reducing the amount of licenses consumed, see the topic "Choosing Agent-based or agentless VM protection" in the same document. For instructions on protecting VMs agentlessly, see "About protecting multiple machines" and its subtopics, also in the User Guide.
Rapid Recovery Agent offers several unique features not available for machines strictly protected using Rapid Snap for Virtual. These features include:
If you need any of these features, use Rapid Recovery Agent to protect your physical or virtual machines.
NOTE: As of release 6.2, unless using capacity-based licensing, a Rapid Recovery software license is consumed from your Enterprise license pool for each installation of Rapid Recovery Agent installed and protected on your Core. |
You can use dual protection of Hyper-V or vSphere ESXi guest VMs—protecting the VM using Rapid Snap for Virtual and also installing Rapid Recovery Agent. This lets you take advantage of Agent-specific features.
NOTE: If protecting virtual machines on ESXi and Hyper-V hosts, and the hypervisor hosts are added to your Core, Quest recommends associating the VM with its parent host in machine settings. This ensures an additional license is not consumed from your Enterprise license pool. |
For more information about linking the protected VM with its hypervisor host, see the User Guide topic "Viewing and modifying protected machine settings" (specifically the Hypervisor setting in step 3). Also see Protected hypervisor hosts and license consumption in this document for information about the differences between protecting a hypervisor host and a VM, and relevant license consumption concepts.
For Agent-based protection, install the Rapid Recovery Agent software on machines that you want to protect with Rapid Recovery Core using the criteria specified below.
For information about obtaining Rapid Recovery software, see Obtaining Rapid Recovery software.
Install the Rapid Recovery Agent software on machines that you want to protect in your Rapid Recovery Core for:
If you want to use Rapid Snap for Virtual agentless protection for Hyper-V and ESXi guest VMs, run the Protect Multiple Machines wizard. For Hyper-V server, the Protection Options page lets you deploy the Rapid Recovery Agent software to the Hyper-V host.
NOTE: There is no need to install Rapid Recovery Agent on the vSphere ESXi host. Rapid Recovery Core uses VMware APIs to connect to ESXi VMs directly. |
For more information about protecting a hypervisor host, see Protected hypervisor hosts and license consumption. For information about supported hypervisors and versions, see "Hypervisor requirements" in the Rapid Recovery 6.4 System Requirements Guide.
When you add a Hyper-V or vSphere ESXi hypervisor host to protection on your Core, we refer to this as "protecting the host." This protection is differentiated from typical protection because the data and OS on a protected hypervisor host server itself are not backed up by the Rapid Recovery Core. Instead, you enable the Rapid Snap for Virtual feature of Rapid Recovery for the host. You can then agentlessly protect any of the guests VMs on the protected host.
The host is depicted in the protected machines menu with a specific icon, as shown in the following table. Protected VMs on any hypervisor host are listed as children of the host in the machines menu. Unless it is linked with its parent hypervisor host, an agentlessly protected machine uses a different icon than machines protected using Rapid Recovery Agent.
Icon | Description |
Protected ESXi host | |
Protected ESXi VM | |
Protected Hyper-V host | |
Protected Hyper-V VM | |
Standard protected machine or linked agentlessly protected machine | |
Protected hypervisor hosts are added to the Rapid Recovery License Portal, and licenses are deducted from your pool accordingly.
License consumption is calculated to be advantageous for users of agentless protection. For example, when using Agent-based protection, any machine (physical or virtual) protected in your Core with Rapid Recovery Agent consumes one license from your Enterprise pool. This is true even for application servers (such as Exchange Server, SQL Server, or Oracle Database 12c) with multiple CPU sockets.
Hyper-V or vCenter/ESXi hypervisor hosts protected in the Rapid Recovery Core consume one license from the pool for each processor socket. If your hypervisor host has six CPU sockets, 6 licenses are consumed from the Enterprise pool. Additional licenses are not consumed when more VMs on the protected host are protected agentlessly.
However, you are not penalized if not protecting many VMs. In the same example, if you protect a hypervisor host with six CPU sockets and protect only two virtual machines on that host, only two licenses (one license per VM) are consumed.
If you previously protected specific machines on a hypervisor host using Rapid Recovery Agent, and you subsequently protect the host, you can avoid the double consumption of licenses by ensuring each guest VM is associated in the Rapid Recovery Core with its protected parent hypervisor host.
When establishing protection rules in the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard, you can choose Protect machine agentlessly if it is already protected with Rapid Recovery Agent. This option typically establishes the link between the VM and its host, causing one fewer license to be deducted from your pool for each protected VM (with Agent installed) on the same protected host.
At any time, in General settings (at the protected machine level), you can explicitly associate a VM with its protected hypervisor host. The process of linking the guest VM with its parent hypervisor host is described in the topic "Viewing and modifying protected machine settings" in the Rapid Recovery 6.4 User Guide.
Deploy the Rapid Recovery Agent installer file to the machine you want to protect using one of the methods described in About installing the Rapid Recovery Agent software. Then launch the installer program as described below to install or upgrade the software on each Windows machine you want to protect in the Rapid Recovery Core .
NOTE: You must run the installer with local administrator privileges. |
The procedure for installing on Windows Server Core editions differs than other versions of Windows, since that version describes how to install from the command line. For more information, see Installing the Agent software on Windows Server Core Edition machines.
Complete the procedure below to install or upgrade the Rapid Recovery Agent software.
Depending on the configuration of your machine, the User Account Control window or the Open File - Security Warning window may appear.
The License Agreement page appears.
The Prerequisites page appears.
The server restarts. Once you authenticate, the installer launches automatically. A prompt appears asking you to confirm if you want to upgrade.
The Rapid Recovery Agent Installation wizard proceeds to the Progress page, and includes a status bar that lets you monitor the progress of the installation.
When the installation is complete, the Completed page appears. Skip to step 15.
NOTE: The default value is 8006. If you change the port number, be sure to make note of it in the event that you need to adjust configuration settings at a later time. |
The Progress page appears, and includes a status bar that lets you monitor the progress of the installation.
When the installation is complete, the Completed page appears. For new installations, skip to step 16.
The installer wizard closes, and the machine restarts. Rapid Recovery Agent is ready to protect your machine in the Core.
NOTE:Quest strongly recommends restarting your machine when prompted; until you restart, the latest drivers and features of Rapid Recovery Agent are not available. |
The installer wizard closes, and the Agent installation is complete. To use Rapid Recovery Agent with the latest drivers, restart when possible.
Related topics
Complete the steps in the following procedure to install the Rapid Recovery Agent software on a Windows Server Core machine.
NOTE: The following procedure installs the Agent software in console mode. To install in silent mode instead, append |
For example, if the installer is located in path C:\installers,
type the following command and then press Enter:
The installation program launches, and the Setup dialog box appears.
destination folder
prompt, type the destination path to install the Rapid Recovery Agentfiles.
C:\Program Files\AppRecovery\Agent
and then press Enter. port number
prompt, type the desired port for the Agent software.
If prompted, you must restart the newly protected machine to begin protecting your data using Rapid Recovery Core .
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