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Issues when trying to insert Polish national characters into NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB columns
When trying to insert Polish national characters into NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB columns to table in Oracle 12c with nls_database_parameters, it doesn't work properly. Some Polish characters are missed (translated into non-national characters).
NLS_CHARACTERSET = WE8MSWIN1252 NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET = AL16UTF16 CLOB/VARCHAR are able to store only WE8MSWIN1252 characterset (example. German characters) but NCLOB, NVARCHAR can store UTF characters.
When executing: select 'ABCDEßÖÄËÜĄŚŻŹĆ' str, N'ABCDEßÖÄËÜĄŚŻŹĆ' nstr from dual; Toad shows: ABCDEßÖÄËÜASZZC, ABCDEßÖÄËÜASZZC (missing Polish characters while German/WE8MSWIN1252 are visible)
When you execute the same query in Toad connected to Oracle XE with NLS_CHARACTERSET=AL32UTF8 it works fine.
The aim is to to store Polish characters in NCLOB/NVARCHAR2. You can insert data into table using "Schema browser" while it is not possible by executing an "insert statement" in the Editor.
Steps: =================== Create database with the same character sets as above.
On that database please execute: create table aaa_nc_test(c1 nvarchar2(100)); insert into aaa_nc_test values('1. abcęółąśżź'); insert into aaa_nc_test values(N'2. abcęółąśżź');
In schema browser add: '3. abcęółąśżź'
and finally select data by pressing F9 and F5. select * from aaa_nc_test; ===================
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