This command allows the for the creation of a Librarian configuration for cataloging a file share to a SharePoint destination. Please see the File Share Librarian> Folders and File to Catalog Settings in the Metalogix SharePoint Reference Guide for more information.
·LibrarianConfigName (lcn): The name for the configuration. REQUIRED
·FileShareToCatalog (fstc): The UNC path of the file share that is to be cataloged into SharePoint. REQUIRED
·DestinationContainer (dc): The GUID of the SharePoint object (Site Collection, Site, Library) where the file share will be cataloged. REQUIRED
·TruncationEnabled (tr): Enables truncation of names if they exceed guidelines after cataloged. Default is true.
·TruncationMaxFolderSize (trmfos): Truncates the FOLDER name size to a specified number of characters. Default is 50.
·TruncationMaxFileSize (trmfis): Truncates the FILE name size to a specified number of characters. Default is 50.
·TruncationType (trty): Specifies which truncation rules to apply, Files, Folders, or Files and Folders. Default is 0 (Folders and files). Other values: | 1=Folders | 2=Files
·TruncationReplacementCharacter (trrc): If truncation is applied, a character is inserted. Default is "-".
Add-LibrarianConfig -LibrarianConfigName "LibrarianCommand1" -FileShareToCatalog \\STP-JD-SP19-0\stp\catalog -DestinationContainer "wa:48f770fc-249d-4aa4-91d9-982f2698be9c" -TruncationMaxFolderSize 10 -TruncationMaxFileSize 5 -TruncationType 0 - TruncationReplacementCharacter "$"
Use caustion when formatting the command. Extras spaces before or after a "-' result in an erroneous parameter configuration.
This command allows users to change the sequence of endpoints associated to a profile.
·ProfileName (p): The Id or name of the Profile. REQUIRED
·EndpointName (e): The Id or name of the endpoint. REQUIRED
·ProfileEndpointSequence (seq): Endpoint sequence or index number. The endpoint sequence start from 1 until n. REQUIRED
Move the Endpoint EP1 to the first position
Set-ProfileEndpointSequence p ProfileName e EP1 seq 1
Move the Endpoint EP1 to last position
Set-ProfileEndpointSequence p ProfileName e EP1 seq 1000
This command sets the Archiving feature to Yes on an existing profile. This is necessary to be able to use the Set-ArchivingRulesToProfile cmdlet, which is necessary for creating archiving conditions.
·ProfileName (p): The Id or name of the Profile. REQUIRED
·Archiving (arch): Set to enable archiving. Use false to disable archiving.
Enable archiving on the profile
Set-ProfileArchiving p ProfileName
Disable archiving on the profile
Set-ProfileArchiving p ProfileName -arch:$false
This command allows archiving rules to be added to an existing profile. It can also be used to edit existing rules. Scopes and rules can be defined according to archiving restrictions.
·If archiving isn't enabled on a profile, use Set-ProfileArchiving before adding rules to the profile.
·After the rules are added, use Set-ArchvingMetadataJob or Set-ArchivingAgingJob to process existing content.
·ProfileName (p): The Id or name of the profile. REQUIRED
·RuleScope (rs): The scope of the archive rule. This cannot be broader than the scope of the profile. REQUIRED
owa:<Web Application Id>/cdb:<Content DB Id>/s:<site collection Id>/w:<web page id>/l:<list Id:>/c:<content type name string>
oThe profile scope ID along with the rule scope ID must be included. See examples below.
·ArchiveRuleType (art) : The type of archive rule - "age" or "metadata". REQUIRED
·RuleDefinitions (rds): Conditions for the type of archiving rule specified, in an XML format.
oAge - "<rules><age><DateProperty>Date Property ={created,modified}</DateProperty><Duration>integer value</Duration><Interval>interval value={day,month,year}</Interval><MetadataProperty>Metadata Property Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>Operator Value</Operator><Value>Metadata Value</Value><DestinationEndpoint>Endpoint Name</DestinationEndpoint></age><rules>
oMetadata - "<rules><metadata><MetadataProperty>Metadata Property Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>Operator Value={=,<>,Contains,Begins,>=,<=}</Operator><Value>Metadata Value</Value><DestinationEndpoint>Endpoint Name</DestinationEndpoint></metadata></rules>
NOTE: For Operator, values (>=,<=,>,<, <>) cannot be entered directly; it will not work with the xml format. Instead, use the following syntax: < (<), > (>). |
NOTE:For optional metadata criteria on Age rules, <MetadataProperty>, <Operator> and <Value> need to be set as None if not being used. |
The following examples shows how to add archive rules to a profile. .
Age rule (one condition). This example shows how to create an age rule with a web application scope.
Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile p "SharePoint-30293" -RuleScope "wa:af97b4e9-7ef8-4d38-8df4-ec6082a10ad7" -ArchiveRuleType "age" RuleDefinitions "<rules><age><DateProperty>Created</DateProperty><Duration>1</Duration><Interval>day</Interval><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>=</Operator><Value>value metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP1</DestinationEndpoint></age></rules>"
Age rule (many conditions). This example shows how to create an age rule with a web application scope.
Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile p "SharePoint-30293" -RuleScope "wa:af97b4e9-7ef8-4d38-8df4-ec6082a10ad7" -ArchiveRuleType "age" RuleDefinitions "<rules><age><DateProperty>Created</DateProperty><Duration>1</Duration><Interval>day</Interval><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>=</Operator><Value>value metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP1</DestinationEndpoint></age><age><DateProperty>Modified</DateProperty><Duration>4</Duration><Interval>month</Interval><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>=</Operator><Value>value metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP2</DestinationEndpoint></age></rules>"
Age rule (without metadata). This example shows how to create an age rule with a web application scope.
Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile p "SharePoint-30293" -RuleScope "wa:af97b4e9-7ef8-4d38-8df4-ec6082a10ad7" -art "age" RuleDefinitions "<rules><age><DateProperty>Created</DateProperty><Duration>1</Duration><Interval>day</Interval><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>=</Operator><Value>value metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP1</DestinationEndpoint></age><age><DateProperty>Select</DateProperty><Duration>4</Duration><Interval>month</Interval><MetadataProperty>None</MetadataProperty><Operator>None</Operator><Value>None</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP2</DestinationEndpoint></age></rules>"
Metadata Rule (one condition). This example shows how to a create metadata rule with a web application scope:
Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile p "SharePoint-30293" -RuleScope "wa:af97b4e9-7ef8-4d38-8df4-ec6082a10ad7/cdb:51764237-af67-4f92-a570-a8abac87627b" -art "metadata" RuleDefinitions "<rules><metadata><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>=</Operator><Value>test metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP1</DestinationEndpoint></metadata></rules>"
Metadata Rule (one condition). This example shows how to a create metadata rule with a Web Application scope and using operator <>.
Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile p "SharePoint-30293" -rs "wa:af97b4e9-7ef8-4d38-8df4-ec6082a10ad7" -art "metadata" RuleDefinitions "<rules><metadata><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>< ></Operator><Value>test metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP1</DestinationEndpoint></metadata></rules>"
Metadata Rule (many conditions). This example shows how to a create metadata rule with a Web Application scope and Content DataBase:
Set-ArchiveRulesToProfile p "SharePoint-30293" -rs "wa:af97b4e9-7ef8-4d38-8df4-ec6082a10ad7/cdb:51764237-af67-4f92-a570-a8abac87627b" -art "metadata" RuleDefinitions "<rules><metadata><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>=</Operator><Value>test metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP1</DestinationEndpoint></metadata><metadata><MetadataProperty>Name</MetadataProperty><Operator>=</Operator><Value>test metadata</Value><DestinationEndpoint>EP1</DestinationEndpoint></metadata></rules>"
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