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DR Series Software 3.2.6 - Command Line Reference Guide

Notes, cautions, and warnings *** Introduction to the DR Series System Command Line Reference Guide Introducing the DR Series System Managing the DR Series System
Alerts Commands Authenticate Commands Network
Network Command Usage network --show network --delete network --restart network --setdhcp network --setstatic_ip [--bondif <bondN>] [--nwif <ethN>] --ip <IPv4/IPv6 address not already in use> --netmask <netmask> [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --create_bond network --create_eth network --add_member network --setdns [--suffix <dns suffix>] [--primary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--secondary <IPv4/IPv6 address>] network --setbonding --bondif <bondN> [--mode <ALB | 802.3ad>] [--mtu <supported MTU range 512 - 9000>] network --update network --factory_reset network --host network --route network --nslookup --destination <ip address | hostname> network --traceroute --destination <ip address | hostname> network --ping --destination <ip address | hostname> [--tries <number>] [--size <number>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --blink network --enable network --disable network --troubleshoot [--links] [--gateway] [--ntp] [--dns] [--active_domain] [--nis] [--clients] [--port_mapper] [--network_config] [--show_active <NFS|CIFS|OST|NDMP|ISCSI|RDS>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --troubleshoot --gateway --interface <bondN | ethN> network --troubleshoot [--show_active <NFS| CIFS|OST|NDMP|ISCSI|RDS>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] [--file_size <0 - 100>] [--stop] [--host <ip address list>] [--interface <bondN | ethN>] network --tcpdump [--pkt_size <128 - 32768>] network --tcpdump [--file_size <0 - 100>] network --tcpdump [--host <ip address list>] network --tcpdump [--port <nfs | windows | replication | ost | rds>] network --iperf_client --server <ip address | hostname> [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB]>] [--interval <num seconds>] [--time <num seconds>] network --iperf_server [--port <number>] [--window_size <num bytes [KB/MB>] network --help
OST RDA Stats System
System Command Usage system --show [--config] system --show [--hardware] system --show [--storage] [--type <boot | internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] system --show [--storage] system --show [--license] [--verbose] system --show [--ntp] system --show [--version] system --show [--timezones [Region]] system --show [--upgradefile] system --show [--upgradehistory] system --show [--marker] system --show [--replication_traffic] system --show [--opdup_traffic] system --show [--backup_traffic] system --show [--mgmt_traffic] system --reboot system --shutdown system --upgrade system --license [--validate] [--add] system --setname --name <node_name> system --setcompression [--fast] [--balanced] [--best] system --setdate [--date <date>] [--timezone <Region/Zone>] system --setntp [--add <server name>] system --setntp [--delete <server name>] system --setntp [--enable] system --setntp [--disable] system --setntp [--adjust_time] system --setlogin system --telnet [--enable | --disable] system --datacheck --enable system --datacheck --disable system --datacheck --throttle system --marker [--enable] [--disable] system --marker [--disable] system --marker [--enable] system --add_storage --enclosure <service tag> system --storage [--set_usage_alert <70% - 90%>] system --storage [--blink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num>] system --storage [--unblink] [--type <internal | external>] [--service_tag <service tag>] [--disk <slot num> system --storage [--extend] system --mgmt_traffic system --backup_traffic system --replication_traffic system --opdup_traffic system --encryption --show system --encryption --passphrase system --encryption [--mode <static|internal>] [--interval <7 days to 70 years>] system --encryption [--set <ON|OFF>] system --help
User Virtual Machine
Maintaining the DR Series System
Diagnostics Maintenance
Maintenance Command Usage maintenance --filesystem [--start_scan [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata]] maintenance --filesystem [--stop_scan] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_status] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_report [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_status [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_history [verbose]] maintenance --filesystem [--scan_restart [verify_data | verify_rda_metadata | verify_metadata]] maintenance --filesystem [--repair_now] maintenance --filesystem [--reclaim_space] maintenance --filesystem [--stop_reclaim_space] maintenance --filesystem [--clear_quarantine] maintenance --filesystem --show_throughput maintenance --configuration [--backup] maintenance --configuration [--restore] maintenance --configuration [--reinit_dictionary] maintenance --configuration [--reset_web_certificate] maintenance --hardware [--reinit_nvram] maintenance --hardware [--restore_hw_db] maintenance --hardware [--motherboard_replaced] maintenance --disk [--make_standby [slot num]] [--type <internal | external-<num> | service tag>] --clear_foreign] maintenance --remote_access [--show] maintenance --remote_access [--enable] maintenance --remote_access [--racreset] maintenance --remote_access [--static_ip] [--ip <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--netmask <netmask>] [--gateway <IPv4/IPv6 address>] [--device <lom1|lom2|lom3|lom4>] maintenance --remote access [--disable] maintenance --vdisk --check_consistency --type <boot|internal|external> [--service_tag <service tag>] maintenance --help
Managing DR Series System Storage Operations
System Storage Operation Commands Connection Container VTL NDMP ISCSI Replication Seed Schedule
Data Integrity Checking Additional Linux Commands

connection --help


connection --help



    connection --show [--name <name>]
         [--type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS|NDMP|ISCSI>]

    connection --add --name <name>
         [--type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS|NDMP|ISCSI>]
         [--clients <ip_address>]
         [--dma <ip_address>]
         [--initiator <IQN, ip_address(es), or hostname>]
         [--rootmap <nobody|root|administrator>]
         [--options <NFS|CIFS mount export options>]
         [--capacity <Positive decimal number>]

    connection --update --name <name>
         --type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS|NDMP|ISCSI>
         [--clients <ip_address>]
         [--dma <ip_address>]
         [--initiator <IQN, ip_address(es), or hostname>]
         [--rootmap <nobody|root|administrator>]
         [--options <NFS|CIFS mount export options>]
         [--capacity <Positive decimal number>]

    connection --delete --name <name>
         --type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS|NDMP|ISCSI>
         [--clients <ip_address>]

    connection --enable --name <name>
         --type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS>

    connection --disable --name <name>
         --type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS>

 connection --help
 connection <command> <command-arguments>
 <command> can be one of:
                --show      Displays the current connections on a container.
                --add       Adds a new connection to a container.
                --update    Updates an existing connection.
                --delete    Deletes an existing connection.
                --enable    Enables access to a container through a connection.
                --disable   Disables access to a container through a connection.

For command-specific help, please type connection --help <command>
connection --help show


Container Command Usage

container --show


container –-show


Container Entries are:
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