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Workaround for error "Account does not have access to the Replicator database" when enabling or dis (4272394)

When opening the Configure Web Application page in Central Administration, or when attempting to disable replication on this page, the user gets an error message: “Account does not have access to the Replicator database”.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看578次
Knowledge Article
Replicator License Expired (4272460)

Client was recieving a message indicating his license expired for replicator 5.0.5553.0 Client was given a key for a newer version of replicator, the version he had was not compatible so it was preventing him from entering his new license key.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看384次
Knowledge Article
Disabling Replication for New Lists (4277315)

If you want to disable replication of new lists, follow the steps outlined in this document. ... This can be done through map family settings in the UI, or through the use of a repadm command. ... If you want to disable replication of new lists, follow the steps outlined in this document.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看609次
Knowledge Article
How to make a connection to a web application using Forms Based Authenticaton (4322769)

Summary :You need to make a connection to a web application that is setup with FBA, ... When attempting to make a connection to a web application that is setup for Forms Based Authentication you will see an error similar to the following:<br><br><em>(Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) )</em> As per our documentation included within the software package also available on our web site: <a href="http://www.metalogix.com/Libraries/Product_Collateral/Connect_Install_Guide.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.metalogix.com/Libraries/Product_Collateral/Connect_Install_Guide.pdf</a> On page 6 it states the following for Access Requirements<br><br><strong>For Access to SharePoint Web Applications, Windows Authentication is required</strong>. Page 14 (<a href="http://www.metalogix.com/Libraries/Product_Collateral/Connect_Install_Guide.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.metalogix.com/Libraries/Product_Collateral/Connect_Install_Guide.pdf</a>) goes on saying that<em> If you are connecting to a web application that uses forms-based authentication, then you must specify a preferred URL that uses Windows authentication.</em><br><br>To specify a preferred URL:

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看714次
Knowledge Article
Setting Up One-way Replication (4281670)

Summary :This article describes how to set up a one-way replication., <p>Please refer to the documentation included with the installation package for further details.</p> ... and http://branchoffice:80 (the same portal located at the Branch Office) must be established to define the communication path between the two servers.</li></ul>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看548次
Knowledge Article
Replicator - Event Log Certificate Error messages - How to resolve for all Metalogix Products (4318495)

Expand Certificates (Local Computer)-&gt;Trusted Root Certification Authority-&gt;Certificates </span></span></span><br><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: arial,sans-serif;"><span style="color: black;">7.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看342次
Knowledge Article
Setting up Document IDs with Replicator Installed (4281805)

If you do not disable this checkbox on all but one location within your Replication network, then when the item is replicated ver it will be reassigned a new ID, and continue to replicate over with this new ID.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看516次
Knowledge Article
Securing Replicator Transfers (Encryption, Packages, Security, Network, HTTPS, VPN, SSL) (4277256)

Metalogix Replicator for SharePoint transfers can automatically encrypt Replication Packages based on your SharePoint infrastructure with little or no additional Replicator configuration. ... Network administrators have complete control over the level of encryption used for Replicator and are assured that the encryption used for replication traffic is the exact same encryption that is used for other client transactions on their web applications.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看516次
Knowledge Article
Replication Package Delivery Failing - BITS Issue (4272424)

Replication packages not being delivered. ... In the browser click tools->internet options->Connections->Lan settings then clear the proxy setting->and click ok. ... Take note that if this gets set by a group policy it will get turned back on at some point, you may see the problem go away then come back and have to repeat until it's taken out of the group policy.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看399次
Knowledge Article
Redirecting Replication to Specific Targets (rules, metadata rules, rules engine, change target usi (4281655)

Metalogix Replicator 5.0 introduces the ability to redirect SharePoint events to specific replication targets based on rules. ... This article describes the configuration steps required to use this feature.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看449次
Knowledge Article
QUICK TAKES: Setting up an advanced rule (4242368)

Summary :This article includes a video that discusses how to set up an advanced rule in Replicator., <a href="https://metalogix-academy.wistia.com/medias/yt5xfkwrv9" target="_blank">Click here to view the video</a>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1320次
Knowledge Article
QUICK TAKES: Configuring a simple rule (4281735)

Summary :This article includes a video that discusses how to configure a simple rule in Replicator., <a href="http://bcove.me/mb62xnc4" target="_blank">Click</a><a href="https://metalogix-academy.wistia.com/medias/j684238ddo" target="_blank"> here to view the video</a>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看893次
Knowledge Article
KPIs not updating the Monitor Replicator page (4343435)

Summary :This article describes how to resolve an issue where the KPIs are not updating the status on the Monitor Replicator page., <h2>Symptom</h2> ... <ul><li>KPI’s last synchronization is outdated</li><li>The local farms have incorrect timestamps and statuses are not updated</li></ul> <p>After upgrading Replicator in the SharePoint environment, the KPI table in the administrative farm&#39;s SQL database becomes old.</p> <p>Do the following:</p>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1159次
Knowledge Article
QUICK TAKES: Installing and upgrading Replicator Enterprise Manager (4216874)

Summary :This article includes a video that discusses how to install and upgrade Replicator Enterprise Manager., <a href="http://bcove.me/zldzv4rp" target="_blank">Click</a><a href="https://metalogix-academy.wistia.com/medias/a01osqlvk0" target="_blank"> here to view the video</a>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看627次
Knowledge Article
QUICK TAKES: Anonymous Access (4251798)

Summary :This article includes a video that discusses setting up anonymous access in Replicator., <a href="https://metalogix-academy.wistia.com/medias/efsvpf2zmw" target="_blank">Click here to view the video</a>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1366次
Knowledge Article
How do I queue up specific events? (4272837)

User would like to force replication of specific events such as a list item add for example. ... User wants granular replication pushed manually to force a synch of specific events.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1098次
Knowledge Article
Change/Update License Key Workaround (4272857)

After successfully changing or modifying your license key in the configuration wizard, and attempting to click any link under Metalogix Replicator in Central Admin, you are notified that the license key change/update has failed.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1436次
Knowledge Article
Configuring Replicator from a Template File (4286448)

This Knowledge Base article describes the process of exporting your current Replicator configuration to a file. ... This file can later be used to restore your configuration on the same SharePoint farm or as a template for configuring multiple farms with the same settings using the Replicator management console Using the Metalogix replicator Management console found in the start menu on the server you installed Replicator on.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1219次
Knowledge Article
Enabling Verbose Logging (4277683)

This article includes a video that discusses how to enable verbose logging in Replicator.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1659次
Knowledge Article
Conflicts in Replicator (4286470)

This Knowledge Base article details information about conflicts when replicating, as well as the best practices that should be implemented in order to keep conflicts at a minimum. ... Lastly, a detailed outline of the various conflict handling settings is provided here, describing what occurs with each configuration option, as well as where and how to monitor conflicts.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1211次
Knowledge Article
Prioritizing Replicator Events (Classification, events, controlling events, send specific documents (4281781)

Classifications are the means by which priority queuing is set up. ... This Knowledge Base article details information about Classifications and how they can be used to prioritize replication events.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看588次
Knowledge Article
User is missing Recycle bin items when replicated (4277349)

Deleting a list item places it into the local SharePoint recycle bin. ... When the user looks at their recycle bin on the remote target site, the item is not there. ... Replicator cannot put things in the users’ recycle bin on the target site because the service is running under a different process space than the end user would be.

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看561次
Knowledge Article
QUICK TAKES: Activating Replicator online and offline (4251799)

Summary :This article includes a video that discusses how to perform an online and offline license activation of Replicator., <a href="http://bcove.me/bazdp4pm" target="_blank">Click</a><a href="https://metalogix-academy.wistia.com/medias/z6cdvooszc" target="_blank"> here to view the video</a>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1075次
Knowledge Article
Quick Takes: Upgrading Replicator (4307301)

Summary :This article includes a video that discusses how to upgrade Replicator in a SharePoint environment, including its best practices, as well as issues related to it., <p>The following were discussed in this <a href="https://metalogix-academy.wistia.com/medias/tsw99nrj9l" target="_blank"><b>Quick Takes</b></a>:</p>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看614次
Knowledge Article
Synchronous vs Asynchronous event receivers (4277169)

<p>A unique ID number is assigned to an item when it is uploaded to a document library. ... However, it appears to be incorrect after replicating the content to the target environment.</p> <p>Below are two (2) kinds of event receivers:</p>

产品: Replicator
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1619次
Knowledge Article
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