The following lists the new features and resolved issues by deployment.
Current Deployment
Release: 1.7.36 (March 12, 2025)
Resolved issues
Backup service credentials still generate sign ins although the feature has been deactivated. |
N/A |
ADO-543865 |
Previous Deployments
Release 1.7.34 (February 11, 2025)
Resolved issues
Error during backup when backup have Named Location of type "PrivateLinkNamedLocation". |
N/A |
ADO-501130 |
Restore of any object fails if backups have CompliantNetworkNamedLocation object type. |
N/A |
ADO-534070 |
Restore of user fails if its linked to Conditional Access Policy and the policy is linked to another user that is not in tenant. |
N/A |
ADO-534296 |
Dashboard tile states unprotected due to no credentials. |
N/A |
ADO-539110 |
Restore of M365 group shows error in events if no policies found in group. |
N/A |
ADO-539111 |
Release 1.7.32 (January 23, 2025)
Note: Due to mandatory enforcement of multifactor authentication (MFA) by Microsoft, the following features have been temporarily deprecated:
- Backup and restore of MFA authentication settings
- Backup and restore of MFA state per user
- Backup and restore of related data for inactive mailbox
For more information, please refer to On Demand Recovery Product Notification. |
Resolved issues
Removal of backup option "Backup Conditional Access Policies and Service Principal Default Policies" and requirement for credentials. Conditional Access policies and Named Location policies are always backed up. Other policy types are not currently supported by On Demand Recovery. See Known Issues ADO-471685 and ADO-473450.
To ensure service credentials are removed from configuration, click "Manage Backup", select the tenant and click Save. No changes are required but this forces the previously saved credentials to be removed from the configuration. |
N/A |
ADO-533250 |
Release 1.7.31 (January 08, 2025)
Resolved issues
Backup schedule is lost if configured within ~3 minutes after adding tenant |
N/A |
ADO-225257 |
Error in backup for user settings in B2C tenants |
N/A |
ADO-529808 |
Unpack failed if Difference report field value exceeds elastic limit |
N/A |
ADO-532993 |
Release 1.7.29 (December 12, 2024)
Resolved issues
Ampersand symbol (&) in MSOL data cannot be parsed by New Restore Engine |
N/A |
ADO-531008 |
Release 1.7.26 (November 14, 2024)
New features
Update Manage Restore dialog and Configure Restore dialogs with proper information |
N/A |
ADO-518707 |
Restore group(s) linked to group lifecycle policy |
N/A |
ADO-521948 |
Python upgrade to version 3.13 |
N/A |
ADO-523248 |
Resolved issues
"Difference" column in Diifference .csv export file currently displays the date instead of the actual difference |
N/A |
ADO-401741 |
Failed to restore Device attributes |
N/A |
ADO-512609 |
False Negative restore for Administrative Units with hard-deleted groups |
N/A |
ADO-517134 |
Release 1.7.25 (October 24, 2024)
Resolved issues
Selected attributes are not saved in restore window when using non-default 50/100 items view |
N/A |
ADO-506415 |
Restore task is hanging at 63% |
N/A |
ADO-513708 |
Failure to restore Conditional Access policy with Grant access - requires authentication strength |
N/A |
ADO-514659 |
Group Lifecycle Policy not available by default, placeholder needed |
N/A |
ADO-517560 |
Failed Backup - Group Lifecycle Policies Links - Get bad status: 400, response: {"error":{"code":"Directory_ExpiredPageToken" |
N/A |
ADO-518203 |
Failure to restore Conditional Access policy with Session - requires token protection for sign-in sessions |
N/A |
ADO-519208 |
Note removed regarding not providing service account credentials from Configure Restore dialog |
N/A |
ADO-519745 |
Misspelling in Configure Restore dialog |
N/A |
ADO-519980 |
Release 1.7.24 (September 11, 2024)
New features
Backup Tenant Level Settings: Administrative Units including relationships |
N/A |
ADO-417650 |
Backup Tenant Level Settings: User Settings |
N/A |
ADO-417655 |
Backup for Tenant Level Settings: General Groups + Expiration + Naming Policy |
N/A |
ADO-417660 |
Restore Tenant Level Settings: User Settings |
N/A |
ADO-471781 |
Restore Tenant Level Settings: General Groups + Expiration + Naming Policy |
N/A |
ADO-471782 |
Restore: Administrative Units |
N/A |
ADO-471786 |
Unpack for Tenant Level Settings: User Settings |
N/A |
ADO-487997 |
Differences for Tenant Level Settings: User Settings |
N/A |
ADO-487999 |
Restore: Administrative Unit Relationship Members |
N/A |
ADO-497285 |
Restore: Administrative Unit Relationship - scopedRoleMembers |
N/A |
ADO-497286 |
Disable Difference restore for all Tenant Level Settings |
N/A |
ADO-497618 |
Release 1.7.23 (September 06, 2024)
Resolved issues
Backup failed with error encoding `msol_users` - null value for displayName of user. |
N/A |
ADO-514668 |
Release 1.7.22 (September 05, 2024)
New features
Implemented a white list for log messages. |
N/A |
ADO-494442 |
Escape special characters when generating msol_users target. |
N/A |
ADO-512929 |
Enhanced handling of data with special characters when indexing and converting msol_users target. |
N/A |
ADO-512933 |
Release 1.7.21 (August 27, 2024)
New features
Permissions have been updated for Restore application. New consent version: 1.7. The following permissions have been added:
- Policy.ReadWrite.Authorization
- Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationFlows
- Policy.ReadWrite.ExternalIdentities
- AdministrativeUnit.ReadWrite.All
- User.ManageIdentities.All
N/A |
ADO-PR98040 |
Release 1.7.20 (August 15, 2024)
New features
Updated Manage Backups popup to include required roles needed to backup multifactor authentication settings and data related to inactive mailboxes. |
N/A |
ADO-509282 |
Updated Configure Restore popup to include required roles needed to restore multifactor authentication settings, data related to inactive mailboxes and Conditional Access policies. |
N/A |
ADO-509283 |
Resolved issues
On Manage Backups popup, if all options are not enabled under Backup options, the password is not saved and an error displays while backing up. |
N/A |
ADO-509450 |
Release 1.7.19 (August 08, 2024)
New features
Re-enablement of backup and restore of multifactor authentication settings and data related to inactive mailboxes. |
N/A |
ADO-503476 |
Resolved issues
Inconsistent results from restoring app registration - searching for a matching application for service principal <ID1> with appId <ID2> |
N/A |
ADO-505054 |
Mailbox is not restored for hard deleted MFA Users from Unpacked Objects. |
N/A |
ADO-505459 |
Release 1.7.17 (July 18, 2024)
Resolved issues
Error restoring app registration - object reference not set to an instance of an object. |
N/A |
ADO-503796 |
Release 1.7.16 (July 17, 2024)
New features
Retry Policy for restore operations - apply list of error messages for retry. |
N/A |
ADO-482811 |
Resolved issues
Failure to restore Conditional Access policy for deleted Service Principal. |
N/A |
ADO-499268 |
When a new consent version is available (re-grant consent required), restore operations will proceed with only a warning, not an error. |
N/A |
ADO-500212 |
Backups failing with error "An exception occurred while backing up Multifactor Authentication settings."
Resolution: Error result of a functional outage and deprecation of API used to backup multifactor authentication settings and backup data related to inactive mailboxes. Features have been temporarily deprecated until the issue can be resolved. See Known Issue ADO-503476. |
N/A |
ADO-503501 |
New known issues
Back up and restore of multifactor authentication settings and data required to connect inactive mailboxes to a restored user is temporarily not supported. Interface (API) was deprecated and needs to be replaced with new methods. |
N/A |
ADO-503476 |
Release 1.7.14 (June 18, 2024)
New features
Restore User attributes: employeeType and employeeHireDate. |
N/A |
ADO-467085 |
Update Feature Name in events to Activity Trail. |
N/A |
ADO-492775 |
Resolved issues
Restore task Service Principal (restore selected - owners) freezes at 99%, but relation is still restored. |
N/A |
ADO-492169 |
Restore task succeeds but Conditional Access Policy is not restored because data is malformed or incorrect. |
N/A |
ADO-492486 |
User/Group restore does not reconnect user/group to the Conditional Access policy. |
N/A |
ADO-493719 |
Restore task fails to restore conditions for Conditional Access policies even if task finished successfully. |
N/A |
ADO-494698 |
Directory_ExpiredPageToken is not handled in get_graphio_entities that cause backup failure. |
N/A |
ADO-496156 |
Release 1.7.12 (May 30, 2024)
New features
Resolved issues
Switch to Info log level (currently set to Debug). |
N/A |
ADO-494440 |
Release 1.7.11 (May 14, 2024)
Resolved issues
Issues noticed with backend resources for Differences restore when restore engine is turned on. |
N/A |
ADO-491621 |
Release 1.7.10 (May 09, 2024)
New features
Update to ODJRS SDK for retry policies in restore engine. |
N/A |
ADO-491910 |
Release 1.7.9 (April 24, 2024)
Resolved issues
Restore of changed user mail attributes: mail, proxyAddresses, targetAddresses fails if user is hard deleted. |
RMAZ-136 |
ADO-352530 |
On Demand Recovery does not restore an Microsoft 365 mailbox (either for user or for Office group) if it was permanently deleted. |
RMAZ-137 |
ADO-352531 |
Certain attributes can be applied only for Hybrid objects. |
RMAZ-308 |
ADO-352539 |
Restore of more than 10000 objects can lead to reduced performance. |
RMAZ-576 |
ADO-352562 |
Restore for Conditional Access policy "Baseline policy: Require MFA for admins" is not supported. |
RMAZ-998 |
ADO-359281 |
Restore user licenses fails: Cannot restore usageLocation. |
N/A |
ADO-394533 |
Default role cannot be restored when assigned in app registration along with custom role. |
N/A |
ADO-469437 |
Provision service is killed by Out Of Memory. |
N/A |
ADO-469748 |
Backup stores incorrect Connector data. |
N/A |
ADO-477065 |
Cannot restore User - failed restore task - when a user is a member of a dynamic group and relation is in the backup. |
N/A |
ADO-485074 |
MSOL get user request fails with Exception: SOAP operation failed with error: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. |
N/A |
ADO-487018 |
User's groups membership is not correctly restored due to hidden member - new permission Member.Read.Hidden added to application Quest On Demand - Recovery - Basic. For resolution of this issue, ensure to regrant consent to the application to consent version 2.3. |
N/A |
ADO-487918 |
Release 1.7.7 (March 21, 2024)
Resolved Issues
Backup failed due to "Directory_ExpiredPageToken" error. |
N/A |
ADO-456166 |
UI improvements in Difference and backup task details. |
N/A |
ADO-479605 |
Restore of backlinks to restored hybrid Groups not working for Conditional Access policy. |
N/A |
ADO-481367 |
Release 1.7.6 (March 05, 2024)
New features
Restore relations of policies to Service Principal, App Registration, Users and Guests, Groups, Directory Roles, Named Locations. |
N/A |
ADO-455142 |
Release 1.7.5 (February 20, 2024)
Resolved issues
No backup message - no missing backup but was missing backup cronjob - improve notification. |
N/A |
ADO-347585 |
Expired backup remains in retention table when org container was deleted. |
N/A |
ADO-474438 |
compliantNetworkNamedLocation for backup causing backup error - skip unsupported type. |
N/A |
ADO-475776 |
Release 1.7.3 (January 30, 2024)
New features
Enabled Conditional Policies for backup using GraphAPI. |
N/A |
ADO-455135 |
Support option to "Perform differences operation" on the Unpack screen from Dashboard. |
N/A |
ADO-457124 |
Restore of Conditional Access Policies with GraphAPI. |
N/A |
ADO-459772 |
Enabled Named Location policies for backup using GraphAPI |
N/A |
ADO-459779 |
Restore of Named Location policies with GraphAPI |
N/A |
ADO-459780 |
Restore service credentials no longer needed for Conditional Access policies and Named Location policies. |
N/A |
ADO-471748 |
Resolved issues
Restore of conditional access policy will fail due to Microsoft deprecation of API. Error message will appear "Cannot update default conditional access policy: Status: 403, response: {'odata.error': {'code': 'Authorization_RequestDenied'. |
N/A |
ADO-452910 |
Release 1.7.0 (December 05, 2023)
New features
Improved retention policies for new backups. Users can now set retention periods in custom number of days for retention policies. |
N/A |
ADO-453550 |
Resolved issues
Hard deleted application registrations able to be restored more than once. |
N/A |
ADO-456951 |
UI shows an error when restoring object using custom RBAC. |
N/A |
ADO-463497 |
Release 1.6.13 (November 30, 2023)
New features
New permissions for Basic and Restore applications/service principals. |
N/A |
ADO-454066 |
Release 1.6.12 (November 22, 2023)
New features
Support for restoring hard deleted applications. |
N/A |
ADO-305138 |
Support for restoring soft deleted application registrations. |
N/A |
ADO-457117 |
An error message will display if restore consent has not been granted or needs regranting. |
N/A |
ADO-457273 |
Resolved issues
Restoring hard deleted service principal does not reference a valid application object. |
N/A |
ADO-262036 |
Attribute "identifierUris" not restored while restoring hard deleted application. |
N/A |
ADO-282865 |
Unable to restore application owner for hard deleted application registration. |
N/A |
ADO-368786 |
Hard deleted service principal cannot be restored due to missing privileges. |
N/A |
ADO-449175 |
Release 1.6.11 (November 09, 2023)
Resolved issues
Not all attributes are displayed in the attributes' browser with multiple tenants in On Demand organization. |
N/A |
ADO-456721 |
Release 1.6.10 (November 02, 2023)
New features
Combined backup of Conditional Access policies and Service Principal Default Policies options in Configure Backup dialog. |
N/A |
ADO-448017 |
Updated roles and permissions regarding restore application/service principal. |
N/A |
ADO-417336 |
Release 1.6.8 (October 05, 2023)
Resolved issues
Backup statistics fails due to issue when downloading backup files. |
N/A |
ADO-452664 |
Release 1.6.7 (October 03, 2023)
New features
New application and service principal for Restore operations. New application and consent permissions will restore Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Entra data to your tenant. The consent granted with this application allows On Demand Recovery to access Microsoft Entra ID to write directory and group data. |
N/A |
ADO-417334 |
Separate service credentials can be specified for backup and restore operations. New Manage Restore settings available to specify service credentials for restore operations of advanced features. Advanced features include conditional access policies and service principal default policies. Service credentials specified in Manage backup settings are now only used for backup operations. |
N/A |
ADO-417336 |
Resolved issues
Expired backups showing on UI when deleted. |
N/A |
ADO-352540 |
Hanging backups when service account is specified. |
N/A |
ADO-450011 |
Release 1.6.6 (September 21, 2023)
New features
Mailbox Restore - Integration with ODJRS Managed Identity |
N/A |
ADO-437473 |
Resolved issues
Error occurs when restoring multiple mailboxes - Request_BadRequest. Details: Another object with the same value for property userPrincipalName already exists |
N/A |
ADO-392130 |
Restore button: Improve experience - ensure that a tenant is selected by default (last selected tenant saved). |
N/A |
ADO-422990 |
Token generation is bypassing caching. |
N/A |
ADO-447099 |
Backup task progress is showing wrong information. |
N/A |
ADO-447989 |
Release 1.6.5 (September 12, 2023)
Resolved issues
Cached delegated token prevents restore to complete successfully. |
N/A |
ADO-444541 |
Release 1.6.4 (August 31, 2023)
Resolved issues
Group assignment is not restored for service principal when both service principal and group are deleted. |
N/A |
ADO-436526 |
Unpack task fails for very large backups (100m+ members). |
N/A |
ADO-445269 |
Release 1.6.2 (August 17, 2023)
Resolved issues
Scheduled backup always skips policies regardless of configuration. |
N/A |
ADO-443290 |
Release 1.6 (August 03, 2023)
New features
Ability to browse and view list of supported attributes per object type. |
N/A |
ADO-436418 |
Backup to support group members of directory role. |
N/A |
ADO-413845 |
Support restore of directory role group members. |
N/A |
ADO-416704 |
New backup settings - update Manage Backup screen with new settings and clearer requirements for service credentials. |
N/A |
ADO-421153 |
New Guide: Supported Attributes. |
N/A |
ADO-436419 |
Support of Application Extension attributes in Restore Browse. |
N/A |
ADO-421150 |
Implementation of new grid for selection of attributes by object type. |
N/A |
ADO-423358 |
Ability to browse and view list of supported attributes per object type. |
N/A |
ADO-436418 |
Release 1.5.110 (June 06, 2023)
New features
Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.17.0. |
N/A |
ADO-407771 |
Whitesource: Upgrade to Werkzerug 2.2.3. |
N/A |
ADO-416131 |
Resolved issues
Removal of Azure Active Directory Graph permissions from service principals. |
N/A |
ADO-415518 |
Release 1.5.108 (May 18, 2023)
Resolved issues
Warnings are generated during backup due to missing 'await'. |
N/A |
ADO-426398 |
Release 1.5.105 (April 18, 2023)
Resolved issues
Issue restoring mailbox link from hard-deleted users (restore of single mailbox). |
N/A |
ADO-416859 |
Release 1.5.102 (March 09, 2023)
Resolved issues
Error while restoring conditional access policy. |
N/A |
ADO-410180 |
Release 1.5.101 (February 09, 2023)
New features
Allow Global Reader permission to be specified for service accounts. |
N/A |
ADO-406402 |
Release 1.5.99 (January 24, 2023)
New features
Addition of Application Registrations to backup statistics. |
N/A |
ADO-391346 |
Release 1.5.98 (January 10, 2023)
Resolved issues
Disable restore button when no tenant is selected (instead of hiding). |
N/A |
ADO-385901 |
Incorrect link in error message 'You need to upload certificates to make SAML SSO work again'. |
N/A |
ADO-401681 |
Release 1.5.97 (November 22, 2022)
Resolved issues
WCF Relay check hangs with '502' response code. |
N/A |
ADO-394935 |
Release 1.5.95 (November 08, 2022)
Resolved issues
WhiteSource vulnerability (high): py-1.11.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl - upgrade to version azure-cli - 2.40.0. |
N/A |
ADO-392484 |
Lost backup monitor works for 14+ hours due to 50 retries when elastic is unavailable. |
N/A |
ADO-393149 |
ODJRS: restoration of inactive mailbox takes too long and the job state never changes. |
N/A |
ADO-393716 |
Release 1.5.94 (October 27, 2022)
New features
Addition of object counts for each object type. |
N/A |
ADO-373755 |
Release 1.5.93 (October 20, 2022)
Resolved issues
Restoration of multiple users (more than 3) with a mailbox fails. |
N/A |
ADO-391323 |
Unpacking can be started when no backups has been created. |
N/A |
ADO-371726 |
New features
Support of Exchange Online modern authentication for difference restore operation. |
N/A |
ADO-384591 |
Support mailbox restore for Exchange Online and modern authentication - basic authentication deprecated. |
N/A |
ADO-384601 |
Resolved issues
Validate connection hangs in Manage Tenant dialog. |
N/A |
ADO-367197 |
Release 1.5.91 (September 20, 2022)
Resolved issues
Lost backup monitor runs for 20+ hours due to increased retry attempts. |
N/A |
ADO-385655 |
AU tenant not displaying under Manage Backups and backups fail. |
N/A |
ADO-385072 |
Release 1.5.90 (September 16, 2022)
Resolved issues
SharePoint Online requests require longer timeout. |
N/A |
ADO-385275 |
Release 1.5.89 (September 16, 2022)
Resolved issues
Backup failed with ''NoneType' object is not subscriptable' error. |
N/A |
ADO-385203 |
Release 1.5.88 (September 15, 2022)
New features
Update from Azure AD Graph API to Microsoft Graph API. |
N/A |
ADO-380999 |
Resolved issues
WhiteSource vulnerability: lxml 4.6.5 - upgrade to version lxml 4.9.1. |
N/A |
ADO-372947 |
WhiteSource vulnerability: 12.10.0 - upgrade required. |
N/A |
ADO-376129 |
Invalid notification process for expired subscriptions and handling of data. |
N/A |
ADO-377289 |
If objects from different tenants were selected, the restore button should not be visible. Select only objects from a single tenant to restore. |
N/A |
ADO-379980 |
Task fails when roles are assigned to a service account via a group. |
N/A |
ADO-381764 |
Unable to read Default Policy for service principal and backup fails. |
N/A |
ADO-382912 |
Release 1.5.86 (July 12, 2022)
New features
Enhancement to hybrid connection settings. |
N/A |
ADO-364499 |
Release 1.5.85 (June 30, 2022)
Resolved issues
Unpacking fails for organization. |
N/A |
ADO-371256 |
Release 1.5.84 (June 07, 2022)
Resolved issues
Lost backups monitor is not handling exceptions properly. |
N/A |
ADO-326952 |
Release 1.5.82 (May 17, 2022)
New features
Added option to perform differences operation during unpack. |
N/A |
ADO-349822 |
Enhanced the existing restore process to only read backup files that contain relevant data. |
N/A |
ADO-329253 |
Resolved issues
Saving customer credentials may fail due to changes in Azure KeyVault behavior. |
N/A |
ADO-328010 |
Release 1.5.80 (March 31, 2022)
Resolved issues
Added fix to unpack and restore group with contacts. |
N/A |
ADO-346179 |
Release 1.5.75 (January 27, 2022)
Resolved issues
Hybrid user restore from Recycle Bin will programmatically set user GivenName into different value. |
N/A |
ADO-319713 |
Release 1.5.72 (December 16, 2021)
Resolved issues
Error during restore of AppRoles due to service principal object. Error was not displayed in the UI. |
N/A |
ADO-314295 |
Release 1.5.71 (November 30, 2021)
Resolved issues
Hybrid restore: Clearing up "ReadOnly" Hybrid Object attributes for soft deleted user. |
N/A |
ADO-316891 |
Backup failures related to changes in Graph API. |
N/A |
ADO-320114 |
Release 1.5.69 (November 04, 2021)
Resolved issues
Restore on-premises objects source and directory synced displayed incorrect information. |
N/A |
ADO-251281 |
Release 1.5.66 (September 28, 2021)
Resolved issues
An error displays that cannot update the default conditional access policy. |
N/A |
ADO-262144 |
Release 1.5.65 (July 20, 2021)
Resolved issues
Hard deleted group/user did not reflect in Differences tab. |
N/A |
ADO-265552 |
Differences tab hangs when the user clicks refresh. |
N/A |
ADO-265263/ADO-238672 |
Release 1.5.63 (June 23, 2021)
New features
When deleting a group, all links that were affected by this action are shown in the Differences report, e.g. Microsoft Entra group membership, SharePoint groups membership, conditional access policies, group owners, and application assignments. |
N/A |
ADO-351389 |
Release 1.5.60 (June 01, 2021)
Resolved issues
The backup configuration dialog does not behave properly when incorrect credentials provided. |
N/A |
ADO-261437 |
Release 1.5.59 (May 18, 2021)
Resolved issues
Issue with running backup when no tenant selected. |
N/A |
ADO-258581 |
Policies not always restored due to caching of objects. |
N/A |
ADO-258490 |
Release 1.5.57 (May 04, 2021)
Resolved issues
A notification was not sent after a missed backup due to timeout of services. |
N/A |
ADO-255103 |
Hard deleted user failed to add owner to Service Principal due to insufficient privileges. |
N/A |
ADO-248651 |
Configure backup dialog was unable to open for B2C clients. |
N/A |
ADO-255021 |
Release 1.5.56 (April 29, 2021)
Resolved issues
Restoration of a deleted user had failed. |
N/A |
ADO-254604 |
Multi-factor authentication status was incorrect when restoring multi-factor authentication settings. |
N/A |
ADO-234914 |
Service Principal restore did not reference a valid application object. |
N/A |
ADO-252945 |
Intermittent backup failures occurred for unknown reason. |
N/A |
ADO-257344 |
Release 1.5.55 (March 23, 2021)
Resolved issues
SharePoint user is not created during the restore operation. |
N/A |
ADO-251607 |
On Demand Recovery displays timeout error. |
N/A |
ADO-251978 |
Release 1.5.53 (March 16, 2021)
Resolved issues
Fixed the discrepancy between data reported from the Backup tab and the Unpacked tab. |
N/A |
ADO-248218 |
Release 1.5.46 (January 25, 2021)
Resolved issues
Failed backup event and email notification. |
N/A |
ADO-226221 |
Changes in appRoles are not shown in Differences. |
N/A |
ADO-226199 |
Differences report did not show conditional access policy change. |
RMAZ-1169 |
ADO-225252 |
Role assignment is not restored for single sign-on applications. |
RMAZ-691 |
ADO-225247 |
Release 1.5.45 (January 12, 2021)
Resolved issues
Difference report: The deleted conditional access policy may fail to appear. |
N/A |
ADO-234723 |
Object search functionality did not work correctly when partial criteria was entered. |
N/A |
ADO-234912 |
Linking hard deleted user to service principal owner or application owner gave insufficient permission error. |
N/A |
ADO-235423 |
Restoration of user failed due to invalid location. |
N/A |
ADO-225236 |
Release 1.5.39 (December 01, 2020)
Resolved issues
Backup failing due to the deletion of a tenant |
N/A |
ADO-228850 |
Release 1.5.35 (November 03, 2020)
New features
On the Unpacked Objects tab, there is now a Mail Enabled filter. This allows you to filter by users and groups who do or do not have a mailbox. |
RMAZ-648 |
ADO-216080 |
Resolved issues
Changes made to appRoles attributes were not displayed in the Differences report. |
RMAZ-1084 |
ADO-348200 |
Release 1.5.34 (October 05, 2020)
Resolved issues
Made adjustments to the Application Proxy backup and restore feature to compensate for the modification that Microsoft made to an API endpoint. |
RMAZ-1623 |
ADO-348180 |
Release 1.5.33 (October 01, 2020)
Resolved issues
Second restore of hard deleted user unable to complete due to more than one user being found when matching. |
RMAZ-1606 |
ADO-348179 |
Release 1.5.32 (September 24, 2020)
New features
From this version, On Demand Recovery restores Microsoft Entra Application Proxy applications. |
RMAZ-1335 |
ADO-348241 |
Application Proxy settings can be restored from the Differences report. |
RMAZ-1435 |
ADO-348286 |
Release 1.5.31 (August 27, 2020)
Resolved issues
On Demand Recovery can restore/validate application role assignments that have invalid IDs. |
RMAZ-1436 |
ADO-348287 |
Release 1.5.29 (August 13, 2020)
New features
From this version, On Demand Recovery restores gallery applications using Beta API. |
RMAZ-1559 |
N/A |
Release 1.5.26 (July 28, 2020)
Resolved issues
On Demand Recovery may display wrong timestamps for hybrid objects on the Events screen. |
RMAZ-1482 |
ADO-348305 |
Release 1.5.25 (July 23, 2020)
Resolved issues
The Hybrid restore operation does not randomly restore some hybrid attributes. |
RMAZ-1443 |
ADO-348172 |
Release 1.5.22 (June 30, 2020)
Resolved issues
Backup creation can fail when getting a password from Azure Key Vault. |
RMAZ-1452 |
ADO-348174 |
Hybrid recovery from encrypted backups does not work. |
RMAZ-1448 |
ADO-348173 |
Release 1.5.21 (June 18, 2020)
Resolved issues
Hybrid recovery stability has been improved. |
RMAZ-1317 |
ADO-348157 |
Release 1.5.20 (June 16, 2020)
Resolved issues
Improved stability of On Demand Recovery backups. |
RMAZ-1442 |
ADO-348171 |
Release 1.5.18 (June 09, 2020)
Resolved issues
The ssoSettings attribute of a service principal cannot be restored for the corresponding non-gallery Application. |
RMAZ-1432 |
ADO-348170 |
Release 1.5.17 (June 02, 2020)
Resolved issues
Backup settings did not display correctly in the "Create backup" dialog due to a problem with the empty 'created' field. |
RMAZ-1428 |
ADO-348169 |