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ApexSQL Model is a free SQL data modeling tool. Using this tool, a database can be created or imported from SQL Server. Among the various importing settings, there is a way to import only selected objects from a database to model. There are several ways to import databases in ApexSQL Model. So, first of all, let’s see how to import one.
This article explains how to create or edit a table using the SQL data modelling tool.Working with tables (creating, editing) is one of the most important parts of the database development. Depend on the environment, creating a new or editing the existing table, can be done using the scripts or GUI. ApexSQL Model provides an easy way to create a new or edit an existing table through GUI.
In this article will be explained how to create a database using SQL script feature in the SQL database modeling toolDescriptionApexSQL Model provides the possibility to create an SQL script that can easily be used in other tools, for example, in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), or can be saved locally as a backup or shared with other members in the team. This free SQL database modeling to...
In this article, it will be explained how to use the Send logs feature for sending application log files through ApexSQL tools to the support team.DescriptionEvery ApexSQL tool collects all important information regarding work processes and stores them in the log files. They are a very important part of finding and resolving any issue reported by users.
Release: 2020.01.0193 Date: September 10, 2020 Enhancements: • Application telemetry now collects anonymous data on the use and performance of applications and application components. • New ApexSQL Updater allows users to configure advanced updating settings of all installed ApexSQL products. Fixes: • "Note wasn't found" error is encountered when Edit button is clicked to edit previousl...