When accessing an archived item using Archive Web, we see the following error on preview: Preview is not available. ... Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {887FB366-C771-4E59-9452-DC2D3125905D} failed due to the following error: 8000401a The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect.
MAM PostProcessingSv error - service does not start in 30seconds. ... Operating System need to validate a file certificate (or timestamp of a certificate) for file >> PostProcessingSv.exe file<br>Given the current environment, this may take longer than 30 seconds.
Files are not correctly indexed and full text search is not working or is returning incorrect results. ... Keep in mind that the reindexing may take several weeks/months to complete.</span></span><br> <ol><li><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;">Stop the Postprocessing service on the server and set it to disabled</span></span></li></ol> <span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span style="text-autospace: none;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;">Delete the data from the SQL server: </span></span></span><br><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span style="text-autospace:
Search 523823 - Support 5101550-1: Archive searches not returning results from journal mailbox when one of multiple journal mailboxes is deleted. ... Search 523738 - Support 5099084-1: Unable to get search results.
Exchange 532448 - Support 01946549: drafts are collected by job and stuck in pool with error ... Exchange 535800 - MAM4EX: Import multiple exchange servers on the same time in to address book manager - not working
Exchange 539634 - Support 02060426: Unable to restore some messages ... Exchange 540410 - Support 02116387: Unable to unite PF folders ... Exchange 540805 - Support 02097374: Missing "You have replied to this message on dd.mm.yyyy" text after restore
If we install version 8.8 on the servers on Thursday, does the Outlook Addin have to be updated to the new version at the same time, or are these two versions compatible? ... MAM Addin version must be the same as MAM Server version.
O365 Migration tool not connecting to O365. Not able to open Runspace. Please verify target server connection parameters.<br><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000VwLK&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&refid=0EM6R000005RXrM"></img> O365 tenant not registered in MAM Addressbook Manager<br><br>or <br><br>Wrong version of PowerShell module installed: ExchangeOnlineManagement Run PowerShell on MAM server (or the machine you are running the Migration Tool from) as Administrator.<br>Run following command:<br><br><span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace;">Uninstall-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement</span><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000VwLK&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH8&refid=0EM6R000005RXrR"></img><br><br>Check there are no left-overs for EOM using command:<br><br><span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace;">Get-Module</span><br><br>Repeat he same by running 32-bit version of PowerShell (run as Admin)<br><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000VwLK&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH8&refid=0EM6R000005RXrb"></img><br><br>Run the following command again:<br><br><span style="font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace;">Uninstall-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement</span><br><br>Close the PowerShell (reboot the machine you are running the tool from) and run O365 Migration tool as Admin and connect again.<br>Tool will now install the required version of ExchangeOnlineManagement on background.<br>This may take several seconds
Scheduled archiving is not working. ... There is a lot of errors in the pool monitor. ... Connection to mailbox is not working. ... Batch files in the installation folder can be used. ... 2. Check if you are able to open mailboxes in the Archive Manager -> Archive View -> Mailboxes tab
<p style="box-sizing: border-box;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 0px;margin-top: 0px;"><strong>NOTE:</strong> ... The default maximum number of items that can be returned in a search is 10,000.
When trying to update in Location tab, following error appears:<br>Requested registry access is not allowed.<br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000001MWzP&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&refid=0EM6R000004NYdT"></img> Start the Archive Manager for Exchange with "Run as Administrator"
Exchange 532448 - Support 01946549: drafts are collected by job and stuck in pool with error ... Exchange 535800 - MAM4EX: Import multiple exchange servers on the same time in to address book manager - not working
When using EWS archiving is not possible. ... Check credentials and try again.<br><img alt="2023-08-16 17_14_50-Window.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000000VvRa&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&refid=0EM6R000005RJLc"></img> Required permissions are missing.
Search 523823 - Support 5101550-1: Archive searches not returning results from journal mailbox when one of multiple journal mailboxes is deleted. ... Search 523738 - Support 5099084-1: Unable to get search results.
1.Create a new application in the Azure portal. ... Create a new application in the Azure portal ... ArchiveWeb requires a specific Azure site to be created that is used to return an authentication token back to the ArchiveWeb after a user is authenticated via Microsoft portal.
Getting HttpAntiForgeryException while logging into ArchiveWeb<br><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000001MWPc&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&refid=0EM6R000004NQ5l"></img> HttpAntiForgery protection Modify the ArchiveWeb Login.cshtml file, typically under:<br><br>c:\Program Files (x86)\Metalogix\ArchiveWeb\Areas\Login\Views\Login\Login.cshtml<br><br>Lookup the line containing <br><br>@Html.AntiForgeryToken();<br><br>Delete the mentioned row<br><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000001MWPc&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH8&refid=0EM6R000004NQ5q"></img><br><br><br><br>NOTE: <span style="font-size: 11.0pt;"><span style="font-family: "Calibri",sans-serif;">Clear the browser cache and restart the browser finally</span></span>
Exchange Web Services are not currently available for this request because none of the Client Access Servers in the destination site could process the request. ... User is deactivated in cloud. ... Activate the user and the restore should work again.
Doing this will allow you to see which mailboxes are activated or deactivated.</span></span></span></span></span></span></li></ol> <span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><img src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka06R000001MWUD&feoid=00N6R00000J0qH8&refid=0EM6R000004NLHr" style="width: 627px;height: 434px;"></img></span></span></span>
Failed to archive messages. ... There is following error in the debug logs: 'Failed to archive message >> PamExHandler: E110 This message class is not supported or the message is already archived. (IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request) ErrorCode: 800A0219' The mentioned message class is not added to the supported message classes in the Archive Manager.
Search 523823 - Support 5101550-1: Archive searches not returning results from journal mailbox when one of multiple journal mailboxes is deleted. ... Search 523738 - Support 5099084-1: Unable to get search results.
Exchange 532448 - Support 01946549: drafts are collected by job and stuck in pool with error ... NEW ... Exchange 535800 - MAM4EX: Import multiple exchange servers on the same time in to address book manager - not working
How to contact PSO - Professional Services for installation/configuration/deployment assistance Special Services are required <p>Please see the following link and choose your product and option.</p><p></p><p><a href="https://support.quest.com/professional-services-product-select" target="_blank">https://support.quest.com/professional-services-product-select</a></p>
Customer is planning to migrate to Office 365 needs to publish the Outlook Forms Customer is planning to migrate to Office 365 needs to publish the Outlook Forms <p>For Outlook to be able to open archived messages we publish a set of forms to Exchange which Outlook automatically downloads and uses to know how to open shortcuts created by Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange.
move data between HSM stores you can use an HSM task. ... Open the Archive Manager Configuration Utility on your HSM server and select the HSM tab on the left. ... In the Task Operations window select Create... and choose Store Operation</p><p style="box-sizing: border-box;margin: 0px 0px 10px;word-break: break-word;color: #333333;"><img alt="Create Store operation" src="https://prod-support-images-cfm.s3.amazonaws.com/KB_1-7XDSENT_3%20Create%20Store%20operation.PNG"></img></p><p style="box-sizing: border-box;margin: 0px 0px 10px;word-break: break-word;color: #333333;">5.
The PostProcessing TEMP folder is filling up with leftover folders from the indexing process; post processing log files show ThreadAbortException errors with the folder names and contents saying "the thread was aborted".
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