When I try to establish connection between Spotlight and the database server, the status of Spotlight remains Connecting and it does not connect to the server. ... The database user has been correctly created and its working just fine; the problem is only with the OS connection to collect SO data from the AIX 5.3 machine.
For HP-UX, physical memory comes from the "vmstat" command, whilst swap space comes from the "/etc/swapinfo -t" command. ... The SIZE column in TOP is a relatively meaningless value by comparison.
When configuring Spotlight connection the O/S part requires O/S user and if the private/public key is not an option for it to monitor a Linux server, then what are the options to have it FIPS compliant to meet that requirement ? <p>WORKAROUND</p><p>Look at the sshd_config file and change the MACs line to include the old sha1 MAC.
After upgrading to Spotlight on Unix 6.1 I am unable to make connections to Unix server machines using SSH connections, is there a workaround for this please? ... Before doing the following workaround please make sure that you have Perl 5.x installed on the Unix/Linux server you are trying to connect too.
First make sure that the following UNIX programs are accessible to the user logged on to the UNIX machine (Spotlight user). ... cat ... date ... vmstat ... tr ... If all of the commands can be accessed then try using SSH instead of REXEC to connect with Spotlight on Unix.
When looking at the homepage of Spotlight on Unix it is not showing the disk Info. ... The UNIX user being used is not part of the ADM group which is required on AIX server machines as per the Release notes.
Can the Spotlight on Unix connection be imported from a text file?
Why is the CPU percentage in Spotlight on Oracle different than Spotlight on Unix? <div>The CPU value displayed for Spotlight Oracle and Spotlight Unix is likely to be different given the default sampling rate for this query is 15 seconds but the values are "not" collected at the same time.
When trying to connect via SSH in Spotlight on Unix, get the following error message: ... Datasource error in connection xxxxx: Failed to connect to server. ... Open up the SSH port (default 22) on the firewall.
Spotlight on UNIX will not allow root login. ... When connecting to a UNIX OS, you need to do so from a logon other than "root". ... Remote login as "root" has been disallowed for security reasons.
Spotlight on Unix reported zombie process (more than 1), but in the process drilldown I can not see one of them. ... WORKAROUND: ... None ... STATUS: ... Waiting for fix in a future release of Spotlight on Unix.
I have installed Spotlight on DB2 and Spotlight on Unix into the same installation directory, but when I try to connect with Spotlight on Unix I get an error message that I do not have a valid license.
Spotlight on Unix client GUI is unable to connect to the server and seems to hang. ... PasswordAuthentication is already set to yes in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. ... Putty is able to connect to the same server without any issues.
Spotlight on Oracle (with Spotlight on UNIX/Linux built in, Seems to hang when trying to connect to Linux OS Red Hat 6. ... Seems to work fine with other UNIX flavors.
We have a valid Spotlight on Sybase ASE key which is supposed to include Spotlight on UNIX, but I cannot apply my key for Spotlight on UNIX. ... If you have Spotlight on Sybase ASE, you do not need to apply any key in order to use Spotlight on UNIX.
Spotlight on Unix does not work when trying to connect to Red Hat Linux 3.0 AS ... Please rename your existing unix.xml file under \Spotlight\Plu-ins\SoU directory on your PC to be unix.old and replace with the file attached.
How can I get help for any questions relating to licensing or get a license key sent? <p>Submit an email to license@quest.com with your licensing question or open a license service request from https://support.quest.com/contact-us/licensing.</p>
The Run Queue on the Activity Summary page shows an average processes of 30 for 1 Min, 5 Min, and 15 Min. ... Further, when user runs vmstat on the Solaris server, they do not see anything in the run queue.
Getting the server connection error "Insufficient free space in /tmp" Spotlight on Unix does use /tmp to run temporary scripts and files for Unix server monitoring. ... Please allocate more space to /tmp when getting this error.
Set the PasswordAuthentication parameter in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to "yes". ... 1. Modify the sshd_config file in the /etc/ssh/ directory: a. Login to the Suse Linux server as root. ... b. Navigate to the /etc/ssh/ sshd_config file.
When trying to print the graphs from the second tab of Activity Summary (Disk) only header and footer are printed without any graphs in the middle. ... Same is observed in the Print Preview of this tab.
Is it possible to run the Spotlight on Unix app from a linux command line? ... Unfortunately we do not support launching Spotlight on Unix remotely from Linux command line. ... We do support launching Spotlight from command-line using Spotlight Launcher, but only on Windows.
Spotlight on Oracle incorrectly displays the amount of memory installed on the Oracle Linux 6.7 (kernel 3.8) servers.
Passowrd field in the connection profile cannot be typed in... ... More clients connecting with this same user and using shared drive for their profile ... Have other user close their connection and then connect and then have them connect again as well.
When trying to initiate another connection, the following message is displayed: ... Your license for "Spotlight on Unix" allows a maximum of 1 simultaneous connections. ... Running in freeware mode.
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