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SQL Navigator for Oracle 8.0 - Release Notes

Release Notes

SQL Navigator® 8.0

Release Notes

September 2023

These release notes provide information about the SQL Navigator® release.

About SQL Navigator 8.0

Thank you for installing SQL Navigator, the Professional Oracle Development Environment of choice for thousands of developers and corporations worldwide.

SQL Navigator provides an integrated environment for developing and testing stored programs, schemas, SQL scripts, and more - all from an easy-to-use graphical user interface. The SQL Navigator family of products is a complete development environment for Oracle server-side development and management. It has been conceived, designed and developed by Oracle developers and DBAs with hands-on experience in the most common problems facing Oracle developers.

View the latest Release Notes containing late-breaking information and known issues about SQL Navigator.

We trust you will find that SQL Navigator significantly improves your productivity, so that your projects are completed faster with a higher level of quality than ever before.

SQL Navigator 8.0 is a major release, with enhanced features and functionality.


Table 1: General enhancements

Enhancement Issue ID
SQL Navigator now supports Microsoft Server 2022 and Oracle 21c. SQLNAV-2368
SQL Navigator now supports noneditable keywords for Triggers/ Functions/Packages/Package Body. SQLNAV-2366
We have upgraded to the latest edition of QP5 in order to access the most recent formatting and parsing syntax capabilities. SQLNAV-2355
All the third party tools have been upgraded to their most latest versions. SQLNAV-2354
SQL Navigator now supports Windows 11. SQLNAV-2343

Resolved Issues

Table 2: General resolved issues

Resolved Issue Issue ID
Users are experiencing slowness when when loading large size PL/SQL packages. This issue has been observed following an upgrade from SQL Navigator version 5.5 to 7.6. SQLNAV-2394
The Zlib library has been upgraded from 1.2.7 to 1.2.13 in order to address issues related to the WhiteSource scan. SQLNAV-2356
SQL Navigator is encountering slow loading times across various screens and functions, particularly when interacting with triggers. SQLNAV-2349
Users are unable to extract a Data Definition Language (DDL) using the 'Use EDITIONABLE OR NONEDITIONABLE' parameter through SQL Navigator. SQLNAV-2341
SQL Navigator encounters slow loading times when attempting to open large objects containing more than 10,000 lines from a database. This issue has been observed across versions 7.6, 7.4, and 7.1. SQLNAV-2337
SQL Navigator displays the 'ORA-9000: invalid SQL Statement' error when a user tries to execute a query for creating a noneditable procedure. SQLNAV-2334
Users are unable to compile extracted metadata using the Get Metadata function when the 'EDITIONABLE' clause is present in the Data Definition Language (DDL) definition. SQLNAV-2317
SQL Navigator displays an error when users attempt to format code containing case statements in versions 7.5 and 7.4. SQLNAV-2254
The update checker in SQL Navigator 7.4 displays inaccurate information when accessed through the Help > Check for Updates section. SQLNAV-2224

Known Issues

Table 3: Known Issues

Feature Known Issue Issue ID
VCS repository Objects or tables updated in the database are not reflecting in the VCS repository, even after creating a new revision. SQLNAV-2450
Installation The Result section on the 'SQL Navigator Server Side Installation' window is not displaying the status of the server-side installation when the installation fails. SQLNAV-2449
Team Coding

The following options are not enabled in SQL Navigator under the Team Coding menu:

  • Add file

  • Check Out

  • Check In

  • Undo Checkout

Explain Plan The Explain Plan is not displaying the required parameters when opened using the Explain Plan icon in the icon tray. SQLNAV-2447
Source preview SQL Navigator is not displaying source code previews for any object in the Source Preview window. SQLNAV-2444
Getmeta data SQL Navigator generates a query with an incorrect format for the 'Getmeta data' script in the Editor tab. SQLNAV-2443
Case statement The Output window on the Profile Code page displays an incorrect count under the Code Statistics Summary section. SQLNAV-2442
License When a user attempts to activate the 'Developer Edition' license, SQL Navigator displays incorrect licensed version information in the 'About SQL Navigator' window. SQLNAV-2438
SQL Navigator SQL Navigator displays incorrect license information on the "About SQL Navigator" window when a user tries activating the "Developer Edition" license. SQLNAV-2438
Stored procedure Error message received while executing a stored procedure when the table is not present in the database, is not clear. SQLNAV-2421
F1 Help

Pre-open F1 help is unresponsive when there is a modal dialog opened in   SQL Navigator.

Workaround: Close the modal dialog and then switch to the help window

Export Data

Export Data containing special characters from data grid to xlsx format   may corrupt the Excel file. This usually happens when binary content is   exported from a BLOB field.

Workaround: Exclude the rows or columns which contain binary data or   special characters when using the Export Data dialog


Table 4: Third Party Known Issues

Feature Known Issue Issue ID
Oracle When users connect to the Oracle 19c database for the first time after upgrading from an Oracle 12c database, SQL Navigator displays an error. This issue is particularly observed with tables containing XMLTYPE columns. N/A
E-Control (Editor component) Odd word-wrapping behavior in some languages. Word wrapping may appear between symbols, with no space required to wrap, and some characters cannot be word-wrapped at all (for example, multi-byte characters in ANSI text). N/A
ODAC ODAC does not support Unicode in XMLTYPE (editing of XMLTYPE data is not supported). Querying of XMLTYPE with binary storage will lead to an error.  
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