In some situations, it errors out during the download and won't let the download to complete even though a current support maintenance contract exists. ... Steps to download a commercial product:
Is it possible to export the information shown in the database screen of Spotlight to something like MS Excel? ... While the database screen is open, right click your mouse on the area where the databases are listed (within the table style display).
Upgraded Spotlight on Oracle from SoO4.0.4 to SoO4.5.1 and are prompted to upgrade objects when connecting to database. ... However, when trying to upgrade database objects, we get "An error has occurred in table MakeXView" message
How to setup email alert in Spotlight on Oracle? ... To setup email alerts (or alerts generally), go to View | Options and there select the Alarm action option under the Alarms and notifications section.
Users want to use LDAP instead of TNSNAMES to resolve Oracle service names. ... Yes, Spotlight can work with LDAP. ... Assuming that there is already an LDAP server working, the steps to setup the Spotlight client to use it are as follows:
While creating or upgrading the Spotlight database user the following error occurs: ... Set the Oracle parameter PLSQL_CODE_TYPE to INTERPRETED. ... INTERPRETED is the default value. ... Use the Oracle command ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION to change the parameter.
Either Oracle is not installed, or the tnsnames.ora file is corrupt." ... This error occurs when MSXML.dlls are corrupt or not up-to-date. ... WORKAROUND 1 ... Re-install MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK package.
Spotlight on Oracle would intermittently freeze, cpu reaches 100% and application becomes Not Responding. ... This could happen with or without StealthCollect. ... Usually occurs for a heavy loaded databases
Please ensure the Oracle Client software is properly installed. ... The following error has been reported: Range check error"</p> Spotlight was installed by a different Windows user. ... Run Spotlight as the same user used to install the application.
While looking at Shared Pool Utilization, Spotlight hangs and user tries to kill it from memory and receives the following error: ... The following internal error occurred: ... None ... STATUS: ... Issue fixed in version 4.0.4.
Spotlight allows data to be stored for indefinite amount of time but the graphs only display a day worth of data. ... Can the graph be adjust to display for a greater period of time? <div>Due to present architecture which limits the real estate available, to display a graph with more than a day worth of data might not present anything real meaningful.
This should be available in the next Spotlight on Oracle release. ... Network chart: ... The parsing of the underlying data is going to be problematic as the output returned from the "netstat -i" command does not have data delimited [separated] in some of the columns - this is a Linux kernel bug which has been reported by others in the LINUX world.
I receive the message "an access violation has occurred in the Oracle Client" after having Spotlight running from 10-30 minutes. ... Solution 24787 has been implemented but the error still occurs.
Under memory & Config, Buffer Cache there is no data displayed for the 8k buffer under Buffer Cache Details.
On the home screen, the flow indicators from RedoLogs to Archiver Process to Archive Log Destination is grayed out and I get an error message on Spotlight startup. ... ORA-01861: literal does not match format string in table ArchivedLog
While trying to open a connection which also connect to StealthCollect the following error occur: ... The following error occurred in <connection name> during connection: Stealth Collect error on <host name>: Unknown error code -1
User looking for guidance on how to correctly install Spotlight for Oracle in a multi-tenant database. ... <div>It depends what one wants to do. ... When connected to the CDB, Spotlight can monitor the CBD’s performance and the resources using by each PDB.
None ... STATUS ... Enhancement request number SOO-2443 was submitted to Development for consideration in a future release of Spotlight on Oracle but it was rejected
How can I get Spotlight on Oracle to use a specific Oracle home when I have multiple Oracle homes installed? ... One possible way to force Spotlight on Oracle to use a specific Oracle home/client is to add the directory path for the oci.dll for that Oracle client/home to the Spotlight on Oracle shortcut on your desktop.
While trying to connect databases with a Oracle 9.2. client the following error occur: ... ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported. ... ORA-03134 means: An attempt was made to connect to an Oracle server of older version.
Spotlight on Unix and Spotlight on Oracle make a lot of connects and disconnects to the remote servers to obtain performance metrics. ... For some companies this is a problem because each connection creates new files noting the connection.
Can Spotlight reports of database performance generate data going back three months? ... History Limits setting was set to go back three months, however, Spotlight is showing reports with data going back only one hour.
On the Activity Summary page for the Unix host, no data is displayed for Disk Reads or Disk Writes collections. ... Close Spotlight</div><div>2.
Spotlight 10.3 crashes very frequently, but at random times with the error message: ... This also happens when there is no database connection active. ... WORKAROUND: ... Please install Spotlight v10.2 side-by-side, on the same machine
In Tuning |Memory Management |Total Oracle Memory it is not possible to enter a 6 digits number.
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