Note: Applies to Toad for Oracle Subscription with online licensing.
Toad for Oracle Subscription maps licenses to your account which are managed via a new, self-service licensing portal. Sign in with your account to begin using Toad immediately. New users are automatically issued a 30-day trial during which you are free to explore all of Toad's features. Learn more.
Note: Running multiple copies of Toad is supported, but only the first copy will make presistent changes to configuration files. Additional running instances operate in a "virtual" mode where configuration settings are loaded from your last used options, but changes made do not persist when Toad is closed. This is equivalent to the /VIRTUAL command line switch.
Much empasis was placed on improving application stability and security. Well over 100 defects identified by customers, internal testing, and by data collected from the Toad Improvement Program were resolved.
The Toad Improvement Program collects anonymous usage data to help the Toad for Oracle team identify usage patterns and prioritize new development including, but not limited to, organizing the UI to make the features you rely on more accessible. The Toad Improvement Program also collects data on unhandled exceptions so that we can identify and resolve defects. We'd like to thank all who participate in Toad's ongoing success by enabling Toad Improvement Program data collection. To enable Toad Improvement Program data collection, select "Yes" to the participation opt-in in Options (View | Options | Online).
Database | Create menu
Using data collected from the Toad Improvement Program, the Database | Create menu has been reorganized to group related items and make the commonly used items readibly accessible.
Note: This pertains to Toad for Oracle Subscription, only.
Toad for Oracle Subscription edition is bundled with an update service to periodically check for and deliver product updates. Upon successful installation, the Quest Update Service is configured to run automatically using the LocalService account. Product updates are automatically downloaded and a notification window displays alerting you to the pending updates. You can install or dismiss updates from the notification window.
Note: The Quest Update Service does not provide updates for all products produced by Quest.
Support for Analytic Views, Attribute Dimensions, In-Memory Join Groups, and Hierarchies has been added to the following areas...
Schema Browser
Export DDL
Compare Schemas
Single Object Compare
Object Search
Create/Alter windows
An option has been added to suppress the error dialog shown when running SQL or compiling PL/SQL raises an ORA exception. Errors are still displayed in the Editor's error panel. See the "Display SQL errors in popup dialog" option (View | Options | Editor | Behavior).
Treeview Display Mode
An option has been added to automatically expand the node for the logon schema when the Schema Browser is opened.
Column Comments
An option has been added allowing for column comments to display as mouse-over tooltips on the Data Grid tab.
Azure DevOps Server 2019 is supported.
VCS Login
The VCS login dialog now selects the repository used for the database, by default.
Team Coding Manager
Optimizations resulting in improved load times, especially on large database.
Additional rules are included to detect German, French, and Italian sensitive data patterns.
Anomalies in data used to populate charts can cause auto-scaling such that the remainder of the data is indecipherable. To combat this, a new option has been added allowing for user-defined min/max chart values and how to handle data outside of this range. Data falling outside of the display range can be skipped, replaced with the previous data point's value, or the max/min display value can be used. See the Alerts and Display tab in the Database Monitor Options window.
Improved performance in displaying this window.
Pluggable Databases on Oracle RAC
When connected to a container database (CDB) on Oracle RAC you can now specify the pluggable database (PDB) instances to open or close.
Constraints are now listed individually in the run report and a new option has been added allowing for constraints to be exported to their own .sql file.
Container Databases
Ability to group and filter by "Container ID" has been added for easily identifying which pluggable database each session pertains to.
Added support for extracting encrypted passwords for the "identified by values" clause using DBMS_METADATA. DBMS_METADATA is accessible to all users having the SELECT ANY ROLE system privilege.
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