Plug‑in for MySQL supports multiple MySQL Instances from a single MySQL Server, and each individual instance must be configured for use. The configuration options available vary, based on the OS in use on the MySQL Server and whether you use the MySQL Standard/Community option or MySQL Enterprise Backup option.
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In the selection tree, open the applicable client node, and then select Plug‑in for MySQL. |
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On the Configure dialog box, complete the applicable fields: |
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MySQL Instance Name (required): Enter the applicable name for the instance of MySQL; by default, the local host name is used. This value is used in the NetVault Backup WebUI. |
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MySQL Edition (required): Select the applicable option: MySQL Standard/Community or MySQL Enterprise Backup. The version that you are using determines which options are modifiable on this dialog box. |
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Username and Password (required): Enter the user name and password. Use an account that allows sufficient rights to read and write to the tables in the MySQL Instance’s database that is to be targeted for backup and restore, for example, an account with administrator privileges. |
IMPORTANT: NetVault Backup references Username and Password values each time it attempts to access the MySQL database for a selected instance, that is, for both backups and restores. If either of these values is changed for the MySQL Instance, it must be updated in these fields; otherwise, NetVault Backup cannot access the instance and job requests fail. |
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MySQL Base Directory (required): Enter the complete path to the base directory where the MySQL program files reside. |
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Windows-based Server: To locate the directory on Windows, query the Windows Registry for the “Location” value. |
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Linux-or UNIX-based Server: With a default installation of MySQL, the directory is located as follows: |
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MySQL Bin Directory: Enter the complete path to the directory that contains the MySQL executable files on the MySQL Server. By default, the directory is as follows: |
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Mysqldump Path: Enter the complete path and filename for the mysqldump utility, which is used during the backup and restore process. If a default installation of MySQL was performed for the target instance, the default value might appear based on the OS in use on the MySQL Server: |
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TCP Port (for Windows-based servers only): Each instance of MySQL requires its own port value for proper access. Default installations of MySQL use port 3306, which is displayed in this field by default. If a different port has been set up for the selected instance, enter the correct value. |
IMPORTANT: If multiple instances exist on a single MySQL Server, each is assigned its own port value, and this value must be entered in the Port Number field. This value is equivalent to what is revealed for the “port=” value, as found in the “my.ini” file for each instance. |
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Socket File Path (for Linux- and UNIX-based servers only): Enter the path and filename of the MySQL socket file. If a default installation of MySQL was performed, a default value is displayed in this field. By default, the socket file is located in the following directory: |
IMPORTANT: If a standard installation of MySQL was performed on the MySQL Server and the default directory was used, the Socket File path should remain at its default setting. However, if a different directory was selected during installation, enter the correct location in this field. To determine this path, issue the following command from a terminal session prompt on the MySQL Server: “ show variables like ‘socket’ ” If the correct Socket File variable is not entered, the plug-in does not perform backups and restores. |
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Default Character Set: The default character set is latin1. If you want to use a different character set for encoding, such as UTF-8, select it from the list. |
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If you are using MySQL Standard/Community, complete the following fields: |
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MyISAM Backup Method: If your environment uses the MyISAM storage engine or table type, select this check box, and then select the applicable suboption. |
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Lock & Copy Table Files (default selection): To use the standard method of locking, flushing, and copying the table files, select this option. |
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Mysqldump: If the tables are subject to heavy use or loading, select this option to use the mysqldump utility instead of copying the tables. This setting might affect performance. |
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Enable MySQL Replication: If native MySQL Replication is enabled for this instance, select this check box. For more information, see Working with native MySQL replication. |
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Slave Instance: For replication-enabled instances, select this option if this instance is configured as a slave. |
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Master Instance: For replication-enabled instances, select this option if this instance is configured as the master. |
IMPORTANT: Do not select this option if you do not intend to configure replication; otherwise, backups fail. |
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Enable Point-In-Time Recovery: If you want to enable PIT backups and restores, select this check box. This setting lets you perform a recovery up to a point before, or after, data corruption occurs. To use this feature, enable the MySQL Binary Log as outlined in Enabling the Binary Log on the MySQL Server (Standard/Community option only). |
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Binary Log Index Path: If you selected the Enable Point in Time Recovery check box, use this field to specify the complete path to the Binary Log Index file. By default, the path and file are as follows: |
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Relay Log Index Path: If you are configuring a Slave Instance, enter the complete path to the Relay Log Index file to include it in backups. |
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If you are using MySQL Enterprise Backup, complete the required Mysqlbackup Path field by entering the complete path to the directory where the mysqlbackup utility resides. |
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Open the Plug‑in for MySQL node, and select the applicable instance. |
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IMPORTANT: In the Edit version, the MySQL Instance Name field is disabled. This field is for information only and displays the name of the selected instance. |
MySQL backup jobs typically include multiple storage engines, databases, and tables. Occasionally during the execution of a backup job, an unsupported storage engine is encountered or a database or table is inaccessible. If this situation is encountered, it prevents one or more items from being backed up successfully, but the remaining items selected in the backup job are backed up. A MySQL DBA must determine what action should be taken when these conditions are encountered:
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In the Navigation pane, click Change Settings. |
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Locked Table: This issue occurs when a table selected for inclusion in the backup is locked by a client session other than the plug-in. |
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Manually Selected Table Unavailable: This issue occurs when an individual table is unavailable for backup for any reason, such as being dropped since the backup job was defined |
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Manually Selected Database Unavailable: This issue occurs when an individual database is unavailable for backup for any reason, such as being dropped since the backup job was defined |
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Unsupported Storage Engine: This issue occurs when a table is encountered during the backup that has a type of storage engine that the plug-in does not support. |
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Complete with Warnings — Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Completed with warnings” and a backup saveset is created that includes the items that were successfully backed up. |
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Complete without Warnings — Saveset Retained: The job completes and returns a status of “Backup Completed.” The errors are logged in the NetVault Backup binary logs and ignored on the Job Status page. A backup saveset is created that includes the items that were backed up. |
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Fail — Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Failed.” However, a backup saveset is generated that includes the items that were successfully backed up. |
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Fail — No Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Failed” and no saveset of backed-up objects is kept. That is, even if some of the objects were successfully backed up, the saveset is discarded. |
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To save the settings, click Apply. |
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