It took 16-hours to migrate, a 6GB site migration via Essentials for Office 365 from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint Online environment where Content Matrix perform faster. ... It is recommended to configure OAuth for Essentials for Office 365 to improve migration performance.
3) After the connection is made, navigating the contents of Dropbox folders shows the message " No data found " as shown in the screenshot below: ... !MESSAGE Cannot refresh becasue there is no refresh token
Need to get a report that includes any of the following information: ... Essentials for Office 365 has a built-in option to export a report to a .csv file with the above information. ... In Essentials for Office 365 :
The task of deleting a project folder can be required to: ... <ul><li>Avoid migration to the wrong target.</li><li>Clean up the Navigator pane of the Essentials console.</li></ul> <ol><li>Launch Essentials and select the project folder on the Navigator pane.</li><li>Right-click on it and select Delete.
Using OAuth Authentication helps to improve overall migration performance. ... Details about using OAuth Authentication can be found here.
Or ... Note: Basic authentication is heavily throttled and may be blocked in some tenants.
When trying to connect using Claims to configure OAuth Framework the window gets stuck in a loop: ... Currently not supported ... This feature has been requested and is under review for implementation in a future release of Essentials for Office 365.
Essentials for O365 can get "External Users" on a Tenant, to generate this report follow the steps below: ... 1. Go to the Security Manager Tab ... 2. Click on the "External Users" option ... 3. You will see a remainder "This report is only available for Tenant Administrators.
The tool does not start or the tool frequently becomes unresponsive. ... Essentials may also fails to start up and gives an error "An error has occurred. ... See the log file...." If Essentials will not start at all or when you experience instability in normal tool operation, it usually has to do with its working data.
<div> </div> <div>In the event that the tool only successfully launches when run as an admin, this could be occurring because the non-admin user that is launching the tool does not have permissions for the installation folder, to the run tool components, or to the workspace.</div>
An error has occurred. ... See the log file ... In the log file, we typically see below framework error: ... org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to acquire the state change lock for the module: osgi.identity; osgi.identity="org.eclipse.core.runtime"; type="osgi.bundle";
2. Anti-Virus (AV) software has not been disabled in a test environment, but am still able to install Essentials for Office 365. ... 3. Is it mandatory to unblock below mentioned URLs in order to install this tool?
Does Essentials use a specific port or assign port dynamically when connecting to SharePoint? <p>Essentials for O365 don't assign ports when connecting to the SharePoint environment, instead<strong> </strong>use SharePoint environment settings.
How to migrate Term Store, Term Groups or single term using Essentials for O365? <p>Term Store Manager is a feature of Essentials for Office 365 that delivers full control of SharePoint term stores from the convenience of a client interface.
Essentials for O365 by default allows users to activate the application on 5 devices. ... If this limit is exceeded you will encounter this issue. ... a) Uninstall Essentials for O365 from one or multiple devices to free seats.
Which TLS protocol versions are supported in Essentials for Office 365? ... Essentials for Office 365 currently supports the following TLS protocol versions: ... 1.0 ... 1.1 ... There is no ETA on when it will be supported.
URLs that need to be Unblocked ... Connection to Quest license server ... Migrating to SharePoint Online ... Migrating Nintex Forms and/or workflows to ... SharePoint Online ... Location for AutoUpdate
When performing any action in Essentials for Office 365, the operation fails with an error message stating "GC Overhead Limit Exceeded." There is insufficient allocated memory to complete the operation successfully.
What type of custom forms can be migrated with Essentials for O365? <p>Essentials for O365 can migrate Nintex Forms and InfoPath Forms, for detailed information please refer to the documentation here:</p>
The file cannot be downloaded using Google API ... To check if the file(s) can be downloaded with the Google API, try the following: ... 1. In the Browser go to the Google Drive account you are trying to migrate
What URL's will Essentials for O365 may need access to work? There are some URLs dependent on the Microsoft services that we access when migrating content, below are a few main ones that may need to be whitelisted <p><a href="*" target="_blank">*</a></p>
Unable to connect to SharePoint Online using "Claims", getting stuck in this screen:<br><br><img height="545" src="" width="509"></img> This is a known issue. <p>We are aware of this issue and are working towards a solution in a future release of Essentials for Office 365.<br>As a temporary workaround follow the steps below:<br>A) Authenticate to SharePoint Online using an account excluded from MFA/SSO or any two-step authentication, using the "Connect" button<br><br>Or<br><br>B) After providing the credentials with the "Claims" option, click "Next" then give Essentials a minute to process the request, some environments may allow the connection to be established<br><strong>Note: </strong>Claims Connection goes to loop in some environments and the connection cannot be finished as a result.<br><a href="" target="_blank">Essentials for Office 365 2.14 - Release Notes (</a></p> 526051
Error when migrating content with a path longer than the Office 365 character limit. ... On Office 365, there is a specified character limit on how long a file or folder path can be based on the entire URL.
Will embedded links inside documents (word/excel) be updated when migrating with Essentials for O365? example - source word doc has embedded link to another document in a spo document library. ... Will this link in the document be updated to the new site URL?
Which are the supported source and target by Essentials for O365? <p style="line-height: 1.2;">The following matrix identifies the source/target combinations that Quest Essentials supports:</p> ... <ul><li style="line-height: 1.2;">Quest Essentials is optimized for migrations involving Office 365. While it is possible to migrate to/from SharePoint on premises (2013 and later), Quest recommends that you use <a href="" target="_blank">Content Matrix</a>, a tool that specializes in SharePoint on premises migrations, including migrations from SharePoint on premises to SharePoint Online.</li></ul>
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