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DateRelevanceViews 显示 26-50 / 286
Missing subscription (4307306)

In Nova you may receive a message about a missing subscription: ... Certain areas of Nova as well as menu items may have the lock symbol on them. ... It means that you do not have access to that feature at your subscription level.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/7/9
NA rating | 查看485次
Knowledge Article
Managing on-premise Active Directory Groups with Nova DPC (4289046)

Active Directory, groups can be added and managed to that local directory. ... There are some combinations of groups and user objects which aren’t compatible or allowed to be included in groups.<br><br><strong>Details</strong></p>

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/7/9
NA rating | 查看592次
Knowledge Article
I’ve forgotten my password for Nova, what should I do? (4301385)

I’ve forgotten my password for Nova, what should I do? <div class="pf-content"> <p>If you have forgotten the password to access Nova or you want to reset the password you use to access Nova, there are several options open to you.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/7/9
5 rating | 查看4537次
Knowledge Article
Issues with generating heat maps and large datasets (4293649)

You may receive an error saying ‘Gateway timeout’ when generating a heat map report section in Nova <p>This can occur when there are more than approximately 4000 users.</p>

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/7/9
NA rating | 查看865次
Knowledge Article
DPC – On-Premises Filtering (4289054)

One common request we get is how to design DPC policies that apply only to objects that are on-prem, or objects that are in the cloud. ... For example, I might want a policy to assign all on-prem accounts a particular custom attribute.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/7/9
NA rating | 查看667次
Knowledge Article
Tenant not connected (4301316)

Throughout the onboarding you may see Status message in TMS: Tenant not connected. ... Steps ... To resolve this issue you have to follow these steps: ... Log in to TMS as System Administrator of Nova

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/7/9
NA rating | 查看1104次
Knowledge Article
Nova Audit reports without data (4259505)

Audit and usage reports for O365 applications such as Power BI in Nova, are not showing any data.<br><br><img alt="Untitled picture.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000Hm4B&amp;feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&amp;refid=0EM6R000005XvnO"></img> Auditing is not enabled in the customer&#39;s Microsoft 365 tenant. It is required to enable auditing in the customer&#39;s Microsoft 365 tenant to collect audit events metadata as described in this <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/compliance/turn-audit-log-search-on-or-off?view=o365-worldwide" target="_blank">Microsoft documentation</a>.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/4/30
NA rating | 查看622次
Knowledge Article
Unable to connect an Azure GCC High tenant with Nova/365 Analytics (4375319)

Getting the following error message when trying to connect an Azure GCC High tenant with Nova/365 Analytics in TMS with Global Administrator rights:<br><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000Hl08&amp;feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&amp;refid=0EM6R000005Xtvn"></img> Nova/365 Analytics does not currently support Azure GCC High tenants Contact Sales or your Quest Account Manager for more information about this or to see if there are alternatives.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/4/9
NA rating | 查看819次
Knowledge Article
Unable to connect tenant to a sub-organization in a multi-tenant organization in TMS (4375156)

Getting permissions errors such as the following when trying to Setup Reporting and connect a tenant for the first time in a sub-organization:<br><br><img alt="Untitled.jpg" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000Hjud&amp;feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&amp;refid=0EM6R000005Xrx8"></img> Scope of action is being done at the parent organization level instead of the specific child organization in TMS After creating the sub-organization and adding Users with permissions to it, a user with the System Administrator role must switch from the parent organization to the newly created one from the Organization drop-down snippet:<br><br><img alt="image009.jpg" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000Hjud&amp;feoid=00N6R00000J0qH8&amp;refid=0EM6R000005XrxD" style="width: 524px;height: 328px;"></img><br><br>Afterward, the reporting setup and tenant connection should work as expected

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/3/19
NA rating | 查看813次
Knowledge Article
Microsoft Permissions for Reporting (4311544)

To be granted access to Nova Reporting, you need to accept Microsoft permissions during the on-boarding process of connecting your tenant.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2024/2/19
NA rating | 查看2441次
Knowledge Article
Re-authorize Nova application (4368968)

Metadata collected via Graph API are not collected, or Azure AD application permissions changed Please use the steps below to re-authorize Nova Read-Only Access Azure AD application to update the permissions with steps below:<br><br>1.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/11/1
NA rating | 查看1217次
Knowledge Article
Re-authorize SoftwareONE 365 Analytics application (4368967)

Metadata collected via Graph API are not collected, or Azure AD application permissions changed. ... Please use the steps below to re-authorize SoftwareONE Cloud Insider - Read Only Azure AD application to update the permissions with steps below:<br><br>1.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/10/27
NA rating | 查看1397次
Knowledge Article
How the Inactive Users by Service report in Nova/365 Analytics determine this data? (4373385)

What does the Inactive Users by Service report in Nova/365 Analytics categorize as an inactive user in Microsoft 365? ... Inactive users are those who have not logged in to Microsoft 365 for a specified period of time.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/9/28
NA rating | 查看977次
Knowledge Article
Unexpected data in the MessageStats report related to Mimecast (4372466)

The Last Message Received in a Group List report isn&#39;t showing all records from the past and some date columns are displaying unexpected date values (i.e.&quot;0-Jan-1900&quot;) which are discrepancies compared to what is shown in Mimecast.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/7/28
NA rating | 查看1011次
Knowledge Article
Uncommon measurements in Nova reporting data sources (4372305)

The implementation ETA for this is being targeted by the second week of August 2023.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/7/17
NA rating | 查看916次
Knowledge Article
Does Nova/365 Analytics have reports about Microsoft 365 Defender data? (4371435)

Are there reports available for Microsoft 365 Defender for endpoint? ... which is part of the Mail Traffic report.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/12
NA rating | 查看816次
Knowledge Article
Missing older metadata in Nova Audit reports (4322196)

Nova Audit reports are showing only last 10 days worth of metadata. ... Default retention policy for Audit metadata in Nova is 10 days. ... In case you would like to have Audit metadata visible in Nova Audit reports for longer than 10 days, please contact your sales contact at Quest.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看499次
Knowledge Article
Enable Microsoft Audit logs for more reporting (4268632)

Nova is using few methods to collect metadata where event based webhooks to Microsoft 365 Audit logs are one of them.<br> When the Microsoft 365 Audit logs are not enabled, some of the reports are displaying no metadata, like the &quot;Sharing Request&quot; or &quot;Security Related Events&quot; reports.<br> Please follow the steps in the Microsoft knowledge base to enable Audit logs <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/compliance/turn-audit-log-search-on-or-off?view=o365-worldwide" target="_blank">here</a>.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看2035次
Knowledge Article
Scheduled reports are not being generated and sent to recipients (4300154)

Scheduled reports that have already been created have not been generated to sent to its recipients. ... A custom report with a high amount of fields/columns can create an abnormally long API request.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1551次
Knowledge Article
Reports metadata not up to date (4217257)

Reports could display not actual metadata. ... Metadata are collected via PowerShell cmdlets and Graph API calls from different Microsoft&#39;s data sources which are updated by Microsoft in different times and with different delays.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看597次
Knowledge Article
Disable anonymization of data for Reporting (4299611)

Some data presented in Nova Reporting may be anonymized, such as identifiable names, groups and sites. ... This is due to a change in the Microsoft Graph Reports API, which enables anonymization of data by default.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看3443次
Knowledge Article
Error Loading Application (4311709)

In some situations, you may receive an error that says ‘Error loading application&#39;. ... The issue is that delegation and policy control configuration is not set up for the tenant that you are accessing.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1878次
Knowledge Article
Irregular Sign-Ins report without data (4242845)

Irregular Sign-Ins report in Nova is showing no data Irregular Sign-Ins metadata are collected only for customer with the Azure Active Directory Premium P1 or P2 license. ... It is required to have minimum Azure Active Directory Premium P1 license to collect Irregular Sign-ins metadata from Microsoft data sources and display the data in Nova reports.

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看634次
Knowledge Article
Microsoft Permissions for DPC (4299875)

As list of the APIs/permissions required can be found below. ... rowspan="1" style="width: 25%;">Application.ReadWrite.All</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 25%;">Application</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 25%;">Read and write all applications</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 25%;">Yes</td></tr><tr style="height: 26.5833px;"><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 25%;">Application.ReadWrite.Owned</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 25%;">Application</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 25%;">Manage

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1706次
Knowledge Article
Accessing On Demand with a Nova subscription (4299846)

With a Nova and On-Demand subscription bundle, you will have access to Quest&#39;s On Demand Group Management (ODGM) and On Demand License Management (ODLM) platforms. <div>To access the On Demand products with your current Nova credentials:</div><div></div><ol><li>Go to <a href="https://nova.quest.com/" target="_blank">https://nova.quest.com/</a>.</li><li>Click the top left menu, and click <strong>Quest On Demand</strong>.</li><li>From here, there are three options: <strong>Sign In</strong>, <strong>Sign Up</strong> and <strong>Continue as Guest</strong>. </li><li>For more information, including how to create new Quest credentials, and how to create a new organization, click <a href="https://support.quest.com/technical-documents/on-demand-global-settings/current/user-guide/3#TOPIC-1642044" target="_blank">here</a>.</li></ol><p></p><div><strong>NOTE: To use your Nova credentials and enable single sign on between Nova and On Demand, click Sign In, and use the Sign in with Microsoft option.</strong></div>

产品: Nova
上次更新时间: 2023/5/7
NA rating | 查看1301次
Knowledge Article
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