Drop and create commands not applied to db even if noted as successful in Toad.
This may not occur immediately or every time those commands are run. But once it starts, an object is not dropped or created as expected.
Run a drop statment in the editor. Toad editor reports as "Completed successfully". Query the same table. Toad responds with the Oracle error, table or view does not exist. This is as expected.
In some situations, you can run drop again a few times on different objects and it will carry through on the database end as expected. But suddenly, a drop statement will be run. As a check, a select on that table will be run, and Toad will return data as if the table still exists. The drop command can be run on the same table back to back in the same session of Toad and Toad will respond "completed successfully"
A manual commit won't affect this. Toad must be restart. The drop command needs to be run again and tested to verify if it was truely successful on the database end.
Similar situations could occur with a create command. There does not seem to be a pattern or cuase for this.
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