SQL Server extended properties feature can be very handy in SQL Server because it allows us to store additional information about SQL objects. ... Developers often need to store information about each SQL Server objects, like information about stored procedures, what those procedures do, etc. which is also a way to create a self-documenting database.
Merge License files, the file should look like the one from below:
When trying to open ApexSQL 2022 version products, an "Internet connection is required to continue" message comes up. ... ApexSQL 2022 version tool does an internet connection verification process by pinging id.quest.com <br>And needs to reach <span style="font-size: 11.0pt;"><span style="font-family: "Calibri",sans-serif;"><a href="https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flicensing.ism.quest.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7CNodier.Garcia%40quest.com%7Cebe23feb25c24b96aa7708dbb45616ad%7C91c369b51c9e439c989c1867ec606603%7C0%7C0%7C638302054068664027%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=07YCu2O3DF5omdsa8njCOb9hDj%2Flsdo02nXJzjwJvp8%3D&reserved=0"
To activate an ApexSQL product online, a Hardware ID and a product activation key are needed. ... To manually activate an ApexSQL product online: ... Navigate to ‘ Product activation’ web page ... Select the ApexSQL product to be activated from the ‘Product’ pick list and the appropriate product version from the ‘Version’ pick list
Applies to ApexSQL Search Summary This article describes the benefits of using ApexSQL Search options for searching phrases, history, and results. ... Search phrases ... Any text string can be used as a search phrase including strings containing special or Unicode characters.
Applies to ApexSQL Search Summary This article is an introduction article about ApexSQL Search options and features. ... ApexSQL Search is a free SQL search add-in for SSMS and Visual Studio. ... It offers text search in SQL database objects and data, allows safe renaming of SQL objects, and graphical visualization of object interdependencies.
Applies to ApexSQL Search Summary This article describes the benefits of using the Dependency viewer feature. ... The Dependency viewer allows you to visualize all SQL objects’ dependencies, including relationships affecting encrypted objects, system objects, SQL 2014 objects or objects stored in databases encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
Applies to ApexSQL Search Summary This article describes the benefits of using the Object search feature. ... The Object search feature allows users to find all SQL objects containing the specified phrase, including encrypted objects, system objects, SQL 2012 objects, or objects stored in databases encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).
Applies to ApexSQL Search Summary This article describes the benefits of using the Text search feature. ... The Text search feature allows to find data in SQL tables and views matching the phrase is specified, including data stored in encrypted views or databases encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).
Description ... In order to display descriptions for the database objects, ApexSQL Search uses the extended properties that are stored in the SQL Server database. ... It also enables quick and easy editing of those descriptions via the extended properties editor.
Applies to ApexSQL Search Summary This article describes the benefits of using the Safe rename feature. ... The Safe rename refactor changes the name and schema of: ... Tables ... without breaking any dependencies.
In this article we will explain how to install ApexSQL add-ins and integrate them into SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio. ... Installation of ApexSQL add-ins can be done in two ways:
This article explains how to use .NET framework regular expressions in ApexSQL tools. ... This article explains how to use .NET framework regular expressions in ApexSQL tools. ... Description ... A regular expression is a string that is used to describe or match a set of strings, according to certain syntax rules.
This article describes how to uninstall (manually remove) one or more ApexSQL add-ins from Visual Studio, without affecting the functionality in SQL Server Management Studio. ... In this article, the example covers removing ApexSQL Complete, but the manual remove process works the same way for all ApexSQL add-ins that support integration into Visual Studio.
This article will show how to manually uninstall an ApexSQL add-in. ... This uninstall method is used when automatic uninstall process fails to remove an ApexSQL add-in from the machine. ... This article will show how to manually uninstall an ApexSQL add-in.
This article will show how to perform the installation of ApexSQL free add-ins and how to integrate them into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. ... As an example, the ApexSQL Refactor installation will be described, but the process is the same for the other two add-ins.
Description ... In order to properly use ApexSQL Developer tools certain minimal SQL Server permissions need to be allowed on databases that are being used. ... Required permissions ... Required permissions are public SQL Server role and the public role membership that need to be configured along with the login.
Renaming a table or view column is not something a SQL developer needs to do every day. ... However, when the time comes, how can it be done easily and effortlessly? ... Just renaming a column is not difficult.
Very often, initial database design does not fit the current criteria and requirements anymore. ... It is therefore necessary to periodically align to what our current needs and standards are. ... When working with a large database, any idea of changing the name of one or more SQL objects can be a real challenge.
The main purpose of renaming an object or a column in SQL Server is to increase readability, adopt naming conventions, or to give a more meaningful name to an object. ... The sp_rename procedure will not rename nor update all SQL database dependencies for a renamed object or a column automatically.
ApexSQL Search is a free SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio add-in that, among other features, provides object a database dependency diagram. ... The View Dependencies feature has the ability to visualize all SQL database objects’ relationships, including those between encrypted and system objects, SQL server 2012 specific objects, and objects stored in databases encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).
Frequently, developers and DBAs need to search databases for objects or data. ... If a database function that contains a specific table column or a variable name, or for a table that contains specific data is searched, the simple solution for finding those values, does not exists.
Developers and DBAs often perform database searches in order to find and obtain additional information related to specific objects, sometimes without knowing the full name of the object. ... SQL Server provides sys.objects system view that list all the objects from the database.
Deleting or changing objects may affect other database objects like views or procedures that depends on them and in certain instances, can “break” the depending object. ... An example can be that if a View queries a table and the name of that table changes.
We are proud to announce the first add-in for MySQL from the ApexSQL family: ApexSQL Search for MySQL. ... This is a free MySQL and MariaDB search add-in that can be integrated into Visual Studio.
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