When using Toad's Generate Data took, it does not select a value form a given list, when working with the generator selection of "Constant Value".
In the options settings for a column, "Constant Value" is selected. Below that, a list of values to select from is noted in the field.
But when Toad tries to create data, it seems to be using the whole is of values, instead of randmly selecting one of the listed options.
The type of a column is noted as char(1). They value should either be 'Y' or 'N' (a single value).
In the Data Generator settings, it list "Y,N" in the constants field. What is expected is that the generator will randomly choose to set the value as either 'Y' or 'N'.
Currently the generator is actually trying to enter in the full value of 'Y,N', which is incorrect and too large for the column/type
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