How to use the Toad Debugger? How do I debug a Procedure or Package? I clicked on the "Toggle Compiling with Debug" icon, but nothing happened.
The "Toggle Compiling with Debug" icon only turns on or off the Toad Debugger feature. To start debugging a Procedure or Package, please go to the Schema Browser | Procedure or Package Tab | double-click on a Procedure or Package (or right-click | Load in Editor) | this will load your Procedure or Package in an Editor Window | then use the Debug Menu to use the debugger feature of Toad. If your Debug Menu items are grayed-out, please refer to SOL9959.
To learn more on the Toad Debugger, please go to the Toad Help Menu | Contents | Search Tab | type: Debugger | double-click on â€Debugger Overvieww†on the left side | then in the right side, click on the â€Debugging a Procedure or Function Tutoriall†link. This will give you a sample Procedure that you can perform debugging on. Please donnâ€t forget to continue to the next pages.
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