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Compare Schema compares public synonyms that were created for objects in schema other than the on
The way public synonyms are compared in Toad 10.0s compare schema tool is different than the way they are in version 9.7. In version 9.7, when I compared two schema in two separate databases and included public synonyms in the compare, it would only include public synonyms that were created for objects that were owned by those schema in the sync script. All public synonyms created for objects in schema other than those two were ignored. In version 10.0, the compare schema feature compares all the public synonyms in the two databases, whether they were created for objects in those schema being compared or other schema in the database. The compare schema feature should only compare the public synonyms that were created for objects in the schema in question.
Here is a way to replicate the issue in 10.0: 1) Enter as the source schema and chad@gita10g as the target schema. 2) In the options tab, check only tables and public synonyms as the objects to be compared. 3) In the options - Misc Options tab, check to "Only compare object names like..." and put R% in the field. (this is to cut down on the time for it to run and the amount of objects returned) 4) Look at the bottom of the Sync Script. You will see that it includes two public synonyms for objects in schema other than Chad. (ROOMTEST for Chad3 and RPT_PROD_MV for Chad2)
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