暂时无法在支持网站上提交享有定期维护的产品表单。 如果您需要我们立即提供帮助,请与技术支持部门联系。 对于由此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。
您已选择一个产品捆绑包。 您能否选择单个产品以便我们更好地满足您的请求。 *
技术支持工程师目前正忙,无法回应您的消息。 如果需要即时服务,请通过我们的服务请求表提交请求。
The SQL tab displays the SQL query built to run the selected search. This information is only available after a search has been created.
The XML tab displays the XML representation of the search criteria. This same information can be exported by right-clicking a search in the Searches list on the Searches page and selecting Export.
Change Auditor can generate alerts when certain kinds of configuration changes occur. These alerts appear in the client and are then dispatched to designated recipients via email (SMTP), SNMP or WMI events.
Smart Alert Technology provides intelligent event correlation by notifying you when event patterns cause potential security risks. You can customize the Smart Alerts to match your security policies. For example, if a privileged account is attempting to log on with a bad password at multiple computers within a predetermined time period, a proactive alert can be generated.
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